My Eyelids are heavy, above me, I recognize a blue ceiling in what I assume to be some form of aquatic toned cell. A tender softness with a slightly resilient spring suggests a mattress of sorts probably consisting of spring and feathers. The door seems to have no handle from the inside and its complemented by a tiny circular hole in the middle, a peephole probably. My head's still numb with a faint ringing, a choir of owls. Who are these people? What have they done to me? What is she? That woman isn't normal, what did she mean that they would "help" all of us? In what sense of the word? Geez, June! What might these freaks have done to her? *Click* A slight snap from somewhere outside this isolated space, steps from the assumed hallway on the other side of the door, a brief blink by the peephole, and the turning of a contraption sounding through the choir in my head tells me just one thing, someone's on their way in.
The blue-tinted door swings gently open and there she is again, that porcelain-like lady. Strands of white locks flow's from the base of her skull covering most of her body, like a coat of exquisite fur that could not truly hide her modest and motherly features, except for her face, a blank almost glowing surface, one that you could almost mirror yourself in but not entirely, one could have mistaken her blank face and subtle gray lips to be belonging to a doll, an ancient porcelain doll which had been in good care. But all those details pale to her gaze, two rubies submerged deeply within milk-like membranes. These feelings, are they a reaction from witnessing something of beauty beyond the "normal" or are they spawned from the presence of something dreadful beyond comprehension? All I know is that her gaze is watching and it has found itself locked on me, and all I can do is wait.
"You have awakened, sit down, there are things you need to know, about your situation, your friend's situation, and what's going on.", So calm, should I sit, or is this some sort of test? Should I speak?
"I will not ask again" sitting it is then, surprisingly comfortable.
"Now I will introduce myself and my legion. I myself have many names and titles, I found myself fond of Mona la Reine des Papillons, but for my subjects, I'm now known as Lady Corpus the high order spirit sentinel and high commander of Terra Corpus. We are a legion, guardians spread to the corners of human society tasked to maintain balance and order and to hunt down anything that might offset the balance of the tethered treads that keep humanity's world and condition together." Something that offsets the balance? Wait...
"Bringing me to you and your friend's situation. You see when the two of you were brought in two days ago something big had taken place, one of the seven ancients had moved and as a result, several human lives were lost to the void of its insatiable hunger. This fact grew immeasurably more sinister after you were found, two humans found marked by its touch yet still breathing, cupeled with the realization that Deustarmer had disappeared and its mark tampered can mean nothing else than that the fabric of the world itself hangs in imbalance. Even as we speak now.". Is she saying that the fabric of our reality itself might come undone? Is she trustworthy? What's her agenda? Why is she telling me this? How do I approach?
"So far we can only speculate and follow up on the leads that we have. There were residue signs of a dimensional gate being used, and this person saved your lives, Chrys Doe is so far nowhere to be found. From what I've seen his methods are radical and can spurt more harm than goo..." Radical? What is she spouting?
"Without him neither I, June or Theresa would hav..."
"I am well aware of your situation. You have only recently been exposed to the wounds seeping through the other side of our reality, and while saving human lives is a noble and admirable act of selflessness there are problems with his approach and radical willingness to put himself in the middle of things that should not be meddled with. Both the use of his own body as a conduit for spiritual energy and his rush towards Deustarmers destination, he might harbor ideals and motivations that might endanger humanity on a large scale.". Him a danger? Shit, to be honest, I can't really know what is right and what is not on a larger scale, I have no idea of the consequences interactions with the other side might have. I've only been in the presence of this legion for a short while and I've only met Chrys twice, I cannot possibly know who's the radical here, what I do know is that there is a whole nother world of truth out there that needs unveiling and mending. Lady Corpus is smirking? The choir of Owls reaches a peak.
"You two have been touched by something truly special, Terra Corpus is always in need of extra hands that have seen the truth of this world, doe they must vow to protect it and its order, what is your answer Straid Questenbaum?". Only one promise will lead to the truth I seek, and I will need to keep going.
"I will vow to protect the balance of this world and seek truth from its chaos, guarding the world of man against the wounds of the other side.".
"Good, follow me, you will need to settle in first, Sara will run you through what you need to know and prepare you for what's to come.". She pauses a bit and, sighs?
"There will not be much time, so prepare yourself to the best of your ability", rest comes as a faint whisper, probably never intending to reach any ears.
"The eggs unwinding".