Chapter 97: Destruction.

Obed then activated his ability and this time, the whole place was silent. "What just happened?" Florence asked. Soon a light began to appear on Obed's body. "Transforming at a fast rate, do you want to kill yourself?" Iana asked. Soon Ianal raced towards Obed as his transformation was almost complete. As soon as Iana reached Obed, a beam of light came directly at Iana but then Iana activated his ability. "If I hadn't activated my ability sooner, half, of my face would have been off. Iana then stepped back seeing that Obed's transformation has been completed. "I'm sure this is his last and final transformation," Iana said.

Soon, Obed was now in his old age around 80/90 years. His beard had grown long and his hair was also long. A mark then appeared on Obed's hand. "What's with that mark," Iana asked himself. Everyone then began to question what the mark does. "The mark gives the user more strength," Osborne said. "Nothing more nothing less," Osborne then continued. Everyone then turned to look at Obed's transformation. Obed was then holding a sword, a black sword. "No, no, no, no, no, no," Obed's father said. "What's wrong?" Diana asked as everyone began to look at Obed's father. "That sword is a shadow control sword," he said. "Well isn't that good," Michael said. "You don't get it," Obed's father let out.

"That sword makes you lose your sanity," Osborne said. Everyone then gasped as to why and how Obed was able to summon a shadow control sword. "Guess Ariana isn't the only one who can summon," Bright said. Because of Obed's transformation, Obed couldn't land a strike so was losing consciousness. Iana then used her magic power to form a Grim Reaper. "This sword, don't tell me," Osborne said. "Sorry, but the Angel of death is dead," Iana said. "I thought the Angel of death gave one to Obed," Osborne said to himself. Everyone was surprised as they began to question themselves as to how the Angel of death died. Soon a voice appeared in Osborne's mind saying, "This is a fake sword so don't worry, to be frank, I'm not dead," The Angel of Death was the one speaking to Osborne. Osborne then chuckled as Iana questioned him as to why he was laughing. Iana didn't want to converse with Osborne for now so he focused his battle on Obed.

Osborne then raised his Grim Reaper ready to strike but then Obed's six senses began to operate then he dodged the Grim Reaper smoothly as he prepared himself for the fight. Obed then unleased his shadow control as Obed began to control Iana's shadow. Iana was then fighting with his own shadow. Iana couldn't understand how Obed was doing this. Iana was losing to his own shadow but then went into a rage and was able to dodge all of his own shadows. Obed again pulled out a sword which was Sword Imprisonment which was the power to bind or imprison beings inside swords. Obed then broke the sword as all the victims escaped and targeted Iana.

Iana was losing at a point as most of his wounds couldn't heal that much. Obed then pulled out a sword and then slashed out Iana's left hand. What was that slash everyone got to see Obed holding the Grim Reaper, the real one that the Angel of death gave to him? Iana then fell to the ground as he knew that it was his last time. Obed didn't kill Iana but then began to lose his sanity. Obed was going berserk as he began to slice himself. "The shadow control sword enables the user to lose sanity," Joyce said. "Is there any way we can save him," Angel said. As they were talking. The student was watching Obed as he was slicing himself.

All of a sudden, Obed raced towards Michael ready to kill him but Ariana summoned her breath of fly as they distracted Obed. Micheal was in a state of fear and shock as to how Obed was about to end his life. But, the breath of fly was of no use as Obed released electric balls toward Ariana. His friends formed a barrier to protect the balls from hitting Ariana. Then, Obed formed a large black ball. "This is bad," Osborne said. Osborne then told Bright, Ariana, Marcus, and Charles to summon everyone to his kingdom including Iana. They all agreed as they began to send everyone to Osborne's realm. "What about Obed," Florence said. "Leave him," Charles said as he took Florence away. As soon as he took Florence away, Obed then blasted the whole planet because of him losing his sanity. Obed then saw that he had accomplished his mission. Obed's system decided to communicate with him but nothing was done. Obed was now in a world of nothingness. The place was pitch black. Just then Zeus arrived at the scene and questioned Obed as they why he did this. Obed begins to fight Zeus but Zeus already knows about his son's technique. "I'm going to release you from your sanity," Zeus said. Just as Obed was going for the strike, Zeus placed his hands on Obed's head as he passed on an electric pulse to Obed. Obed's body began to shake as his memories were coming back to him. "Florence, Miss Pearl, Charles, Michael, Chris," Obed called out their names. Just then returned to his normal state as he went to his normal self still with the white hair and the mark on his hand. As soon as Obed regained his memories, he then passed out.

For over 3 years now, Obed had been in the world of nothingness as three of Osborne's servants saw Obed and then picked him up as they sent him to their masters' realm. Obed eyelids were opening as he couldn't see where he was going but could feel that people were sending him somewhere. At that moment, Obed's eyelids then shut completely as his system had shut down.