"Wait, where I'm I", said Obed.
"I thought I was dead", he said to himself.
"I can't communicate with any of my crew", Obed announced.
"It assumes you have made it here", said a voice.
"Who are you", Obed said as he unleashed his electric ability.
"You know, you can't defeat me with that ability", said the voice. "You are still weak", it continued. "What do you imply I'm still weak", asked Obed. Then a figure appeared before Obed. "Because you have still not mastered your electric ability", said the voice. "I'm Charles, and I've been sent here by your father to meet you".
Obed was appalled when Charles said the father. "What do you mean by father", asked Obed. "I already have a father", Obed continued. "Don't worry, all your issues will be answered by the great one", said Charles. "WHICH GREAT ONE", screamed Obed. "You'll see but first, I would need you to hold my hand", replied Charles.
Obed then trekked towards Charles. "How can I trust you in this", said Obed. Charles didn't reply to Obed's question. Obed then held Charles's hand. As soon as Obed held his hand, he felt a shock from his torso as they were being teleported to an electric world. "Don't tell me, he also has an electric ability" then they vanished.
Back on Earth, Florence and crew as well as Diana, the students, and teachers were stunned. "What now Miss Pearl", inquired Miss Gloria. Florence who was still holding Obed's body placed his body in the auditorium.
"Fellow students and teachers, I would like to tell you that there would be no class this week", said Miss Pearl. "As you can see, our student here has died and.....", she continued as she was crying. Miss Gloria then mounted on the podium to console Miss Pearl. "I believe everyone must return to their dormitories now", said Miss Gloria.
"I refuse to go back to the dormitory", replied Florence. "I'm staying here until Obed comes back", she continued. "What do you mean by coming back, are you nuts", asked Gloria. "The boy is dead and you are thinking that he'll revive", she continued. "Yes, that's what I believe", said Florence.
"All those who believe that Obed will revive should stay and those who think he won't revive should head back to the dormitories", said Miss Gloria. All of the 3rd years left the auditorium including Barns. "Barns, you too", said Florence. "I'm sorry Florence, but it's over, he's gone", said Barns then he left. All of the 2nd and 1st-year students also began to leave including Angel, Chris, Michael, Linda. "You guys too", said Florence as tears began to flow from her eyes. "We're sorry Florence but Obed is gone and you must also leave", said Linda. Florence then looked at Obed's body and left the auditorium. "Florence, we...", said Linda as she was about to ask Florence a question. "Don't you there mention my name Linda including you guys", said Florence as was getting angry. Florence then furiously left the auditorium without telling her crew where she was going. "What now Linda", asked Angel.
Meanwhile, back to the electric world, Obed was being sent to the electric world by Charles. As soon as they arrived, Obed was amazed to find people who only wielded electric ability or powers. The place was full of electric ability.
"Now let me lead you to my master", said Charles. Obed and Charles then headed to the largest castle in the electric world. "So if I may ask, who created this world anyway", asked Obed. Charles was surprised at the question Obed asked him. "You'll know soon", Charles replied.
Finally, they reached the castle, and the guards allowed them in because they could possess electric power. "My fellow elders, the master's son is here", said Charles. Obed saw 7 elders around the table along with Charles making 8 elders. "It's a pleasure to meet you guys, my name is....", said Obed as he interfered. "Obed Gore correct", said one of the elders.
"How did you know", asked Obed.
"We've been watching you over and over and over and even our master has been wanting to meet you in person", said one elder.
*Don't forget you are dead", said Charles.
"Wait, where did Sir Nate go", asked Obed.
"Don't worry, you'll soon catch up with him", said one elder. "Alright enough already, where's the master", asked Charles.
"Indeed", said one elder.
"Mr. Obed, please stand next to me please", said the elder.
Obed then moved from his initial position and stood next to the elder. The elder used his electric ability to form a portal. "Wait, where are you taking me", asked Obed. "To your father", said the elder then Obed disappeared. "You sure he'll be okay", asked Charles. Then the elder smiled.
A few minutes later, Obed arrived at another place. A place is similar to the electric world. A place of thunder and lighting. Then Obed saw a man on a throne dressed in a white robe. "Who are you", asked Obed. "Welcome home son", said Zeus.
"As I said earlier, I already gave a father", said Obed as he used his electric ability on Zeus. Zeus then blocked Obed's attack. "It can't be", said Obed. "It's, it's Zeus", he continued. "It's been a while son since you were born", said Zeus. "Dad!!", said Obed. "Indeed, you were born here before I sent you to Earth your biological mother who is a demigod, and your father who died in the hands of the aliens and demons", said Zeus.
*Why did you bring me here, why did you want to see me", asked Obed. "That's a good question", replied Zeus. "You know any of my other sons won't have asked this question", said Zeus. "Just get straight to the point Dad", said Obed. "Well, I brought you here because you are weak and you need to get strong", replied Zeus. "Wait, weak, but my level...", said Obed. "I don't care about your level. If it's even your level, then why did you die in the hands of an advanced tier alien", said Zeus as he asked Obed. "I, I, said Obed as he was murmuring. "Come here and have a look", said Zeus as he was pointing to Obed. Obed came closer and saw his body in the auditorium. He also saw his friends weeping. I
"Now you get it", said Zeus. Obed then knelt on his knees and started to cry. "I want to be strong. I want to be powerful enough to defend my friends. Not only my friends but my family and the world", cried Obed. "I see", said Zeus. Then I'm coming to give you my power. "As you can see, I'm getting old and one must take over the throne", Zeus continued. "Wait, do you mean you are giving me all of your power", asked Obed. Zeus then nodded his head in a yes response. "But you can't do that Dad", said Obed. "I can't only take over the electric world", said Obed. "YES YOU CAN", screamed Obed as the rocks in the palace began to raise. "YOU ARE MY SON AND THE ONE THAT I TRUST SO YOU MUST TAKE OVER THE ELECTRIC WORLD. PROTECT IT WITH ALL YOUR HEART", said Zeus. Obed now saw Zeus half power. "Okay I'll accept your power", said Obed.
Zeus then sent his ability to transfer mode. "These are the abilities I'm giving to you", said Zeus.
THUNDERBOLTS: Obed, from now on, you'll have the power to wield thunderbolts. You'll do this by concentrating vast amounts of energy in your hands, then aiming and hurling thunderbolts at your targets. Your bolts would shear mountains, vaporize islands, incinerate entire cities and even boil the seas. Your bolt will also be capable of destroying the bodies of mortals, and even gods.
CONTROL OVER THE ELEMENTS: Since I'm the God of the sky, I will hand over to you absolute control over elements such as winds, thunderstorms, rain, moisture, clouds, lightning, and weather. You'll also have the ability to control the movement of stars, govern the functioning of day and night, control the effects of time and decide the lifespan of mortals.
SHAPE-SHIFT: Another great ability I had was that I was able to shapeshift or transform myself into other forms at will. Accounts of this ability are mainly witnessed in the tales of my sexual escapades. My disguises included that of an eagle, a satyr, a flame of fire, a phoenix, a shower of gold, a bull, an ant, an eagle, a shower, a lapwing, a swan, a star, a bear, a shepherd, a goose, a serpent and a vulture. I will also hand over this ability to you.
CONTROLLING HUMANS: While serving as the god of the human race, I presided and controlled elements of their societies including justice, law, honor, order, keeping of oaths, zeal, hospitality, and leadership. I could control the events of the battle and would kill the ones who broke their oaths. Apart from being immortal, I'm immune to all mortal diseases and conventional injuries, so I hand this over to you.
As Obed received these abilities, his eyeballs became electric and will no longer be human eyeballs. Obed was now the ruler of the electric world. Obed then turned and looked on the ground and saw his Dad. Obed raced towards him and held him by the head. Zeus then looked into the eyes of his son and said these last words, "Protect what you need to protect because your brothers will become your enemies", said Zeus. After saying this, Zeus kicked the bucket and then vanished. Obed didn't understand what Zeus was trying to tell him. Obed screamed out loud to the extent that the throne of Zeus was divided into two. Obed didn't have to use any portal so far as he was a god so he went back to his electric world. As soon as Obed got there, the elders noticed that Obed was now the god of the electric world. The elders bowed their heads to Obed and then went to the porch of the palace. When Obed got to the porch, everyone in the electric world noticed that a new king has been born. They all bowed their heads in respect. "Now it's time for me to go back to my body right", said lord Obed. The elders then asked lord Obed whether he'll be back. Then Obed smiled and repeated what his father said, "Protect what you need to protect". After saying this Obed then vanished going into the earth realm to enter into his body.
"I can't wait to kick some ass", said Obed.