Chapter 68: "Obed, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"It appears we have met Life Sucker", said Sir Nate. "What do you want", asked Obed. "Ooooo, I wanted to know how you knew I was the one who wants to hunt you", asked Sir Nate. "That's none of your damn business", said Obed as he got angry.

Name: Sir Nate

Level: 20

Class: Demon

"What the....", said Obed. "A level 50 user", Obed continued. Obed now understood why Sir Nate was that strong.

"Surprised huh", replied Sir Nate. "You cannot defeat me with that ability of yours", he continued.

Everyone was shocked by what Sir Nate said. "Damn you", said Obed.

Obed then kicked Sir Nate and he went flying and fell in the school park.

"Interesting", said Sir Nate.

Obed then jumped out from the school block and went to the school park as well as the students and the teachers.

"You've got nerves boy", said Sir Nate.

Obed got even angrier and activated his human liquid ability. Obed then raced towards Sir Nate but Sir Nate was quick enough to see Obed.

"WHAT THE FUCK", said Obed.

"Surprised right", said Sir Nate. "Even though you are liquid, I can see where you are", he continued.

Obed then deactivated his liquid ability. After Obed deactivated his ability, Sir Nate raced towards Obed and struck the first blow. Obed was forced to push back as he hit the school post.

"OBED", screamed Florence.

Florence started to race to where Obed was but was caught by Linda.

"Let go of me, Let go of me", screamed Florence.

"If you go, you can get killed", said Michael as he approached Florence.

Florence then hugged Michael and began to cry.

"Obed, Obed", cried Florence.

Meanwhile, Obed was struggling to get up as he hit the post not too long ago. Sir Nate then raced towards Obed and slammed his head onto the ground. Obed then spat out blood and his head was slammed onto the ground.

"Come on Obed, show me your electric ability", said Sir Nate.

"Show me what you are made of", screamed Sir Nate.

Obed then activated his demonic ability to its full extent and it hurt Sir Nate. Everyone in the school was shocked including Sir Nate. "What's going on", said Florence. "From what I'm witnessing, it looks like his ability is taken over his body", said Michael.

"WHAT", said Florence. "Which means", she continued.

Sir Nate then raced and punched Obed in the gut. As soon as he punched Obed's gut, the whole pitch was covered in dust. Sir Nate began to smile and then his face suddenly changed. Obed didn't move an inch after Sir Nate punched him.

"Obed didn't move, what the hell", said Chris.

As soon as Chris said that, a voice behind them was heard.

"That's his Superhuman durability", said Diana. "He has the power to withstand strikes and blows that would've permanently incapacitated if not kill an ordinary mortal, only leaving them momentarily dazed instead", Diana continued. "What the hell", said Michael. "However", said Diana, "Demigods are not invincible, however, and can still be killed if not careful, hence why a good portion of them wear armor in battle." "So which means Obed can die, right", said Chris. Obed then held Sir Nate by the neck as they went out of Earth. "Where's Obed taking him", asked Linda. "Don't worry, they'll be back", said Diana. "By the way, who are you", asked Miss Pearl. "My apologies, my name is Diana and I'm Obed's cousin", said Diana.

Meanwhile, Obed and Sir Nate went out of Earth and Obed held Sir Nate's head and came back to Earth slamming his head against the post. "What speed", said Miss Pearl. That's the second power of his demigod ability, SUPERHUMAN SPEED. Demigods were swift, especially in the midst of combat as the fastest demigods were described to be a 'blur' when their chosen weapons clash with their intended opponent. While the speed of a demigod truly shined in the combat department, their running and moving speed were nearly just as exceptional, as they were shown to occasionally outpace the speed of inhumanly fast monsters during a chase and complete several yards within just a few moments. "So are you saying Obed's speed is 2-3 times faster than Sir Nate's speed", said Angel. "This is not the only power he has", said Diana. "He has superhuman strength", she continued. Demigods are far stronger than mortals. Their physical might was extremely variable, however, as their robustness heavily depended on their parentage and how frequently they performed rigorous physical exercise and training. But despite that, almost all of them were shown to at least be stronger than what they should be for their age, capable of lifting their weight and beyond. The strongest of demigods are capable of wrestling with brute monsters and choke-holding deities. Above-Normal Healing Factor. While Obed did not necessarily have a 'healing factor' as their healing rate was still very much comparable to norms, demigods nonetheless had a greater recovery time by a fair margin. Most are usually able to hop back up from wounds that would require a great deal of rest for humans in a hospital bed after the proper stitches were made in a short amount of time. Ambrosia and Nectar are capable of augmenting their natural healing rate to abnormal levels to the point they need very little medical attention. "He has a whole lot which I can't mention all", Diana continued. Meanwhile, back to the fight,

"What kind of power is this", thought Sir Nate. "No, I cannot let him defeat me or kill me". "I must do something", Sir Nate continued. Sir Nate then got up from the ground and half of his face was covered in blood as well as Obed. "I cannot let you defeat me Obed", said Sir Nate.

Then, Sir Nate snapped his fingers and out of nowhere 3, advanced tier aliens appeared. "Till we meet again Life Sucker, then he vanished". Obed couldn't control his power because his power was controlled by him. One of the advance tier beasts raced towards Obed for an attack then Florence blocked the attack. "I thought I told you to stay out of this. Michael, Chris, Linda, and Angel were with Obed as well. The advanced tier aliens were hard to defeat. One of the advanced tier aliens headed towards Florence and Linda. The other headed towards Chris and Michael. Whiles the last one headed towards Angel and Obed.

The battle was a hard nut to crack because of their ability. "I can't believe it", said Linda. "They have healing factor", she continued.

"We can't defeat them like this, we need to retreat", said Obed as he was still being controlled by his power. As they were leaving, one of the advanced tier aliens caught Obed by the leg and punched him on the chest. Obed then fell unconscious. Florence then turned around and saw Obed on the ground. "OBED!!!", she screamed. Then one of the punched Obed in the stomach and a hole was created. "OBED NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!", screamed Obed's group.

Florence and Obed's group were shocked at what they have just seen. "Obed is, is, is, dead", said Linda as she was shivering. The whole school was shocked as well as Diana. "But how", thought Diana. Florence, Linda, Diana, Chris, Angel, Miss Pearl, Miss Gloria, and the other students went to we're Obed was and attacked the aliens. Everyone in the school was furious. Even though the aliens had a healing factor, the students and teachers were able to kill and defeat all the aliens.

After the battle, Florence then went to where Obed was and held him. Miss Pearl got closer and saw the hole on Obed's chest.

OBED NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!