Chapter 65: IT'S CHRISTMAS

"Obed, wake up, it's Christmas", said Linda as she barged into Obed's room and jumped on his belly. Obed then held Linda by her hands and got up. "Merry Christmas to you too", replied Obed as he was leaving the room.

Obed came downstairs and he saw food on the dining table. He saw his friends surrounding the table alongside Wood. "Well, what's going on guys", asked Obed. The whole room was silent as asked that question. Obed took his seat and his butt slipped as he fell hard. His friends laughed and they shouted, "Merry Christmas Obed." Obed then got up from the ground and saw that his friends intentionally placed grease on his chair. The group all sat down and then gave thanks to the Lord and then started to eat.

The friends began to talk about strange things as Obed was listening to whiles eating. Obed's system was also storing some information about what his friends were saying. After a long talk, Michael asked Obed a question. "So what do you have to tell us Obed." Obed then smiled and replied. "I'm going to talk about the flaming sword." Everybody in the room gasped. "What is this flaming sword", asked Barns. "Never heard of that before", Barns continued. Obed then started his speech.

The Flaming Sword

TYPE Divine

EFFECTS Complete eradication from existence


Knowledge of God

Universal Slicing

Super Strength

SOURCE Unexplained

USERS Angels

Azrael (in possession of the Blade of Death and Medallion Of Life)

The Flaming Sword is a phenomenally powerful divine weapon. God split the sword into three pieces during Lucifer Morningstar's rebellion. The Flaming Sword is the most powerful weapon in the Universe. The Flaming Sword is a divine weapon, powerful enough that it can eradicate any being in the Universe, including Gods (at least while they are in a weakened state). The weapon has the power to cut through virtually anything, including, as proven by Lucifer, the fabric of reality.

The primary component of the sword is the Blade of Death, also known as Azrael's Blade. Much like its name suggests, it is a weapon wielded by Azrael, the Angel of Death, and is capable of eradication on its own. Another piece, the Medallion of Life, was left on Earth and is capable of [[healing while also granting divine knowledge to the wearer. The third piece, The Key, generally known as Amenadiel's necklace, binds the parts together. It was left in the possession of 'God's Favorite Son', which is later shown to be Amenadiel. The necklace is capable of lending its strength to whoever holds it, even making it possible for Humans to overpower Angels if they own it. When Azrael's Blade is not on Earth, the other two pieces remain inactive.

When all of the pieces are combined, the sword's flames will extend to the size and shape of an entire sword's length.

It was God who chose to split the flaming sword into three pieces – Azrael's Blade, the Medallion of Life, and Amenadiel's necklace – as he felt this would make Lucifer less likely to use it against him.

Azrael is the angel of death wields Azrael's blade.

Medallion of Life is also wielded by Azrael.

Amenadiel's Necklace, also known as The Key, is the third piece of the Flaming Sword, acting as the strength that binds the sword together.

Michael sought Amenadiel's necklace to complete the Flaming Sword, Gabriel having recovered the other pieces from Goddess' universe. It's revealed that a morgue tech stole the necklace from Caleb's body and eventually sold it to TJ Ross who is granted superhuman strength by it.

The Flaming Sword is a divine weapon, powerful enough that it can eradicate any being in the Universe, including Gods (at least while they are in a weakened state). The weapon has the power to cut through virtually anything, including, as proven by Lucifer, the fabric of reality. "And why did you tell us this Obed", asked Chris. Obed then answered. "Because I'm on a mission to retrieve the 3 pieces". "But you can't", said Angel. "And why do you say so", asked Obed. "Hearing the things you just told us about the flaming sword, no one can fight an Angel of Death. Also, Chloe is way more powerful with that necklace in hand", replied Angel. Obed then bowed down his head and laughed. "Why are you laughing", asked Florence. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine", said Obed. Anyway, let's have this Christmas season a wonderful one. His friends were surprised at Obed's reaction to Florence's question. Then Obed went to fetch for his boom box and played some songs.

Meanwhile back in Panster College, Sir Nate was being questioned by Miss Pearl for skipping class and that it is a teacher's responsibility to always be in class and school.

Sir Nate apologized to Miss Pearl at left her office. Sir Nate then went to the school park and took out an orb from his jacket. "Master, everything is clear. Why don't we send some of your servants to attack the so-called demigod", asked Sir Nate? "That won't be necessary. Let's just wait for them on the reopening day then our plan will take action", said the Orb. Sir Nate then placed the orb back in his jacket and turned around. A sick smile appeared on his face and his shadow changed to a demonic figure with crowns on his head. Sir Nate then took out the orb again to see where Obed was. His Orb then showed Obed and his friends in his house having fun.

"Don't worry Obed, enjoy your Christmas season but when the school resumes, you will die just like how your father died", said Sir Nate. Sir Nate then placed the orb back in his jacket and left the park. He then returned to the head's office and they then began to talk about how they are spending their Christmas.