What did it mean? "The eggs unwinding"? whatever it is it's something bigger at play than what I've anticipated, whenever the world spins one has to hold it together through the anchor of truth, therefore we must always search, so the spinning might one day stop and we can finally take in a clear gaze of ourselves and the reality that we thread. Reality huh? It is funny, just a few days ago I was completely oblivious to this crooked spiral, I was only aware of the malformed rings at its center and not the realm sized outer rings, rings that had always scraped at our tiny perceptions, it's enough to drive one mad unless one can hold on to something true... something steadfast and absolute, I... don't want to fall off the edge, I guess that's my honest answer to all of this, all I can do is to be cautious and follow the flow, a flow that might eventually lead to the truth.
These stretching hallways, how far and wide do they stretch? Where is this facility located? All I can be certain of is my path and my own intentions down its line. A door at the far end silently swings open like a swing motioned by a sudden gust of wind, the room within seems strangely stretched, is it oval or even ovoid perhaps? Dyed in the color of a bright summer day's sky. Standing in the center of this strange space is a blonde woman in her early or mid-20s, enveloped in a velvet robe different from the black ones from before with the same white flower insignia on her chest as the others had, there's something strangely familiar with her, where can I have met her before? Where and when?
"I assume that our lady has briefed you through what we stand for here at Terra Corpus, but if you have further questions about our roles within this organization you can ask them now or any time I'll be available for your initial training. Doe, I must say you got an impressive resymè for a novice .". She must be the one that the"lady" spoke of towards the end guess it is safe to ask some basic things.
"How do we go about keeping the world in balance?"
"We track the energy signatures of any creature bleeding into our domain, that being the domain of mankind. Tracking them will make it easy to respond to those targets with high priority, those being the targets that might cause an imbalance in both the natural order of things and cause chaos havoc and panic among human civilization.". Seems reasonable and straightforward.
"Like that Vannluohg right? Is that considered high-priority?" A twitch on her left eyebrow, did I perhaps touch on a sensitive topic?
"Only if it manages to reach a densely populated area, otherwise it is considered a third-tier threat, which is relatively average, still, surviving a first encounter with one is considered impressive in most books. In addition, Terra Corpus keeps the ancients under constant surveillance so we can read their signatures and prepare for any events that might spring from their activity.".
"What are the ancients?"
"You have already made contact with one of them, in the church, we recovered you from.". That all-consuming light which consumed the world around you with its primal song?
"That was an Ancient? What are they and how many of them exist?"
"Exact origins aren't disclosed to lower rank operatives, but we have classified and tracked seven grand interdimensional beings, which when disturbed can cause world-altering catastrophes. Each of them is distinctly unique from one another. Deustarmer the all-consuming light of the abyss, when it partly crosses over it consumes everything living in the area it tears into from its own pocket dimension, leaving nothing but empty husks behind. Which is strange considering that you and your friend was touched but survived not only that, the leftover energy fragments showed a strange anomaly in its structure, restructuring itself to something we have never seen before, and now, it's just gone, I personally don't know much about these creatures but something that ancient primal and dangerous just disappearing from sight cant be anything but a bad sign.". When it is put in that perspective, the whole situation seems terrifying beyond belief.
"What can we do to retrace it?"
"We need someone attuned, someone, who might be able to pick up and recognize its new signal, we believe with some training you could be a likely candidate since you were there while the change occurred even if you might not be able to directly recall it you can feel it, such change doesn't go unnoticed."."
"Makes sense but I can't promise anything result vise, how about the other six? Is there anything you can tell me about them?". A quick glance, suspicion? Thorn? or perhaps the pressure of the pending situation.
"Yes, there is. Firstly this is the first time this anomaly has taken place to the extent of my knowledge so we know the rest of the ancients at least for now remain in some sort of stasis or slumber so they have been easy to keep track on. But there's one that moved slightly over the past twenty years or so, or it would perhaps be better to say that it slightly turned and let out an ultra-low-frequency, high amplitude underwater sound which got detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as well as several other ocean research facilities around the globe, you might have heard about it from all the conspiracies it rose when the recordings were leaked out to the public after 1997. Some of the conspiracies were on to something when they theorized that the sound came from a creature, it came from a being beyond their comprehension slumbering in the depths beneath the Antarctic ice classified under the name Leabaidha under our organization.".
"So there will be extra surveillance over it considering the situation?"
"Most likely, we must keep their environment pacified so they won't wake up. The rest have had some catastrophic events tied to themselves over the course of human history but Leabaidha hasn't, we have absolutely no blueprint or event we can gauge its threat level from, but from its form to judge it is definitely a slumbering ancient one, but it's one we know the least about, the rest are archived and as you find your place within our ranks you will be able to look up whatever you need to know about them, here take this pen and paper and write down their names as I speak them" A golden pen and a small notebook bound in something dark with a slight blue hue. The phages whisk smoothly against my skin as I part the covers and put down the pen, sharpening my ears for their names.
"Obitus Ignis.".
"Crudus Diluvium.".
"Lastly I'll welcome you to unit 14 where the promising rookies are being sent, do not disappoint us now".
A slight gust, a new doorway, dedicating from the gust its stationed to the left of this space, well no going back, it wasn't from the moment we involved ourselves when we dodged an otherwise certain death.
"All I can do is to try".