Chapter 66: Another Weird Dream

03:09 am

"What's going on, what's happening to my body and my system? I can't even sleep", said Obed.

Name: Obed Gore

School: Panster College

Year: 1

Level: 6

Rank: ??

Division: ??

Pet(s): Wood

Ability(s): Electric manipulation

Family: None

"Why this", said Obed. "Why I'm I seeing this", he continued.

Exp: 20

HP: 60%

Magnus was then operating on Obed's info. "My master, I'm afraid there is an explanation for your info", said Magnus. "You see it's been 3-4 months now and you haven't checked your info, so it is mandatory to check your info", said Magnus. "Currently, you have just a pet, no rank, no division, and even no family", Magnus continued. Obed was startled when Magnus said that. "What do you mean by I have no family", screamed Obed. "I have a family", Obed continued.


"Obed is something the matter", said Florence who was in front of Obed's door outside. "Everything is fine just head and sleep okay", replied Obed. Obed then heads the footsteps of Florence fading.

"Now, tell me why I have no family", said Obed as he got back to the system. "Family doesn't mean your real family but you must create a family out of your ability by giving them out. This will make you even stronger than how you are. You can get servants, kings, dukes, and what have you", said Magnus. , "So what you are trying to say is I create a family out of my ability", asked Obed. "That's correct, master", said Magnus.

07:00 am.

Obed woke up and looked at the clock beside his bed. "Great, it's 7 in the morning. I barely slept last night", said Obed. Obed then raised himself from the bed.


"Florence, what are you doing here", said Obed. Obed was surprised to see Florence on his bed. "I thought I locked that door", thought Obed. "I see, she used her ability to open the door, fascinating", thought Obed.

Florence then woke up and raised herself off the bed. "Good morning Obed", said Florence. Obed's mouth was opened wide like a cave. "I heard you talking to someone last night and when you were done talking, I used my ability to enter your room, and then I slept", said Florence. Anyway, who were you talking to", asked Florence? "Oh great, so when I heard her footsteps fading, she didn't go, she was listening", thought Obed.

"I was talking to myself", Obed replied. Florence noticed that Obed was not speaking the truth but she didn't want to question him any longer. Florence and Obed both got out of the room and went to the hall. The moment they got there, Obed saw his friends sitting watching TV.

Good morning gu.


Obed held his cheek after that slap and questioned Linda, "What was that for." Linda was really angry at Obed and there came Angel.


"Would you guys stop that", pleaded Obed. "What did I do", Obed asked.

Angel then gave Obed another slap on the cheek. Obed held both sides of his cheek and looked at Florence. "You aren't even helping", shouted Obed as he was talking to Florence.

"I can't believe you slept with Florence yesterday", said Linda. "WHAT", shouted Obed. "Besides I didn't sleep with Florence she came to my room yesterday", said Obed.

Angel and Linda were surprised when Obed said that. "And how would we know if you are. speaking the truth", asked Linda. Obed then turned to look at Florence. "Why don't you ask Florence", Obed replied. Angel then approached Florence and questioned her. After questioning Florence, Angel then whispered to Linda and they all felt sad. They then approached Obed. "Well", said Obed.

Angel and Linda bowed down their heads and pleaded with Obed to forgive them. Obed them smiled at them and responded. "I will forgive you". Angel and Linda both felt free. "But", Obed continued. "For slapping me, you'll have to do all dishes till we reopen the school.

Angel and Linda became furious then Chris, Michael, and Burns intervened. "What's going on here", said Chris.

"WHAT", screamed Obed. "Does that mean you guys were asleep on the couch the whole time", he continued.

"I have to go and rest my head for a while", thought Obed. Obed then went to his bedroom and jumped on his bed.

"Magnus, play me a sweet song to calm my nerves", said Obed. Magnus then played some instrumentals music for his Master. Soon Obed fell asleep.

"Where am I", said Obed.

"Save us Blood Sucker", screamed one of the students at Panster College.

"What's going on", said Obed

Soon Obed saw an advanced alien at Panster university. "Blood Sucker", screamed a student. Obed then raced to where the student was but he was too late.

"You are too slow Obed", said a figure.

Obed then saw the figure's shadow. A demon, with a crown on his head.

Obed then saw Sir Ben, Miss Gloria, and Miss Pearl all vanishing.

"We'll meet soon Blood Sucker, we'll meet soon", said the figure.

As soon as the figure said that, Obed woke up from his sleep.

"That was a dream", he thought. "I can still hear his words", said Obed. "Who was that anyway", thought Obed. "When is this going to happen", said Obed. Obed had a lot of questions bothering his mind. "Did you see that Magnus", said Obed? "Yes, I saw everything", replied Magnus.

"Miss Pearl, Sir Ben, Miss Gloria, the students", said Obed. "I saw all of them but I didn't see Sir Nate", said Obed. "I also saw a shadow of a demon with a crown on its head", thought Obed. "Must it mean", thought Obed then he gasped?

Obed then raced to the hall and went to his friends. "Guys, we've found ourselves in a hard situation", said Obed. "Why Obed, what's wrong", said Barns. "I've just had the weirdest dream of my life and it involves, the teachers, the school, and even you guys", said Obed. "What are you talking about", said Linda.

"IT'S SIR NATE", said Obed. "What do you mean it's Sir Nate, said Florence.

Obed then sat down and told his friends about the dream he had.

"And how do you expect us to believe that", asked Michael. "Michael", said Florence, "I think what Obed is trying to say is true because I remember when Obed was eaten and fought with that alien on that planet, Obed had that dream and it came true", she continued.

Michael now remembered about that incident so as Chris. "So, what now", said Barns. Obed then sighed and answered. "The most important thing to note is that Sir Nate is a demon king", said Obed. "And what's so special about demon kings", asked Linda. Then, Wood appeared out of nowhere and answered Linda's question. "Because demon kings have the authority to raise people that they have slain from the dead." The whole group was now scared. "It would be a difficult task to slay a demon king and eventually Obed is no match for a demon king but he has to fight it", Wood continued.

"So what if Obed dies", screamed Angel. "I'm afraid we have no choice because none of you here can face him except Obed", said Wood. "Remember what God asked you to do, a quest to retrieve the pieces of the flaming sword", said Magnus. "I know that", Obed replied.

"So what are we going to do", asked Chris. "School is resuming tomorrow so we need to arrive at the school as soon as possible", said Obed.

"So what's the plan", asked Michael.

Obed then bowed his head down. "I'm afraid you'll have to leave early before I do", said Obed. "But why", asked Barns. "It's the only right decision to make", said Obed.

"I'll come to the school when it's nighttime. Just believe in me and I'll be there", Obed continued. His friends then nodded and then they all decided to wait for the Day to come then they would make their moves.