Chapter 92: Obed and Justin

In our previous chapter, Diana began to explain how Zeus gave birth to Obed and how he was thrown to the Earth Realm and raised Obed. "What happened after you raised Obed," Florence asked. "Obed was just a normal boy who loved to help us a lot. His father was a warrior and used to slaughter demons and aliens until a time came when his father was killed by the aliens," Dora explained. "The alien was called Zoha," Diana continued. "But Zoha is still alive," Chris said. "Yes, Justin resurrected him back from the dead," Dora said. "So can Justin die?" Miss Pearl asked. "No, Justin is using Obed as his life force," Dora said. "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!" Diana yelled. "So why does Justin hate Obed?" Michael asked. "To answer your question, what happened after Obed got sealed?" Dora asked. "After sealing Obed off, he called Zoha, and then he left without telling us where he was going," Florence spoke. "That means his next stop is his brother," Diana let out.

"His brother!" Michael said. "Of course, Obed's other brother is the current demon king after Obed slew his Uncle years ago," Dora said. "Then we must catch up with them," Marcus said. "So far as I'm concerned, Justin wants the blade of death," Dora let out. "But Obed has it," Marcus said. "Which is why I'm bringing someone to help you," she said. Soon, a shadow appeared in front of them. "Is that," Miss Pearl said. "Hello, guys!" Joyce said. "Why is she coming with us?" Florence said as she activated her ability. "Because ever since Obed was alive, she has been communicating with him and only Miss Pearl knew about this," Dora said. "Obed is sealed and if we don't make it fast, Obed will lose his ability and die," Joyce said. "So where do we have to go," Miss Pearl asked. To the electric realm, even though Zeus is dead, you can still communicate with him. All of a sudden, Marcus then use his hand to draw a circle and then clapped his hand. As soon as he clapped his hand, nothing happened. "Why aren't we going," Joyce asked. Marcus then began to wonder until he said he is the only electric user while the rest aren't so everyone is to be given a bracelet. Marcus then used his electric ability to form a bracelet. He then handed out the bracelet to everyone as they put it on. After putting it on, Marcus then clapped his hands again as this time everyone disappeared.

Meanwhile, Justin is alongside the Palantíri with Obed sealed inside. "I've been waiting for this moment brother," Justin said to Obed. "Master, where are we going?" his servant asked. "Have you forgotten already," Justin said. "We are going to visit my brother to join forces with me," he said. "And where is he?" his servant asked. "He is the current Demon Lord," Justin said. His two servants were now shocked at what came out of their master's mouth. "T-T-The current Demon Lord," his servant asked. "You heard me right," the current Demon Lord. Justin then handed over the Palantíri to one of his servants as he used his hand to draw a circle. Justin then entered the circle and snapped his fingers as they all disappeared.

Two minutes later, Justin and his servants arrived at the Demonic Realm. "This place looks sickening," his servant said. "What are you doing here Justin," the Demon Lord said. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my brother himself, the Demon Lord," Justin said. "Umm, master, what's your brother's name?" his servant asked. "Meet Derrick, Obed's half-brother," Justin said. "What do you want Justin?" Derrick asked. Justin then collected the Palantíri from his servant as he showed it to Derrick. I would like you to meet Obed. Derrick was shocked as he saw Obed in the Palantíri. "What is Obed doing in there?" Derrick asked. "Obed is sealed Derrick, all I want is the electric ability," Justin said. Derrick was then shocked as he heard what came out of Justin's mouth.

An hour later, Michael, Chris, Miss Pearl, Florence, Marcus, Charles, Diana, and Joyce finally arrived in the electric realm. When they arrived they saw the throne of Zeus but Zeus was nowhere to be found. "So where's he anyway?" Charles asked. "Who there enter the realm of Zeus," a voice said. Marcus heard the voice and then knelt. Michael and the rest also knelt as Zeus appeared. "Your majesty, we welcome you," Marcus said. Well if it isn't Marcus, my son's servant. "My lord, we want to ask you a few questions regarding-," Marcus said but was then silenced by Zeus. I already know what's happening. "My son is being sealed by his brother Justin," he said. "Do we have any way to unseal Obed," Charles asked?

Zeus then gave a big chuckle and said, "he can be unsealed but there is going to be a big problem." "What's the problem," Michael asked. "After my son is unsealed, he kills all of humanity and then dies," he said. "We know about that my Lord," Marcus said. "So are you willing to take that risk?" Zeus asked. Everyone then gathered around as they were discussing whether to accept to u seal Obed. After 5-10 minutes of discussing the matter, they agreed to unseal Obed since that was their main purpose after all. Zeus then agreed and then called out Bright. "What is Bright doing here," Michael asked. "He's here to help Obed since he is also his brother after all," Zeus said. "But Obed killed him," Florence let out. "Obed didn't kill me but saved me," Bright said. "Saved you as in?" Miss Pearl asked. "You'll get to know soon," Bright said.

"Now everyone should go back to the Door of the Undead," Zeus said. "Why do you ask?" Florence asked. "Justin is going to bring out all the high-ranking wizards from the past," Zeus said. Zeus then snapped his fingers and they all returned to Dora's place. "It seems you have gotten your answer," Dora said.