This room granted by the organization to their recruits is spacy, a desk in that gray corner, a bed in the other, and even a door leading to a bathroom, and lastly, documents, documents I've gathered for the past few days, documents containing secret events and historical truths which spins anything a learned historian and scientists ever know on their thick heads spilling out their false truths. How many days have passed since that one moment, that fateful moment where we met Chrys and ran into the touch of Deustarmer, what have I learned about my and June's situation since then? since I joined this unit? Let's see, firstly I woke up bound with that porcelain lady in front of me surrounded by a dark garrison, then I woke up in that blue room and that "Lady" again seemed friendly with me, trying to win me over to their course, teachings, and side of history. Which is a no-brainer, I join them, to learn more about their agenda while I get to stay ahead when it comes to protecting the ones I care about from unknown dangers.
After the "Lady" was finished with me she handed me over to one of her/its subordinates called Sara, it is just something about her, I swear that I've seen her someplace before, well I guess it makes sense, they're after all an underground organization focused on balance and that includes covering up the truth and to recruit the ones exposed and willing so I've likely seen her place somewhere before, she's probably important above ground too. The unit I've been assigned to consists so far of four subjects me included, they're not a talkative bunch, but it makes sense considering the events that lead them here at this moment, I guess most people didn't get as lucky as we did. At least I've gotten the name out of two of em Jon and Oliver, they didn't tell me anything about how they came about which is probably for the best right now, I neither should nor want to pry. Lastly, there's this girl relatively short, hair dark as the night sky and skin clear and smooth with a slight tan, then there are her eyes clear sparkling irises colored after the deep sea, they say the eyes are the window to one's soul and in them, I can sense nothing, not a thing, just a blank stare straight ahead, I dread to think about what she might have gone through since she hasn't spoken a word to anyone for the past few days I've been her she just does what shes asked then returns to her chambers, it is worrisome.
In addition, June is still confined to her original room, why haven't they let her out? Has she not chosen to join their ranks? Or is it something else at play that has prevented her from coming out for the past few days? Sara won't tell me and I haven't seen the "Lady" since then. She might not trust them but they are her best shot, please just be safe June. I mustn't distract myself, I need to review the info I've gathered before me before I get called out again for more preparation.
Subject: Leabaidha
Known within the legion as the Deep Sea-Dweller.
The subject was first located back in 1997 when it let out an ultra-low-frequency, high amplitude underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which got sent back to headquarters by several elite operatives from the legion for analysis confirming the whereabouts of the seventh ancient. Since its lair is inaccessible to us most of the subjects' abilities remain unknown to us. So far there are only two things we can conclude about this unknown entity:
1. It is in a state of deep slumber.
2. The entity possesses a large physical body, comparable to the size of a medium-sized island.
Currently, the subject's threat levels are unknown so it is to be under stricter surveillance than any other of its brethren, and in the case of awakening, the legion is advised to deploy the 1st and 3rd unit to deploy A5 countermeasures tactics, to subdue the rising threat.
Subject: Lillilussuria
Known within the legion as the Tower of Babylon.
The subject has appeared all over the world throughout human history spreading its vile calamity to any civilization touched by its spores, the subject has claimed several societies, the most recent being The Kingdom of Angkor in Cambodia which got wiped out by its presence in 1500 C.E.
There is no way to closely examine the subject as it appears in our realm, all we can rely on are the eyewitness testimonies of the few survivors that have been brought in since the Legions conception. All the survivors have slightly different experiences with the subject but they all meet the same end, driven to madness by extreme stimuli to the hypothalamus completely shutting of their prefrontal cortex leading to partial brain rot some time after the initial exposure, making statements unreliable.
Even with unreliable statements, some details remain the same. A peculiar tower appearing out of nowhere riddled with what's recognized as Cymbidium valley flowers and at the middle, the tower splits into two arched structures carrying a large red orb each and shortly after reason just ceases to exist, what else that happens can only be speculated on.
The subject is considered to be a high-level threat due to its nature as an ancient one and our inability to properly research it we created several high-class countermeasures to assure societal safety and how to predict its movements through the interdimensional plains. With its eventual reappearance, A2 countermeasures should be put into motion for the area the subject will appear at and after that B3 containment procedures must be carried out by the 2nd unit.
These Ancients are truly something else and the countermeasures I need to find some form of sum...
"Unit 14 assemble!" Those vibrant speakers. Guess it will have to wait for now, what a mess this is, I hope June's going to be fine, and Theresa, oh Theresa I've never seen you that scared before, I hope you'll keep it together until we return.
"14th hall, five minutes" Assembly hall huh? Wait does that mean what I think it means? The walls are bright white, a room with an ovoid shape and several hidden doors, the room where I joined the 14th.
My hands are sweaty, after two whole days, Jon, Oliver, and that girl too, they're all here and someone else? Two white veiled women, their faces and features obscured by the floating material, a feeling? something crawling deep within my spine sending sinister shivers up my neck. A door appearing in the wall in front of us and out of it steps Sara and following close behind, crimson hair messy and eyes looking down with dark blue circles, June.