Chapter 35: The funeral (3):

We all compost ourselves and headed back to the main hall where Concubine Shi was informed of what was written in the will. Her smiled shined especially when she heard that Tian Xia had been engaged to one of the Shang Guan twins, also when hearing the deal father made with Imperial Uncle. ' Looks like the marriage would be called off' I thought as I shared a knowing look with Yu Xuan. He smiled in answer, "Tian You, what's the joke?" Concubine Shi asked. " Nothing," I replied looking away. "Ok, so now that's done. Since ancient times it's always the children who would stay in the ancestral Hall and copy Taoism books for 100 days until the coffin is sealed. However, since his concubine is still alive than this job should be handed over to you no?" I asked. " No ge can you chose someone else to do this job? Mother is old and I'm afraid she can't hand it," Tian Xia reasoned " Oh, yes mei your words have some sense in it however, since you don't want your mother to do it would you be the one who does it?" Tian Yao asked. ' ah Tian Yao still hasn't forgiven Tian Xia well I guess even I wouldn't. What she did to Tian Jing would make us hate her forever'.

" I'll do it," Tian An announced "As the eldest daughter of Prince Zi it is my responsibility to serve father after his death. I'll copy the books for him,". "No," Tian Yao and I chorused "As, the eldest son, it's my responsibility," I admitted . " Ge, you can't you're the male heir so it can't be you. And it can't be Jia jia as well for she is meant to be married after 4 months, it's unlucky," Tian Yao reasoned "So, I'll do it,". "Tian Xia you can do it with Tian Yao," I added "You guys both don't have marriages or responsibilities. So let it be that," I announced. "Also, butler Zhou arranged a room for third Princess and her maid,"

And I headed out of the main Hall to go into my own separate rooms. Yu Xuan closed the door after Shang Gu appeared like a shadow. "Childe," Shang Gu greeted as I nodded in reply. "Shang Gu have you found out who is instructed to investigate on my father's assassination?" I asked, "Count Cheng'an, Rong Xia," she replied. " Oh that's good, he would investigate properly," I assumed. "Although that would be truth but I need Shang Gu to still investigate yourself in case father is trying to hide anything. Start investugating father since I was born, I want to know exactly what happen that year that Concubine Shi would be wedded. Yu Xuan I need you to send someone to find Tian Jing and Gong Chun Hua's information," I commanded. "Start investigating where Tian Jing went after she eloped with her senior brother. I only know that Emei sect leader had a nephew who she took in in his childhood yet this man ended up being her biggest regret. He betrayed his sect and led his junior sister astray, ". "Understand, we'll get to it," Yu Xuan and Shang Gu chorused.



2 months later so 80 days left of mourning:

Late at night a candle was still lit in someone's room as he pushed everything onto the floor, he himself also fell to the floor clutching his chest. His brows started to frost as he could feel his whole body getting colder every minute, his arm . The coldness made him grew numb as he begins to lose conscience.

The next day:

the sunshine filled in the house as the master's servant waited outside in query to why his master had not woken up.

"Shang Gu? Why are you here?" Yu Xuan asked. "It's the 21st day of the month, Master poison usually erupts in a few days so I came earlier one to report on what I've found and two to see how he is..." replied Shang Gu " Eh but where's childe? It's already near noon,". "He still hasn't come out of his room..." commented Yu Xuan as he flung open the door to find his master on the ground still. His whole body was stiff cold his eye brows were already fully frosted, his whole body was covered with frost that was slowly entering veins near his heart if the antidote ain't drinking now then he would die... "Shang Gu hurry," shouted Yu Xuan as he hurried to close the door. Shang Gu hurried and slit her wrist open and dropped her blood into Tian You's mouth. 10 minutes later nothing was working and the duo became very agitated. "Last month was fine, why is it quicker now?" Yu Xuan asked. " I don't know why are you asking me?" stated Shang Gu "Let's take childe back to Moon Valley and ask Shang Guan Yue to look at him. Even if Shang Guan childe has no clue, Moon Valley has a spring pool that childe use to use when he hadn't found me,". " But what do we say when everyone wonders where childe is," advised Yu Xuan "Go and find Miss Tian Yao and Tian An tell them what happen and meet us in Moon Valley. I use qing gong to get there first," she affirmed as Shang Gu picked up Tian You by the shoulder and hoped onto the roof and flew away. As for Yu Xuan he too headed over to the young miss explain every thing and in detail to the horror of both miss but has a keen idea to keep this all secretly, after he headed over to Moon Valley to meet his young master.



Moon Valley:

" How's childe?" asked Yu Xuan as soon as he located Shang Gu and Shang Guan Tao at the back of Moon Valley where the spring pond was located. "He's getting better since he entered the spring pond the hot water had cooled down his frost as it's slowly getting off him," announced Shang Guan Yue as he emerged pouring more medical stuff into the pond. "So do you know why his poison erupted earlier than expected?" asked Shang Gu " No, not yet we need to wait for him to wake up first, at this point he isn't fully cured," replied Shang Guan Yue.

5 hours later:

Shang Guan Tao had taken in lead of things to shut those who had seen Shang Gu arriving with Tian You or Han Shan Yue as his disguise. Those who seen or heard anything were immediately sought after, killed and buried, though it was only one or two maids and a few other servants however nothing must be told to the outside world. No one is to be known of Han Shan Yue's real secret. Those disciples who saw the commotion were immediately warned of the circumstances if anything were to be leaked. It was quite a trouble when Han Shan Yue arrived at Moon Valley. He already had blood leaking out of his nose and when Shang Guan Yue had heard of the news Han Shan Yue had already spitted out several blood and still unconscious. Since everyone of the 'guest' in Moon Valley must swear to secrecy before entering Moon Valley, forgetting everything they see or hear, they too kept everything in between them. But however during this 5 hours word had gotten in the ears of Mei Xiang in which she told Wei Ying and Wei Xian and they told Xiu Ying, this was how Han Shan Yue woke up to be surrounded by his junior brothers and servants meditating and his diciples peeking behind the screen.


"Childe do you remember what happen last night and why your poison would erupt so suddenly? asked Yu Xuan after I had gotten dressed and was sitting beside them drinking tea as if we were having fun. "I'm not quite sure I was just reading the information father left to see if their was any clue on where Gong Chun Hua is. I do remember hearing a sound like a door frame being ripped and the next thing I remember is waking up and seeing you guys," I replied still hazy however my ear senses caught something like a sound of a tree trig step onto. I put my finger over to my mouth as everyone felt silenced. I pointed in the direction of where I heard the sound when Tao di shot me a look of query. It was behind the screen the image of maybe 6 people? " Come out I already know you're here," I called out, the people behind the screen whispered among themselves and they shuffled out. 'I was more than pissed, I was infuriated how dare they eardrop was this how Moon Valley teaches manner?'

"Wei Ying, Wei Xian, Mei Xiang, Xiu Ying, Cheng Lin, Cheng Xue care to explain?" I asked. "We heard the rumor and so we wanted to check on you..." muttered Xiu Ying. "And this is how you check up on me? Ears dropping? Is this how your teacher teaches you manner? Maybe I should fire him..." I lectured "But since you guys decided to be HONEST and you find me out of KINDNESS than your punishment is to copy passages from etiquette and ceremony*(1)," I ordered stressing the word kindness and honest. They bowed their head as I dismissed them bowing again they left. "Wow it was only out of kindness but why did we received a punishment?" asked Chang Xue quietly " Ears dropping on the Valley Lord is against the rules. Because in case they hold bad intentions," replied Mei Xiang " I remember Valley Lord once sentenced someone to death because he ears dropped on an important conversation. But then people guessed it was because he was a spy but who knows?" added Xiu Ying. "Is he that scary?" asked Chang Lin as everyone in their gang called yes apart form Chang Xue.

" Why are you so strict with them?" asked Yue di after peace was settled again "Because childe has high expectations for all of them," replied Shang Gu, I nodded in agreement. "How has their training been?" I asked. "Pretty good they're fast learners. I've assesed both of them: Chang Xue and Chang Lin are both earth cultivators do to with the nature. Chang Xue is starting to use her sword enhancing with her earth powers but Chang Lin is a bit behind as he still doesn't have a weapon yet. We've visited the blacksmith several times this week but to no luck," Tai di replied. " I've a soft sword given to me by shifu as my first weapon but it never felt right with me as it was too light, so I never bonded with it. Would Chang Lin suit it?" I wondered "No harm in trying," suggested Yu Xuan.


1. Not sure about that book found it online.