Chapter 91: The Birth of Obed

"For Obed to save you all and all of humanity, he has to die," Osborne let out. "Obed has to die just to save us all," Florence said. "Can't we do anything to help him," Chris added. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do here. "But there's is a way to unseal Obed and you need to go and visit the undead realm," Osborne said. "Is there a way we can go there?" Barns asked. "There is but the main deal is..." Osborne paused. "The main deal is what-" Angel asked. "No one has made it back ALIVE," the members said. "You've got to be kidding me," Michael said. Those who are willing to go there should volunteer immediately.

The whole place was silent when Osborne said that last sentence. "I'm going, that's why I'm here, to apologize," Florence said. "I'm going to," Miss Pearl added. "There's no way I'm letting you two leave me," Michael and Chris added. "I'll go as well," Linda and Angel said. "We are also coming along so far as he is our master," Marcus and Charles said. "I'm sorry but you two can't come along," Miss Pearl said. "Barns and Sir Ben will take care of you," Miss Pearl continued. Angel then looked at Miss Pearl and said, "Promise me that you'll find how to unseal Obed and get back here safely." "I promise," she said as she kissed Angel on the forehead. It was now time for them to go as Michael, Chris, Florence , Diana, Miss Pearl, Marcus and Charles were ready. "I wish you all the best of luck and hoping to see you return back safely," Osborne said. Soon, a door appeared before them as it was opened. The place was pitch black as loud screams could be heard from behind the door. Michael then gathered courage as he walked through the door first. Then followed Chris, Marcus, Charles, Joyce, Miss Pearl and Florence was the last to enter. As soon as they all entered, the door shut behind them.

"Hey, someone should turn on the light, I can't see a thing," Michael ordered. Joyce then used her ability to make a light for everyone to see. "Let's move," Joyce ordered. Joyce took the lead as they passed through door by door. Everyone was amazed when they noticed that it was raining over there. Soon, the group had to take a rest since it was raining. Florence then used her ability to form a diary and a pen as she began to jot down some words. It wrote:


23rd February


Today marks the first day you have been sealed. Everyone is sad including Miss Pearl and Joyce. We miss you Obed, even I miss you more. We are heading out to the undead realm to get answers unto how to unseal. We know this is going to be a tough one but we will surely make it.

Your love,


After writing what she had just written in her diary, she turned to find that everyone was fast asleep. Florence had to other option than to sleep.

The next morning, Florence as usual took her diary and began to write her experience as they were heading to the undead realm. "It's been 3 days and still no sign of the place," Michael said. "Is this really it," he then continued. Florence then came to Michael and slapped him. "Are you trying to say God is a liar?" she said. If not then shut up and follow us. Then then held his check as he followed them. The group then went out looking for the demonic realm.

Finally, after some hours of searching for the undead realm, they finally found the undead realm. "We have now found it, the undead realm," Joyce said. They then reached the front door as it read, "Το απέθαντο βασίλειο

Η πόρτα της γνώσης επιστρέφει." "Does anyone understand what it reads?" Florence read. Miss Pearl then came close to the door sign and read the sign which was written in Greek. Miss Pearl then red out loud, "The Undead Realm

The Door of know return." Just then, everyone became scared as Miss Pearl translated it. Joyce then gathered courage and opened the door. As soon as they opened the door, a black thick fog appeared in front of them. They all couldn't see anything at all. After soon few minutes, the fog disappeared. Joyce used her ability to to form a light. As soon as she made a light, the whole room was filled with humans and creatures who had died here on Earth and are now in the undead.

Miss Pearl then said to everyone, "remember what you are here for, don't let anyone distract you or confuse you." Everyone then continued walking as they were passing by some of undead humans and creatures. As they were moving, a voice then said to them which Miss Pearl, Michael, and Florence remember. "Well, you guys are here too," Sir Nate said. "What do you want," Florence asked. Sir Nate began to laugh and then laughed and then laughed loudly as everyone in the room began to laugh at them. Florence then got angry and then used her ability to fire ice on Sir Nate but nothing happened to him since they are in the undead realm. Soon, someone called out their names and directed them to a place in the undead realm. Soon, they out of sight as Diana thanked the person for saving them.

"You don't remember me do you?" the person said. As soon as Joyce heard the words from the person, tears began to flow from her eyes. "Why are you crying Diana?" Florence asked. "Don't you remember the voice," Diana said. Florence then looked at the person as the person then removed the hood from the head. "Is Dora!" Charles said. Everyone then bowed down their heads to Dora.

"Why are you guys here?" Dora asked. "Obed is sealed," Florence replied. Diana then knelt down on her knees and then began to cry. "We want to ask if there's anyway to unseal him," Miss Pearl said.

"There's a way to unseal my son but I know part of it," Dora said. "We would like you to tell us," Marcus added. "Well, it all starts with the birth of Obed," Dora said. Dora then used her ability to travel back in time to when Obed was born. "To know how to unseal Obed, you need to start from his birth," Dora said.

Obed was born by his father Zeus and was then thrown to the earth and was raised up by his father and I.

To be continued...…