It's been 2 years since Obed had disappeared after the fight with his brother Bright and claimed his ability. The school was just how it was. It may seem everyone has forgotten about Obed. Michael and Chris have grown a little taller this time around. Barns has also started to show off his beard. Florence and Linda have also grown tall lately. Angel has also grown a little taller lately. Miss Pearl, Miss Gloria, Sir Ben also were in their office.
"W-h-e-r-e, w-h-e-r-e am I," Obed said. "Son," Dora said. "Mother, is that you," Obed asked. "Yes, it's me," replied Obed. "I saw everything," Dora said. "You defeated your brother," Dora continued. Obed then run and hugged his mum and started to cry. "Bright, why, WHY!" Obed screamed. "It's okay sweetie," Dora said. "Everything is now over," Obed's mum said.
"Mum, I got the blade of death and the medallion of life," Obed said. Obed's mum and the elders where shocked. "How where you able to get these," Dora asked. "I thought her riddles were difficult," an elder asked. Dora's eyes filled with tears and hugged her son. "Well done son," Dora said. Soon Obed passed through the mirror and then met God.
"You are back," God said.
"Did you know I'll fight with Bright?" Obed asked.
"Obed listen....," God was talking.
"Did you know?" Obed screamed.
"Yes, I did," God said.
"Why didn't you tell me, Why?" Obed asked as he was crying.
"Because even if I had told you, you would still have fought him," God said.
Obed then fell on his knees and planted his face on the ground.
"Bright, forgive me," Obed said.
"He has already been forgiven," God said.
"Is that the only reason why you came here?" God asked.
"I came here because I was able to answer your daughter's riddles," Obed replied.
"You mean you have retrieved the angel of death and the medallion of life," God questioned Obed as he[Obed] nodded his head.
Obed then handed over the medallion of life and the Angel of death to God.
"Good job son," God said. "But, it's left with one more," God said.
"Yes, the Amenadiel's necklace," Obed said.
"Azreal told me that it's either with Amenadiel, Chloe or TJ Ross," Obed said.
"Indeed, you must retrieve the last piece of the flaming sword before the Aliens arrive," God said.
"Wait you mean the Aliens are already prepared ," Obed asked.
"Yes, they're ready to strike but are waiting for the specific time," God said.
"Also they don't want you to get the last piece of the flaming sword so you may encounter a higher tier alien than the ones you have been encountering," God said.
Obed then became scared as he swallowed a muscle of saliva. "Don't be scared besides I'm with you," God said. "So what do I do now," Obed asked God. "It's time for you to go," God said. "Go where," Obed asked. "Back to school," God replied. "But my friends won't remember me," Obed answered. "Who do you think I am," God asked Obed. "By the way, your father wants to speak with you," God said.
Obed then went closer and saw his father's shadow.
"Hello son," Obed's father said.
"Dad, is that really you?" Obed asked.
"Yes it's me," Obed's Dad responded.
"The aliens are coming," Obed's Dad said.
"I want you to try your best and not to go all out," Obed's Dad said.
"I'll try my best Dad," Obed said.
Soon Obed's Dad vanished and then God told Obed that it was time to go. God then snapped his fingers and then Obed was teleported back to the school.
Meanwhile, back in the school, everything seemed fine along the line until something happened happened during recess. Each and every student was at the cafeteria collecting their foods to eat. All of a sudden, the cafeteria became dark and then the glasses began to break. Miss Pearl, Miss Gloria and Sir Ben came out from their offices.
"What's going on here," Sir Ben asked.
"OMG, it can't be," Miss Pearl said.
Soon, the cafeteria returned to normal and there was smoke in the cafeteria. Soon, everyone say a figure standing there. Everyone activated their abilities and used it against the figure. The figure then raised his single hand to block all the powers from the students.
"You better stop what you are doing," Obed said.
"This voice sounds familiar," Florence said.
Soon the smoke died down and they saw a figure with a white robe with a hood and producing and electric wave around the robe.
"It can't be," Michael said.
Soon Obed removed the hood and his hair was a white as snow.
"It's Life Sucker," Barns shouted.
Soon the whole school where happy to see Life Sucker. Miss Pearl began to cry as she saw Obed. She even hugged Obed tight. Florence, Angel, Diana and Linda also run and hugged Obed.
Michael, Chris and Barns all welcomed Obed.
"I thought you were dead," Miss Pearl asked.
Meanwhile, in the electric world, "Master is alive, master is alive," one of Obed's elders said. "I knew that master wouldn't die so easily," Charles said.
"So Obed were did you go," Florence asked. "It's long story but right now we need to prepare," Obed said. "And why that," Angel said. "The aliens are coming," Obed said. "What the f**k," Barns yelled. "We need to start training now," Obed said.
"What about a welcoming party?" Linda asked.
"We can do that after our victory against the aliens," Obed replied.
"By the way life sucker," a girl said. "I really like your white hair," the girl said.
"Thank you," Obed said.
"All the same, welcome back Life Sucker," Miss Gloria and Sir Ben said.
Soon Obed left the cafeteria and went to his room.
What a shocking return for Obed. Now the aliens are approaching and coming. What do you think will happen next. How do you like Obed's new look.