"There are civilians here!"
"Watch out, they have been marked"
"The mark, the signature, it's strange"
"What do you mean, strange?"
"It is on a weaker frequency than what it should be, it also seems that it's been..."
"What can it mean?"
"It means we bring them in".
How did this all begin? This shaking disruption. Oh yes, it all started at that one afternoon's nightfall in a state of in-between. We were talking by the riverbank, Theresa, June, and I. The river a deep blue, disconnected from the scorched fragments of autumn. We carried a half conversation, no, I was teasing June a bit, I believe it was mostly to keep a light mood for the sake of her and the coming wake, and then it appeared, there under the bridge by our side. It started when we noticed a silhouette twitching in the shadows of the underpass, following this discovery a disturbing crunching noise could be heard, it followed a feeling of complete dread, a paralyzing chill down your spine and it is like you are being encased by the cold vibrant air around yourself. We were yet to comprehend the actual danger we were in from that lurking creature, as the dread had washed over me Theresa, scared but trying to mask it, called out for the creature to show itself, I've known her for ages her left pinkie always twitch if she tries to hide something, and as she called out with a tough act it was twitching as a leaf in an autumn storm. As the moon rose and the creature closed in we reached a realization, a realization of this world and blood spilled from the visage of the maimed humanoid in front of us, our eyes grew blurry and we knew it would be the end, it was like a moment of connection, a connection of the end as its shadow appeared before us and in that last moment He came, that boy falling, as from heaven itself.
What came after was a bright light which engulfed the two, the creature and our unknown savior. Before we could gather ourselves the quietness of something ended had washed over us, he was still now, not even a muscle twitching beneath his pale skin, and the creature by his side was left an empty husk. As I examined the remnants it didn't move, didn't make a sound, almost like a fallen statue with most of its features stripped away by the attacks of time, what I saw on that face thorn asunder was something I would never mistake, a smile frozen and preserved at the end of its days. I quietly joined June and Theresa around the boy still in a state of shock. His hair black as the night with several gray strands emanating from the top of the scalp, pale skin as the moon above, his face was covered by a red piece of cloth with a black symbol, I believe it was a sun-wheel. I remember June kneeling down unveiling his face, revealed were two closed eyes with several sickly deep blue rings a straight nose and light red lips, he could be nothing more than 19.
Hours became minutes as the tight grip of shock let loose and the fiery sky of a new replaced the silent moon ushering the start of a new day, and with that also came the first movements in what seemed like forever, Theresa snapped as the situation dawned on her and she started to freak out, understandable, I at the time wasn't even sure about what had even happened to begin with the thing that jolted me back to reason was Junes exclamation about the possible state of our savior. His eyes had opened at this time, bloodshot with steel gray irises reflecting the clour of that morning back at us. Shortly after he got to his feet he violently arched forward and vomited up some jet black substance, carrying a strong and nauseating smell. No matter how strange or worrisome this seemed to me he didn't portray any worry at all, he just proceeded to explain to us the world-shattering reality of the events that just. He unveiled both the creatures name Vannluohg, his own name Chrys Doe and a whole world of previously unknown horrors and possibilities to us.
Shortly after that, we parted ways with the intention of meeting again, at least the end of some of us. Yes, that was the moment it all started, in the face of imminent death, our perceived glass world was shattered never to return to what it had previously been, once you have been given the gift of sight you can never turn truly blind. That event changed the course of our lives and brought things out in all of us.
After the following wake, I got a message from June that stated that we needed to meet, I assume she sent the specifics about the meeting to Theresa too, I heard that she had declined as I've met up with June again. I'm not sure about Theresa, is she in denial, could she not truly believe the events that transpired right in front of her very eyes? Or was she just too scared to seek this world out? All the reasons are understandable, but I've never been one to back away from information, truth, answers, or justice, I do what I have to, and I will stick to my friends when they are in need. And that is when we met up at that church, in search of answers and for Chrys. We found him and we entered that church of tragedy together, I think that June might have grown some sort of attachment to him, maybe it's just out of worry, I don't know, June is kind to everyone, I could get if it was something more, the guy saved our lives, and I truly respect him for it. Shortly after entering, we were all encased in this light, and as I woke from its slumber all that I recall are you guys carrying June and me away. You guys with your black hooded uniforms and White-flowered crests.
The steel chair is uncomfortable, that pale lady saw everything, pain, it is like she's been inside my head... urgh, the hooded figures stand guard at the edge of the encasing darkness encircling this unknown space, who is this lady in front of me now? Where's Chrys? Where's June? The lady's lifting her right hand draped in blue ornaments calling one of the clothed figures to her side giving her stern authoritarian command, "His name is Chrys Doe. Send out a search team immediately, recover him at all cost", "Consider it done Lady Corpus". What is going on? This Lady of pale porcelain is turning her white gaze to me, like red rocks submerged in milk, whispering in a voice like a sweet and understanding mother "You might be confused now, but don't you worry about a thing, we will help you all".