09:36 am
It's the day of reopening and everybody is getting ready to go to school. It's going to be a great day for most of the students while it's going to be an unexpected day for Obed's group as they noticed that Sir Nate is planning something evil. Chris, Michael, Barns, Florence, Linda, and Angel had already left Obed's house as they were heading to their own home to back.
"Master, are you sure you are going to be okay with Sir Nate", asked Wood. Obed was bamboozled by the question Wood had asked him. He then turned around stopped facing Wood and asked, "Why would you ask such a question". Wood then began to laugh and said, "Because he's the ruling demon king and it'll be difficult for someone like you to defeat him", said Wood. Obed was beginning to get scared. Then Obed received a phone call from Barns that they were done packing so they'll be waiting for Obed at the bus stop. Obed then sighed and replied, "You guys must not wait for me, use your ability and transport yourself to the school." Everyone was shocked by the response Obed gave. "But why", shouted Linda. Obed then smiled and then be replied, "I'll be there evening time so you go". After Obed said this, he hung up. "Why did he hang up, we must help him", said Florence. Michael then stopped Florence. "No, I think it's one of his plans so let's leave and go to the school. Besides, he knows what to do." Florence then looked at Michael and thanked him. "Alright, let's move", said Barns. Then Florence created a portal and then they all jumped in.
Meanwhile, Obed and Wood were still in the house. "I'm sure they've left", said Obed. "Indeed", replied Wood. "Master, I've received information that after the fight you are to visit some mythological gods", said Magnus.
"And why should I visit mythological gods", asked Obed. Magnus then replied, "I'm afraid I can't tell you that unless you go and visit them."
"And how many are they", asked Obed. Magnus never gave Obed a response after Obed asked that question.
12:13 pm
"It's currently afternoon here, we've made it just in time", said Chris. "Now, all we've to do is to wait for Obed", he continued. "Well it looks like a third of the school has shown up", said Florence then she smiled. "But in the meantime, we should be checking if Sir Nate is around", said Michael. The group all agreed and they headed to their dormitories to leave their luggage.
"What do you mean you can't tell me", shouted Obed. "What do they want from me anyway?", said Obed. "I've already gotten my answers already so what answers do they want to tell me now", Obed continued. "Save your breathe master when you meet them", said Magnus. "More importantly, I can only tell you one person you are likely to meet as part of the mythological gods", Magnus continued. Obed then turned around and asked, "who is it". "ZEUS", said Magnus. Wood then went berserk when Magnus mentioned Zeus's name. "Wood what's wrong", said Obed. "It appears there's a connection between you and Zeus that's why Wood is going berserk", said Magnus. Obed was now in a state of discomfiture. "What kind of connection", Obed asked. "That's why I said you should save your questions for now for they have answered", Magnus replied. Finally, Wood then turned to his animal form. In the meantime, it's getting to evening time so you must pack, said Magnus. Obed then went to his room and started packing.
Thirty minutes later, Obed finished packing and was ready to move to Panster College. Obed then got out of the room and reached the hallway door. Wood was now a pet transformed into a watch. Obed looked at the house one final time and then he left the house.
"It's 6:59 pm guys and Obed still isn't back", said Michael. "What are we going to do if Sir Nate attacks today", Michael continued. "Barns, why don't you try calling him", said Florence. Barns then pulled out his phone and called Obed. "I'm sorry guys but his phone is switched off", said Barns. "Then I guess we'll have to wait because he is the only person who isn't in school", said Florence. "Hey, have you noticed that we haven't seen Miss Pearl, Miss Gloria, and Sir Ben the whole of today", said Chris. "Yes, you are right", said Linda. "Come to think of it, they haven't been in the school only the security man", Linda continued. Then the group began to mumble and then the whole 1st year students assembled at the auditorium while the 2nd and 3rd-year students were in their dormitories.
"Hey, Life Sucker isn't here", said a student.
"Is he dead?", said another student.
Then the whole school began to get scared.
An hour, an hour and a half, still no sign of Life Sucker.
"Where's Life Sucker", shouted a student.
"Quiet okay, said Michael as he was also becoming to get scared.
Then they saw the security man opening the gate for someone.
"Could that be Obed", said Angel?
"It's Life Sucker", said a girl.
"Hi guys", said Obed.
The whole school was screaming in happiness and most of the students were racing towards him but his friends intervened.
"What took you soo long", said Barns.
"Welcome back Life Sucker", said a guy.
"Anyway, we haven't seen or heard from Miss Pearl or any of the other teachers", said Michael.
Obed then sighed and then Wood went back to his animal form.
"Look, it's a dragon bird", shouted a student.
"KILL IT, KILL IT," shouted a student.
The students then activated their ice, air, fire abilities ready to kill Wood but Obed stopped them.
"THAT'S MY PET AND NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO KILL IT", said Obed as he stood in front of the mob. The students were shocked when Obed said pet. "Besides, it's NOT A DRAGON, ITS JUST A NORMAL BIRD", Obed continued.
Obed then took Wood and told him to go to the dormitory. Wood then left the auditorium and flew in the direction of the dormitory.
After Wood left, Miss Pearl and the other teachers arrived. "We are extremely sorry for the late delay", said Miss Pearl. "At last, just in time", said Michael. "Wait, where's sir Nate", said Obed. "Miss Pearl, please where's Sir Nate. I assume he isn't here is the", asked Obed. "We haven't seen him Obed", said Miss Pearl. "But I'm sure he'll be back by tomorrow", she continued. "Anyway, I want to officially welcome you all back to school", said Miss Pearl. Goodnight everyone. Everybody then took his/her leave and left the auditorium.
The next day, Obed and his group were in the cafeteria. "I can't believe it that Sir Nate didn't show up yesterday, what's going on", asked Michael. The whole cafeteria was silent until it was time for training. The whole 1st year then went to the training room. Soon, they arrived at the training room and they saw Miss Pearl, Sir Ben, and Miss Gloria in the training room. I wish to inform all students that they have been promoted to 2nd year. The students in the room became excited whiles others were shedding tears of joy.
"Anyway, it's time for training and Sir Nate isn't around again so Miss Pearl will replace Sir Nate", said Miss Pearl. "Anyway this is how the training is going to be like", Miss Pearl continued. As soon as she was about to continue her speech, something unexpected happened. The whole light in the room began to go dim and suddenly went out. Thirty seconds later, the light came back and they saw knights with swords. "This is the training", shouted a student. "No", shouted Miss Pearl. "This is someone's doing", Miss Pearl continued. The knights then raced towards Obed only and then Florence and Chris used their ability to kill the knights. "Just as I expected, dead servants", said Obed.
After killing them, there appeared Sir Nate in a black cloak. "Sorry to interrupt Miss Pearl, but I'll take over from here", said Sir Nate. " WHAT THE HELL, MR. NATE, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU DOING.", as Sir Ben raced towards Sir Nate. Sir Nate then used his ability use raise his dead servants as they attacked Sir Ben. Sir Ben then fell to the ground and Miss Gloria went to use her healing ability on him. "There must be an explanation to this situation", said Miss Gloria. "There is an explanation", said Sir Nate. "All I need to do is to kill Life Sucker and take away his electric ability", Sir Nate said. "So he figured it out", thought Obed. The students were shocked to hear what Sir Nate had just said about killing Life Sucker. Sir Nate then used the ability to raise more dead servants. "Guard the students", commanded Sir Nate. "These dead servants are the ones I killed long ago before obtaining the title demon king", said Sir Nate. "So he's a demon lord", said a student. Sir Nate then turned his attention as he saw Obed standing there and he smiled. It's been a while LIFE SUCKER, welcome back", said Sir Nate.