Others were looking at her confusedly. "Why?ย Oh dear please don't tease me." Tania growled. Others smiled at her. Tania stared. "ok ok enough fights." Alexa said. "Who fought?" Lesso questioned. "Well girls, while Alexa, I and Lesso were decorating you guys make Christmas foods. You can make cake, fruit cake, pudding, cookies, marshmallows, ginger bread cookies. We have all the things you need. But don't make my kitchen mess. If you guys were willing to, ready to be punished." Ariana said.ย
"Under which law?" Brittany asked. Everyone smiled. "Under UNJAngels law." Ariana grinned and went away.๐๐๐๐ "I'll make biscuit pudding and cake. Brittany can you mange with marshmallows and ginger biscuits. Tania you are always good at making fruit cake. So you do it." Jeffrin added. "Okay." They all carried on their works.
"Guys let's make some hot chocolate too." Brittany told.
"Okay. I'll do it." Tania said. Jeffrin tried to help Tania but a glass was broken by her. "Please not Ariana." Jeffrin begged.
"Okay," Brittany and Tania helped her. Brittany started to make marshmallows. "What color do you need?" Jeffrin asked. "How about blue and white." Jeffrin suggested. "No Not that. Red and white since its Christmas." Tania protested. "Let's make both." Brittany joined the conversation and stopped their fight. Brittany agreed and took extra two trays. Tania applied butter on both. While Jeffrin was boiling fresh milk to make pudding. "Jeffrin what the hell you are doing?" Tania asked. "Ah you mean this. I found the recipe on online. It was in Sinhala. But I translated it." Jeffrin explained. "I hope we can eat it." Brittany added. "Me too." Tania said. "Aish. Why I am still here." Jeffrin complained. "Because you can't never escape from us." Tania replied. "I know." Jeffrin growled. "Oh then....." Tania was interrupted by Brittany. "Just stop at that. Let's continue. I mean let's continue working not fighting." Brittany demanded. "Okay..." Tania prepared the things Jeffrin needed. Brittany opened the red color bottle and pour a bit.ย But it splashed everywhere on Brittany's apron. "Oh dear!" Jeffrin looked at that side while making chocolate icing. She laughed while looking at it. By mistake the bowl fell down and broke. Jeffrin looked at the bowl. Chocolate icing were all over the floor.
"Oh dear. This is the second thing. Hide it before Ariana saw it." Tania gave a bowl to Jeffrin. She again made icing. When she was all done Brittany too had finished making marshmallows. Jeffrin made her pudding with the help of Tania. While she was doing it Brittany and Tania were making donuts. After Jeffrin finished making she started to make chocolate sauce. Brittany was putting all the donuts she made to the oven. Tania cut chocolate pieces into small pieces and put adequate butter to it and she started to make chocolate sauce. When Brittany took the donuts out, at the same time the chocolate sauce too was ready.
"Jeffrin I too need some sauce for donuts." Brittany asked. "Okay." Jeffrin said and she applied few of chocolate sauce on the pudding and put some sprinkles and cashews on it. "All done. Take the rest." Jeffrin said. Tania took some star shape sprinkles on to her hand.
When Jeffrin opened the fridge and tried to put the pudding tray in to. Tania put all the sprinkles on her hand to the pudding. But few left on her hand she threw it towards her mouth. ๐๐๐๐
"Decoration." She yelled while laughing. Jeffrin spent few seconds looking at it and laughed while putting it in. She closed the fridge. Brittany was making an icing layer to appear on the donuts. She put all of them into three small bowls and for one she add some chocolate sauce and for the other she put red color. She left the other in while and mixed it well. Tania gave her a bowl of few sprinkles mixed with two shapes.
"Brittany, may I?" Jeffrin asked from Brittany. "Okay." Brittany left Jeffrin to put icing layers on donuts. Jeffrin finished it carefully. "It looks so different isn't it? Red color, white color, chocolate and beautiful sprinkles. I like it." Tania said while looking at the donuts. "Looks good. But I don't know whether the taste will be good or not." Brittany grinned. Ariana, Alexa and Lesso entered to the kitchen. Ariana yelled when she looked at the table. "Oh dear!" she shocked her head. The others laughed. "Wow! Donuts seems great. We were all done with decorations. So, we came to help you guys because it is almost 10 o'clock." Alexa explained. Brittany placed the donuts on the dinner table.
"What do we left to do?" Asked Lesso. "Cake, fruits, cake and ginger beard biscuits." "Thus I made donuts, Tania can you make gingerbread biscuits." Asked Brittany. "Okay, Tania said while taking flour to make cake. They prepared the indigents together to make cake. Jeffrin you can make it alone. While we are making fruit cake." Ariana demanded. "Okay." Said Jeffrin and she started to beat. She turn on the beater to rotate itself and start to break the eggs. The very first egg she took to her hand fell down and broke. "Oh gosh. I'll do it. You keep on mixing. I'll help you with eggs." Ariana said while cleaning it.
Jeffrin washed her hands. Ariana helped her with the eggs. After Jeffrin mixed them all she put it into the cake bowl and Tania had already finished making fruit cake. Jeffrin put the cake inside carefully and closed the oven. When she tried to set on the time by mistake the controlling nob brake. "4th time." Tania grinned. "Oh gosh." Alexa set it again and she set on timer. "Okay guys. We have to make icing.'' Lesso nodded. "I'll make it." Lesso added.
"Okay guys." We have to make it." Lesso added. "Okay but don't break anything like our Jeffrin. Ah! When talking about what else you broke before we arrived. Because I heard Tania saying 4th time." Ariana roared. Jeffrin gifted a death glare to Tania.
"Not anything really cost. Only a Glass and a Bowl." Brittany replied. "Oh! gosh never mind. Since she broke everything. I am the one who become poor." Ariana grinned. Others laughed. "Never mind we can buy them." Alexa satisfied. Lesso was making icing. "Jeffrin can you give me the coloring bottle. I need green, red and blue." Lesso took 4 bottles and put the icing into the 4 bowls equally. When Jeffrin tried to touch the bottles, Brittany stopped her.
"Let me take it." She admitted while giving the coloring to Lesso. Lesso looked at Brittany. "As you both by red color add colors to this. My apron don't want to be dirty as yours." Lesso laughed. Brittany stared while adding coloring carefully. No matter what somehow she again added blue color to her apron. "Wow nice art." Tania laughed. "Oh guys." Jeffrin wailed while looking at the chocolate sauce. "It is empty." She wailed again. Others amazed. Tania and Alexa looked down. Ariana noticed.it. Anything to explain." She asked while looking at Alexa straightly looked at Ariana. "We ate them. There is nothing to eat around here. So, we ate it. Sorry for admitting it later. We thought there will be no use of it.
"Actually, why did you left them?" Asked Tania. "Never mind because you two ate all." Jeffrin talked. Lesso took some icing to her hand secretly and wipe it all in Brittany's cheek and Jeffrin's cheek. "Idiots.'' They two yelled at once. They washed their faces while others were laughing. Tania started to make ginger beard cookies. They know that Tania likes to cook alone. So they went out. When they get out from the door. Jeffrin turned again and ran into the kitchen. She checked how much time left to take the cake out. Only 15 minutes. "15 left." Jeffrin muttered and again ran out. They entered to the living room. Ariana, Lesso and Alexa had decorated a Christmas tree.๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๏ธ๐๏ธ๐๏ธ๐๏ธ๐๐๐๐๐๐๏ธ๐๏ธ๐๏ธ๐๏ธ๐๏ธ๐๐๐๐๐๐
"From where did you take it?" Asked Jeffrin. "We ordered.'' Ariana said. "No actually. I stole it. When I was a ghost.'' Lesso grinned. "Are you kidding me? Don't remember that period never. Ah only I know how much I hate it." Jeffrin grunted. "See, I have even got Goosebumps." Brittany showed. "Sorry." Alexa apologized. "How does our Christmas tree look?" Ariana nodded. "Good." Jeffrin called. "Is that all." Ariana doesn't satisfied. "Anything else." Jeffrin grinned. "Nothing." Ariana stared. Lesso found some strips on the floor. She collect them all and throw them towards others. They all jumped and laughed happily. "This is the best Christmas forever." Jeffrin yelled. "Yeah." Others agreed. But Lesso was thinking. Ariana saw it.
"Lesso what are you thinking?'' Ariana questioned. "I was remembering." Lesso replied. "Remembering what? It will be helpful if you tell us." Alexa talked. "I was remembering something I forgot to do." Lesso again started to think. Tania arrived that place. "Guys the cake is ready." She insisted. They ran to the kitchen but Lesso walked slowly while thinking. They prepared to put icing on the cake. While they were icing it Brittany broke another nozzle and by mistake. When she tried to take a bowl from the pile of bowl. All of them fell down while making a loud noise. Lesso yelled. Others laughed. Jeffrin collected it all. All of them and placed them on the table.
"hooray!'' Lesso yelled again. "Why?" others amazed. "Is, there any chocolate biscuits left?" Lesso thanked while taking biscuit tin and gave it to Lesso.๐ช๐ช๐ช๐ช "Thank you." Lesso thanked while taking biscuits out. "Wanna have some?" she asked. Others signed no by waving their heads while icing the cake the gingerbread men are too baking. Tania took them out from the oven and keep them away to cool. After few minutes Tania invited others to decorate the tiny ginger men. "Wait a minute." Jeffrin said. After finished putt on icing the cake.
"Wow. It looks great." Brittany nodded. "Not yet." Jeffrin took some sprinkles and put them on to the icing. "I'm decorating." She sang. They laughed. "Are you kidding me. Never mind its perfect Jeff." Alexa grunted. "Guys can we." Tania pointed the biscuits. "Okay." They keep the tools on the sinkbasing and all together started to icing the ginger men as they wanted. They laughed while looking each other ones and compare them. The kitchen was filled with laugh. After making all of them at 11.30 o'clock.
They arranged the Christmas table at the living room near the Christmas tree. They took lot of pictures together. When the grandpa clock sigh 12 o'clock they released their new song to youtube and posted some posts wishing merry Christmas. They wished to each other. "Sorry we only have sweets here." Ariana apologized. Also some macarons, waffeles,....." Ariana cut off ๐๐ฅ๐ฟ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐๏ธ๐ฅช๐ช๐๐ฐ๐น๐ท๐ฝ๏ธ (Foods on the table)
"Oh gosh. Why is that? Are you going to start a new day after saying sorry." Brittany grinned. Suddenly they heard somebody knocking the door. They Looked at each other. "Is that a ghost again?" Alexa nodded. "No way." Brittany protested. "Again someone knocked the door. Ariana was over need of laughing. So she said. "I'll go and have a look." Others gathered together. "Be careful." Jeffrin muttered when she saw the smile face of Ariana. "Okay." Arian went away. She opened the door. There was a man with a parcel on his hand. "Everything alright." Ariana asked secretly. "Yes miss. The director asked to." The stranger admitted while giving the parcel to Ariana.
After he went away Ariana closed the door. Alexa silently separated from others and took her new camera. She started to vedio. She placed it on the cupboard as they planned which can cover the whole view.๐คซ๐คซ๐คซ Everything going on was live via YouTube. Before Ariana entered the room she stopped. She took the cake out and light on the candles on it. There were 15 candles because Asha and Ini was celebrating their 15 birthday. Lesso turned off the lights. Brittany yelled. But nobody saw Brittany laughing. Ariana entered the room.
Lesso, Brittany, Alexa and Ariana started to sing happy birthday.๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ After it finished Lesso turned the lights on. Jeffrin and Tania was amazed. "Woah......" Jeffrin muttered. "Sorry for being late dear. Happy birthday Jeffrin and Tania. I know it's too late to wish because the days had already passed. Tania on 20th December and Jeffrin on 22nd December. You guys said don't want to celebrate but we at least wanted to make you happy. So we planned on doing some funny things with you on that days. But you didn't noticed at all. When we told it to Lesso. She suggested this." Ariana explained. "Is that all a plan." Tania asked. "Of course." They all yelled at once except Jeffrin. "Oh dear, I was really afraid that moment. When the lights turned off." Jeffrin laughed. "Me too. It made me shock." Tania added. "Oh dear are you two going to keep talking. Blow up the candles. My hand is aching. This is too much heavy than I thought." Ariana again wailed. "No way aren't there any cake inside." Lesso asked. "What are you talking about." Brittany asked. "No I mean Ariana said It was too heavy. So there might be a rock inside." Lesso tried to explain. "You fool." Alexa hit Lesso. "Blow the candles girls. Why keep waiting." Ariana again insisted. Jeffrin and Tania blew the candles and cut the cake.๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
They fed everyone from a piece of cake . "Oh my god. I can't believe it. You two have become the same old as us."ย Ariana nodded. "Quite interesting." Alexa grinned. "Jeffrin, Tania do you have anything to tell our fans? There are more than 6000 fans." Alexa talked again while taking out the hidden camera.
"Oh my god." Jeffrin wailed. "Hidden camera, Is it live?" asked Tania.๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ "Yes" others replied at once. "Oh dear, we're so happy. How can I explain it? Ah! I really don't know how to say it. Good or better. Never mind we really enjoyed." Tania expressed her feelings. "Me too. Over the moon. You know." Brittany laughed.
"Vergiana, are you on flight, Come back soon. Today will be a special day. No not today. I mean tomorrow. No its today. It's almost 12 past in mid night. So let's call it a big day. Wish it only fill with happy and joy for everyone. Enjoy your best. Hope it may. Bye guys. Stay safe and enjoy." Jeffrin remembered their missing member for all those days. Whose name was Vergiana.
"Okay guys. Merry Christmas, Enjoy." Lesso ended the live.ย "Love you all angels." They all said it before ending the live.
"You know what. You guys afraid me." Jeffrin grunted. "Me either."ย Tania growled. "Guys, I'm hungry." Brittany admitted.ย Then they all eat while laughing and talking. They cleaned everything and went to beds to prepare for Tomorrow's show.๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
BxS (Books x Secrets)