It's been 3 years since Obed destroyed the whole planet and was never found. In Osborne's realm, the students and some of his friends were still sad and in disbelief as to how Obed was still not found. As they were all in a state of sadness, Osborne received word from his servants that Obed has been found. Osborne who is God was now surprised as to how Obed was able to survive the world of nothingness for 3 years. Osborne now gave a big announcement that Obed had been found. Everyone was shocked as to how Obed was able to survive the world of nothingness since no one has ever done that before. Osborne then continued, "But for the sad part, Obed isn't breathing," Everyone then decided to see Obed's condition. As they were all going, Osborne then put a barrier around as he decided that everyone would have to take turns. The people to take turns was God himself, Miss Pearl, Obed's mother and father, The Angel of Death, and other higher authorities. When they went in to see Obed, the condition in which he was not appealing. Obed's face was as if it was burnt. His left hand was cut off. Obed's mother and father were sad in tears as Obed's father wanted his son to look at him for the first time as a swordsman. Obed's father couldn't bear the pain as he turned to look at Iana who was also badly wounded. The expression on Obed's father's face says it all as he was angry. Iana again then remembered the face that he made when Obed's father was in his prime. Obed's father then took Iana to Hell's gate where he can just kill him one and for all. Obed's mother then saw her son as she began to tear her hair. The high authorities began to console her as she also left for Hell's Gate with her husband. It was said that so far as the dead were resurrected, they can't stay in the earth and heavenly realm for long. Miss Pearl also saw Obed's condition and then passed by. Soon God then saw Obed and he passed by as the others did as well as The Angel of Death. Soon, it was the turn of Obed's friends. When they got there to see Obed's body, they all wept in tears. Barns who was now in a wheelchair began to weep bitterly for his friend and junior.
Linda and Angel, who had met Obed for quite some time now also began to weep. The whole student body then came around to see their body of theirs. After looking at Obed's body, Miss Pearl then came around and said that today was their birthday of Obed. Everyone used their ability to make flowers for Obed as they placed them beside him.
After a point, everyone thought that Obed had already passed away. But then, his system began to reboot itself. As the system began to reboot, Obed's eyelids began to open. Obed was then up on his feet and with his white robe saw a lot of flowers around him. "What's going on here," Obed asked. Everyone turned around and that Obed had risen from the dead. Everyone carried on their shoulders as they were all jubilating for Obed.
At that point, everyone began to wish Obed a happy birthday and brought him gifts made from their abilities. Obed received a lot of gifts from his friends and the teachers as well. Obed wanted to know where Florence was. As soon as Obed saw Florence, he knelt on the ground and began to weep as he saw that Florence was still alive. Florence then apologized to Obed for what she said earlier about not saying they are in a relationship. Obed forgave her and hugged her. Obed decided to question everyone about what happened to the world they were in at first. Miss Pearl decided to explain what happened to Obed.
After a whole full explanation, Obed then saw Ariana who was her cousin. Obed thanked Ariana for helping them. Obed then Bright and also everyone for helping and lending a hand. Miss Pearl also told Obed that his father came to help. "My father!" Obed asked. Obed was then teleported to where his father and mother were. "It seems you are alive son," Obed's father let out. "Father!" Obed said in a state of shock. Obed then went towards his father. "But I thought you were dead," Obed said. "I'm dead but I just want you to see how I look like," Obed's father let out. Obed saw his father's face for the first time and then run to hug him. Obed also saw his mother and then run to meet her. "Happy Birthday son," Obed's parents said. After Obed sees both his parents, he was then teleported back to Osborne's realm. Obed then smiled happily to see his father for the first time. "Well, I guess the school is also gone," Obed said. Osborne then used his magic and power to build a new school for everyone. Lucky enough Sir Ben was alive and Obed was surprised to see Barns in a wheelchair.
'Well, what are we going to do now," Barns asked. "What are you talking about?" Obed asked. "Since Iana is defeated, there is no other alien or demon king to defeat us, besides you are now the ruling demon king," Barns asserted. Wood out of nowhere then came pecking Obed on the cheek telling him how much he has missed his master. Obed then gave an oat to Wood and then told him never will he leave his sight again.
"So fairly enough who is the strongest person in My Inner Ability System," Obed asked. 'Well, so far as you have obtained a demon lord degree and also went far enough to release not less than 5 transformations, you are said to still be the strongest," Obed's system let out. "So who is the strongest?" Obed asked. "This question is not to be answered," Obed's system asserted? Obed then smiled as he and all his friends went to the new school in Osborne's realm