Chapter 57: Back To The Heavenly Realm.

Back in the demonic realm Diana and her group were facing off Joyce's mother's army. Obed was still being tortured by Ellen and Joyce's mother and Diana couldn't watch her cousin being tortured like started. "ATTACK", shouted Diana. Soon the two groups attacked. Meanwhile, Obed was still being tortured by Joyce's mother and was bleeding. After a couple of minutes, a black ball came out of Obed's system. "It's done", said Joyce's mother. Joyce's mother then held the ball and said to Ellen and Joyce. "Let's move, I've gotten the demonic ability", said, mother. The demons, Ellen and Joyce retreated, and then a black smoke appeared. Soon, they disappeared. Diana then came to where they tortured Obed and saw that there was a large hole in Obed's chest. Diana started to cry and called out Obed's name several times but there was no response. Diana then lifted

Meanwhile back in the heavenly realm Wood and the other elders were having a conversation about Obed's school life and other things. Soon, a portal opened, and there came Diana and the group, and then the portal closed. Everyone started to smile until Diana showed them Obed's body. "They took his demonic ability", said Diana. "We were too late to save him", she continued and then cried. Dora got up from her seat and came to where Diana was. She saw the hole in Obed's body and cried. "My son, my only son", said Dora. Wood then also followed and saw his master's body. "OMG", said Wood. "Master", he continued as he was stammering. Soon everyone in the room was watching the body and then God appeared. Diana then knelt before God and saw Obed's body. God's face fell when he saw Obed's body. God then used his telekinesis to carry Obed and sent him to his place. "In the meantime, everyone should stay calm", said God as he was addressing his elders then he left. Then the. elders left the room and went their separate ways. Diana's group also left the room and it was left with two people in the room, Wood and Diana. "Aren't you leaving", said Wood. He's my cousin so I ain't leaving today or tomorrow until I see him fully recovered. Meanwhile, in God's place, God was healing him. "To be able to defeat the demons he must acquire a certain level. He has very able and cannot defeat the next rank of the demons", said God. God then used his ability to form a heart. "This heart is no ordinary heart", he said to himself. "The heart determines which side of his ability he wants to use whether the heavenly ability or the demonic ability", he continued. One half was a demonic heart and the other half is a Godly heart. After talking, God implanted the heart inside Obed's body and then closed the seal of his body. For Obed to use the Godly ability, "I must transfer some of the ability to him", the Lord said. God then went to his cabinet and reached for a bottle. "This bottle contains the ability of the dead, said God. Obed's ability was a transformation ability. No one in the demonic realm has that ability", said God. Immediately, God placed the bottle in Obed's mouth and Obed drank it. After a couple of seconds, Obed's eyes opened and were transforming into many dead gods. "What's this", said Obed. This ability helps you to transform to dead God's and the moment you transform, your HP increases alongside your strength and IQ. "Sick", said Obed. Obed then transformed to his father's image. "God, whose image is this", said Obed. "This is your father's image", said God. "So you mean, my Dad is dead", asked Obed. God nodded his head in agreement and tears fell from Obed's eyes. Don't worry, as long as you have this ability, you can communicate with him. Obed smiled at God and bowed his head to him. God then came close to Obed and pat his head. God then went to his mirror and summoned all his elders to come to the room.

Meanwhile, Wood and Diana were sleeping in the room and they heard footsteps approaching. They saw the elders coming back to the room and taking their seats. "What's going on", said Diana. "God called us here for an important meeting", said one of the elders. Just as they were talking, God arrived but without Obed. "Welcome my friends", said God. "I called you all out here because I know that you are all worried about Obed", he continued. Anyway, I would like you all to see the new Obed. Obed then came out from where arrived and Obed was in the form of his father. "Is that Obed", said one of the elders. "You gave him the transforming ability", said Dora. "Yes I did", said God. Only did I give him a transformation ability, Obed then lifted his shirt. "I divided his heart into Godly and Demonic parts so that he can decide on what to use when fighting", said God.

Now back to the main reason why I called you all here. "The demonic realm is advancing and Lucifer would be planning his next attack on us very soon. If he kills me, he'll begin to call in the aliens to take over the world and use humanity as their slaves", said God. I'll be sending Obed back to the demonic with Diana to kill his friend, Joyce. But Lord, I can't kill my friend, said Obed. "It's for your good and your world", said Dora. If you won't kill her, Diana will do it, said God. Obed then nodded his head and went to the elders. I'm going to kill whoever is going to be the reigning demon prince/princess and I'll take back what's rightfully mine. "Obed, after defeating whoever becomes the demon prince/princess, come back here so that I can check on the demon ability. By now they have enhanced its ability to an intermediate level", said God. Obed nodded his well and went to Diana. "Are you ready", said Obed. "I'm always ready for a fight", replied Diana. Finally, God transported them to the demonic realm where Obed is going to face off his best friend who is now his enemy JOYCE.

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