It's snowing outside because it was Christmas. Actually its 24th of December. They put on their winter clothes and ran towards the car. Jeffrin tried to drive the car but Ariana didn't gave her the permission to it. "Jeffrin you must sit back seat. Can't you remember?" Ariana warned. "I'm sorry. I forgot it." Jeffrin smiled. Ariana drew the car. As soon as they reached the hospital they parked the car and ran towards the ward without caring about anything.
They saw some of their guards too running with them. When they got closer to the ward a nurse stopped them. "Please wait a bit." She told. "Okay. Never mind." Jeffrin talked. Others looked at Lesso through the glass. They saw Lesso breathing hardly and doctors around her pushing so hard to save her again. [As soon as Lesso awake she felt hard to breath.]
Jeffrin stepped backwards and sat on the floor, just like one who lost all. Ariana closed her mouth from her hand in order to avoid the wheezing. Tania cried while hitting the glass. Brittany sat on a chair. Alexa wiped out tears. They all were worried and also collapsed. They spent few minutes in the same manner. Few minutes later the doctors came out. They looked at the doctors. Doctors looked down and said, 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"Not totally recovered. She will be caught easily by panic attack or maybe PTSD or maybe Trauma. Also I guess she is still treating for suicide attempt. If she caught PTSD too, the time will be worst. So try your all to keep her happy. She is still in recovery position. Middle of death and living. Next few hours will definitely be worse. Stay patient." The doctor said.😑😑😑 "Stay patient. How dare you. How can we?" Ariana cried. "That shameless dead soul Philip and his brother and Colin JoJo, Wendy. I'll let them to rest in peace. Return the case. Let them hang. Shameless *** ***. They must be paid for what they did?"🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 [Can you remember at the beginning we told Colin and Wendy died. But actually they didn't. Their agency spread that rumor in order to save their privacy. Because Colin had already released some pics of him with Lesso, saying that they were dating. Actually the girls knew it when the CEO called them after they saw the news.]
Jeffrin tried to step away while calling their Lawyer who always stay with their Bodyguards. But Ariana stopped her. "Just stay. We need you too. Don't get into a trouble. I don't want more worries. So please let the lawyer to handle the case. They will do fair. Just let it to the lawyer. Can you please mister?" Ariana begged.😣😣😣😣 "Why not? Of course I will. You stay with them. They need you now. Anyway they will be punished for trying to murder." The lawyer promised and went away. Jeffrin again sat with others. Again the machine started to ring. Beeeeep.....
The doctors all hurried to Lesso. They again pushed all their effort to her. Ariana felt like she was in a terrible night mare. Nurses and doctors were running from there to there to help. To make the situation worst the current goes away. Everything was eaten by darkness. Some nurses hurried to start the generator and provide current just only to the theater. "Please god tell me that I'm in a nightmare." Ariana all pissed off. Alexa was crying crazily. Brittany faded. Some nurses hurried and carried Brittany to give treatments. Tania got a panic attack. she laid down. Her body guard covered her. Jeffrin ran towards her. "Easy Tania. Breathe in. breath out. Breathe in. breath out. One. Two. Three. …." Jeffrin said and Tania somehow get back normal. "Lesso…" Tania cried out. "Take her out. She need some fresh air." Jeffrin told to the guard. The guard carried Tania. Tania cried out by saying she don't want. So the guard carried her from his shoulder. "Jeffrin...…" Ariana cried. Jeffrin was deeply worried but she didn't showed it because she knew she had to be strong in this moment. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to her. She will be well. I hope so." Jeffrin muttered the last words. "I heard you dear." Ariana cried on Jeffrin's shoulder. Jeffrin too cried out this time. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
[Lesso pov_]
"All the lights around me blurring. What the hell wrong. Where am I? ah so hard to breath. What are those white colour…..what the heck? Why am I in the hospital? Then my friends. Ah they may be worrying. What I had done to me? What the hell?" then she heard someone calling.
"Thank you for helping me. You can go now. Please never not try to harm yourself. If you know who your friends were worried about you you will not be able to bear it. It's that much painful. Even tears came out from my eyes. I had never seen that much powerful friendship. Just protect it. Instead of trying to leave it. May anything happen I'm dead sure that your friends will welcome you like just nothing had happened. Even the society disliked you your friends will always be with you. I'm so sorry that I interrupted such a deep bond just to make a revenge. I feel guilty of my own now. From all the things I had done this will be never forgive by anyone. You and your friends just like a family so never lost them. Even you live separately you all will be together forever. One thing you all don't know Vergiana who lives apart knew all of these too. She too worried like them. All of them even prayed for you early in the morning and then late night. I'm shameless man and even not qualified to say sorry for what I had done. I kept you here to make my revenge. I'm sorry." The man said. 😔😔😔😔😔😔
"Philip and your brother. Wow.[evil smile] how dare you*** to make me apart from my friends and make your revenge by my friends. But I'm forgiving you because forgiving is an angel habit. But I know I'm not an angel but the most important thing to me is my friends. Also keep this in your mind I'll never leave my friends. So you are the one who talked inside my head. Seems like you did same to my ex-. That's why he killed me. I felt sorry that I failed to protect my friends from a devil evil killer hunter. You are the worst***." Lesso grunted.
"Just go your time is ending." The man again said.
"I'm going but just not because of you. It's all because of my friends. I felt sorry because I can't punished you for the Sake of my friends. I'm leaving. I hate you***." Lesso grunted and closed her eyes.
"Forgiving us is the worst punishment....." the man told some more but Lesso didn't heard them.
Lesso breathe.
Doctors stepped backwards and thanked. Some of them kept their hands on their chests. After pushing hard while putting all their effort Lesso was totally recovered.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
[Others pov_]
Tania and Brittany too again joined with them while crying. Alexa too joined. Ariana hugged them. "Lesso…" That's the only word which came out from their mouths. Jeffrin was looking at them and then she said, "She will be fine.". their bodyguards too worried. Some of them cried but stayed string for them. Their CEO and manager too looking at them. But they can't do anything. Because they know the girls will be more worried if they talked.
Beeep... All of them looked at theater. Their hearts are beating so fast. Anyone near them can hear it. Jeffrin worried that will Britany faded again and will Tania got panic attack. Because it's not good for their health. CEO and Manger too worried about it. They even worried about that will Ariana be mentally down or will Jeffrin's depression status rise up or will Ariana and Alexa too caught up from any of these. Then the doctors came out with pleased faces.
"She is Alive. You can see her now. When she awoke..." The doctor couldn't finished. All the girls ran into Lesso.
"Friends is the first word she spelled out…" the doctor said to himself and went away to make report.
"Lesso..." They all hugged her. "You make us afraid to death." Ariana cried. "I know. I'm so sorry guys. I wish I had listened to you all." Lesso too cried. "Dare not to remember it again. Just forget the past and move on to the future." Jeffrin grinned. Everyone smiled. "Yes miss." Lesso smiled. "Ah finally everything went well." Ariana sighed. "Indeed." Brittany said. Lesso started to cry. "Ah, I'm so glad to see you guys. I'm really really sorry. You guys are the best. Love you all. My crazy..." Lesso couldn't finished. "Dare not to call us like that." Alexa yelled. "I'm sorry." Lesso apologized. "Never mind." Jeffrin and Tania nodded. "By the way, what about the Christmas show?" Asked Lesso. "What the hell you are saying. Are you out of mind? Even though you are still weak. We cancelled it. Rather than that don't you have shame to ask on thing like that? You just got up and even the doctors told you to take a rest. How dare you to ask something like that while lying on a hospital bed?" Ariana blamed. "Why did you cancelled it?" Lesso asked with tears. "You all knew that it was my dream. You guys know how many daydreams I've made up just for that?" Lesso cried. It remembered them the words of the doctor. They went over fear. Will she be mentally disappointed? That's the only one thing they got into their mind.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
"Okay let's do it then." Jeffrin talked first. "Well then Jeffrin can you make the call?" Ariana asked. "On it." Jeffrin called their manager. Lesso smiled again. Everyone was pleased to see her smile. "Ok it's fixed. We have to practice then." Jeffrin talked. "Ah when talking about that, have you guys seen the new track I made?" Lesso asked. "I need to do a song. All of us. Not a solo not a duo. Jeffrin don't tell me to do a solo ok? Can we finished it before 12.00 clock at night? Please I'm not that much weak as you guys were thinking. Please guys." Lesso begged.
Jeffrin wanted to tell Lesso that "Writing a song is not a piece of cake. It's too hard. Ah why? What can I do? I can't promise you even though I don't like to give you hopeless hopes on that topic." But instead of it she agreed with Lesso. In order to not to make Lesso sad. "Oh thank you Jef. I'll give you the track. I can remember I saved it somewhere on my phone." Lesso started to search for her phone.
She found it near her bed. She searched something on it.
"Here it is." She gave Jeffrin her phone. Jeffrin played the track. A hip hop music track. "Better than I thought of. Your wish sis." Jeffrin acted. "Thank you dear sis." Lesso too acted. "My pleasure Lesso. Bye I'm going to write." Jeffrin said. "Before it let's take a picture." Brittany suggested. "Oh when will you stop taking pictures of everywhere and everything? Even every instance. You crazy idiot." Tania asked. "I'll continue it till I left everything. I wish that I may can have a camera in my afterlife too." Brittany said.📸📸📱📱
"Then let's keep her phone with her in her cemetery." Jeffrin suggested. "Good idea sis. So that my secrets that only you guys know never will be explored." Brittany added. "Oh yeah." Tania said. "Let's take pictures." Lesso said. They took some selfies. Brittany posted few of them in Twitter, Facebook and also in Instagram. Jeffrin started to write a song to the track. Luckily it took her no more than 20 minutes. Ariana called their director. The director told them to come to the studio. After Lesso was discharged they all went to the company branch which was located in that area. The main company was located in Korea, and they are the only pop artists who signed in there. All the others are Kpop Idols.
They completed all the works within an hour in order to give a rest to Lesso. The director told to make an MV with the video clips they filmed before. After all of these works they managed to arrive home at 8o clock. "Guys we have to prepare for Christmas." Jeffrin stopped a moment and again continued saying, "But if you guys were tired we can call a service to co-op with." She said. "Whoa whoa! Even I'm deadly tired I still need to play funny." Lesso protested. "Me too. After a long time." Brittany too agreed to Lesso. "Yeah me too. Let's do it in our own." Tania said. "Well then. Let's start it. Because we don't have a lot time left." Ariana hurried. "Okay then's fun time." Tania yelled.
BxS (Books x Secrets)