
While others were thinking , Brittany was thinking about food. "Brittany what's your idea." Ariana asked. "I'm hungry." said Brittany. 😂😂😂😂😂"I didn't mean it." Ariana protested. "Never mind. Let's eat, Alexa only you can come with me. Others can do anything you want." Ariana and Alexa went to the kitchen. They made some macarons and water melon juice. They all sat on the sofa and started to eat. "I might apologized to the juice because it may not taste as our youngers made. They are the master's in making sweets and juices." Ariana addmitted. 😑😑😑😑😑"No it's tasty, Really really tasty." Jeffrin said. After eating Alexa and Brittany cleaned up while others were cleaning the rooms. Then they sat on the sofa and again started chatting. I still can't understand about sign." Tania talked first. "I think it may be Korean." Jeffrin took a piece of a paper and draw the sign on it. "Look." Jeffrin showed.

The word 'smile'  has crossed . The letters look like a man . I think that's why he used it." Jeffrin explained. "Of course it may be." They all yelled. "Guys now we know the meaning. So what can we do that man for his........" Ariana was unable to finished. "Let's put main sign of dumb language to school syllabus." Jeffrin interrupted. "What, what did you said?" Alexa confused. "You mean let the children to study this dumb language in schools?" Asked Tania. "Of course it is.'' Jeffrin replied. "Of course, it is." Ariana repeated. "But how? Will it solve everything." As Brittany always do in that moment too she broke down the dream castles made by the.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 "Yah it will. The man only meed to let others know about their difficulity. Theor difficulity might be being hard to communicate with others. So when others know what kind of words they meant by the signs it will be easy for them." Ariana explained.😎😎

Jeffrin after thinking for a while,

''Nice question, but can't you remember our profession. We have fans all over the world. So there may be one fan in the education department." Jeffrin explained. "Wow, You're a great leader." Brittany admitted. "I appreciate it." Jeffrin appreciated it with an innocent smile. "But how can find one?" Tania asked. "Too easy." Jeffrin took her phone. She searched on the Facebook all the posts that she has saved. "The past." Ariana yelled. Jeffrin laughed. "What past?" Asked Alexa. "I think I can remember it. The post posted by a fan of us who worked in Educational Department in U.S " Tania questioned. "You mean the one who asked for friend fans in educational department." Brittany added. "Of course, he is." Ariana replied instead of Jeffrin. "Here, I got his number." Jeffrin talked. "What happened if it is a wrong number." asked Tania, "Don't know, at least just try in the other hand we only have 22 hours left with us." Jeffrin added. "Okay." Ariana took a call to that number. The phone was ringing.📱

Their hearts were beating fast. Brittany was shuddering. "Are you afraid?" Jeffrin noticed that Brittany was shuddering. "No I'm not." Brittany whispered. "Then..." Tania tried to ask something. "Shhh..." But Ariana warned them.🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫 The man picked up the phone. "Hello, how can I help you?"  A male voice asked. "Hello, ah.... I'm Ariana, member of UNJAngels. Maybe am I able to know your name sir ...." asked Ariana from the man who picked up the phone. "UNJAngels . Oh.... did you mean the Hiru from UNJAngels?😮😮😮😮😮 Oh dear, bloody hell. I'm.... I'm a really big fan of you. I'm glad it…ah I'm lack of words now. I'm that much happy. Hiru never mind, I'm Roy Joon. But...." The man sounds like he didn't believed Ariana. "Actually I'm Ariana from UNJAngels. Weather no matter if you believe it or not." Ariana continued. "I only need a little help from you. It might be related with Lesso's life." Ariana replied. "No way. Seriously. Am I dreaming? No I'm not, I dreamt that one day that  I could talk with UNJAngels, and Now I'm talking to them. Tell anything you want." Joon requested.  "Okay, Thank you for believing us, actually we like to suggest to include dumb sign into our school syllabus. We think it might be useful for people who use dumb language." Ariana replied. "What a wonder, We just suggested that some days ago. Then the director told us to ask people opinions. Thus we created a platform to vote. Few more votes needed to approve the suggestion, and now UNJAngels are supporting us, Unbelievable. Thank you for supporting to include this dumb sign language to syllabus. I will inform you when it went good." Joon talked without taking a break. "Sorry." Ariana admitted.🧐🧐🧐

"Ah, sorry for not explaining it clearly. Few of our Department members need to do something. So the Professes told us to ask people ideas about it. So we held a function.  We only need 5 more votes to complete it. If you can vote...…" He stopped from a moment and again continued. "Our problem will be solved." He ended. "Okay. We will. Can you please rang us if it went well." Ariana asked. "Alright." Joon replied. "Thank you. Hope you will come up with a good news." Ariana cut the line. They voted for it.

They had to wait now. But instead of waiting their minds were like a windy storm. 🤯🤯🤯🤯They were moving here and there. Biting their nail tips. Stepping on foot. Jumping. Praying.  Even Ariana too. She was looking at the clock. Finally Jeffrin chose to listen to songs. Why the time running slowly? It might be the question which working in their mind. Everybody were curious about what will happen.

At 6o clock the grandpa clock rand as usually. The bell ranged. Everybody shocked. Brittany was shuddering, but nothing happened. Ariana's phone started ringing at the same time. Ariana picked up the cell with trembling hands. The hearts are beating faster than usual.💓💓💓💓 Jeffrin took her Phone and listened carefully. "Good news, we won." Joon said. "Yeah." everybody yelled happily at once. "Whoa, really. Did we? Thank you. You can visit us anytime. The only one thing you have to do is, phone us. Take this as a gift from UNJAngels, because you helped us a lot. Thank you, thank you so much." somehow Ariana ended the call while crying because of happiness. Everything on the bungalow went normal. Now the old, creepy bungalow looks really nice. "Let's visit Lesso." They yelled happily while enjoying the difference.


BxS (Books x Secrets)