Chapter 34: The funeral (2):

Chiu Yeung POV:

I seriously had to wait for them in the main hall. Goodness is Li Tian You a robot? Throughout the whole ceremony, he never cried once and he didn't even yawn. Yet I was almost falling asleep, and my knees hurt. " uh..." I moaned whilst rubbing my knees "Princess are you ok?" An Ping asked in concern. " I'm alright though I may have to rub some oil on my knees later on," I replied. Our conservation was interrupted as the whole family came in. Li Tian You and another old woman sat at the head seats.

Li Tian You POV:

As we headed into the main hall I saw the third princess had taken a seat in the first chair on the side, where I used to sit. As everyone sat down I finally spoke up " Imperial Father was assassinated in the Imperial garden. His majesty had promised to find the assassin for us. As for the assets everything was to be left in my name as his heir apparent. All of the shops that our mother owned in her dowry are to be left to Tian An. All of our mother's money and jewellery in her dowry would be given to Tian Yao for her dowry. The villa in Chang Shi is to be left for Tian Xia's dowry. Tian Ming is to have all of the paintings and books our late father owned. He also told me to tell you Tian Ming ' You are more of a scholar than a military general, don't forget what you wanted to do in the first place, and keep true to your ambitions. That's the end to the first clause..." I explained. " No, how I don't believe it. How could old master leave everything for you and your sister but hardly anything for Tian Ming," shouted she-devil as she slapped her hand on the table. "Any patience? Can you not wait? This is only his oral will not his written one. The written one should be in his study, I haven't gone in there yet because I believe whether we are legitimate children of the father or not, we are still the father's children so we should go and read his written will together. Also, the father's remaining death wish is to find Tian Jing back. Concubine Shi do you know where she is?" I asked. " No, from the moment she eloped I haven't heard of her since," she replied half heartily. " What sort of mother are you? You won't even look for your flesh," I shouted. " Ge calm down," a soothing voice comforted, I looked gratefully at Tian An, Concubine Shi had smartly kept her mouth closed this time. " Also we've another mei, he name is Chun Hua a child out of wedlock father wanted us to find her and bring her back," I muttered. " What! How dare he!" shouted Concubine Shi. "The dead should always be honoured," silence Chiu Yeung 'so she does have a brain'.

I stepped out from my chair and ordered " Tian An, Tian Yao, Tian Xia and Tian Ming follow me. The rest stay here,". I led everyone to the study and we all stepped in together. It's been a while since I entered here but it hasn't changed much. With a desk and chair on top of the raised flooring. A landscape painting with calligraphy words means to live your life with dignity. With a bookshelf at the side. Filled with antics and whatnot.

Link for reference on the study:

"let us look for it together," Tian Xia suggested as we all nodded. After half an hour we looked everywhere but still, no sign of his written will or any information on Chun Hua. " Shall we ask Ren Mo*(1)?" Tian Ming suggested as I ordered Yu Xuan to look for him. 10 minutes later Yu Xuan arrived with Ren Mo. " Ren Mo do you know if father ever wrote a will?" Tian Yao asked. " In reply to second Jun Zhu, yes old master did. He even ordered me not to help you guys find it. He wants it to be found in you guys' hard work but it is in the study," replied Ren Mo. Hearing his word I stood up and paced around the study again. 'If he wanted us to find it then it wouldn't be hidden so easily. It's not in the bookcases nor the shelf underneath his study table, where could it be? Behind the paintings?' " Yu Xuan, check the paintings," I shouted as my foot caught hold of a loose nail. The loose nail flung right open and part of the floor lifted off. Everyone noticed the commotion and flung it to my side as I peeled open the floor. "We've found it," I exclaimed whilst pulling out the letter with the words His Royal Highness Prince Zi, Li Chong Hai's written will: I open the letter and everyone peeped over my shoulder as I read out loud. "If you guys are reading this then that means I ain't in this world anymore... I state here for my eldest son Li Tian You to be my successor. I hope he can act as a righteous lord and husband. Tian You if you ever have trouble or you are looking for allies you can always take a trip to Po Hai kingdom where your grandmother*(2) originated from they've promised me to help you. As for my youngest son Li Tian Ming, if he wanted to take a position in the Imperial Court His Majesty, my brother, has agreed to take Tian Ming under his wing as his secretary, if he doesn't want to then let it be forgotten. Tian Xia has an engagement with one of the Shang Guan twins but if she doesn't want then cancel this engagement. Tian An I am truly sorry for not being able to give you the childhood you must have wanted, but I hope you would forgive me for marrying Concubine Shi. Forgive her as well after all she is innocent. Your mother Wen Yue Ling was a marvellous woman in everything she did, I truly did love her from the beginning but perhaps our love began beautifully but ended up as a disaster as soon as Concubine Shi was wedded. Perhaps it is best not to tell you guys the actual truth. Also, I have another daughter called Gong Chun Hua find her for me. Attached with this letter is everything I've gathered about her. Anyways I leave everything in your hands Tian You, do not disappoint me. After my death, I wish to be buried next to Yue Lin underneath the blossom tree I once planted, where I and your mother first met... Goodbye, I bid you guys farewell," I finished and looked up witnessing the scene in front of me everyone was crying semimetal as we all have different thoughts. ' Father didn't forget us' thought Tian Ming and Tian Xia and as for Tian An she had probably long forgiven her Imperial father...


1. Prince Zi's servant.

2. Wen Yue Lin's father is the Duke of Bei Hang. Originally he was the son of the Imperial Chancellor but he was forced to get married to a foreign princess as his prize for winning the Autumn Hunt, a few centuries ago. However, the two fell in love and had Wen Yue Lin and a son Wen Yue Zhen who is the current Duke of Bei Hang. The current chancellor could be said to be their distant cousin.