Chapter 49: Tian An and Hu Chao Xing's wedding (1)

A week passed and the Imperial Astronomer, Shang Guan Li had decided on a day for Tian An and to be wed to Hu Chao Xing. He was given the title of Hu General and received half of the soldier's father once owned. Which would be 30,000. The other half was given to me in case I needed help in the new city. Tian An was due to marry in a month and I and Chiu Yeung would get married a month after hers. I've discussed this with everyone and they have agreed that after me and Princess Chiu Yeung wed we will move to Jiang Zhou and try to start a new life. The mansion in Su province would still be cleaned and tidied but we won't be coming back to live in it for the foreseeable future. There were just too many unhappy memories here.

When the date for the wedding was given to us I hastily assigned everyone's job to get Tian An and her husband a gift. The whole mansion had to be decorated in Red and her dowry needed to be prepared. Even Ming Yu got into the whole process. I haven't spoken much to Ming Yu but she's quite cute. Most of the time she reminds me of when Tian Jing was young. However, I realize that she seems to be quite scared of me. Am I that scary? Father had already prepared half of Tian An's dowry and so I proceeded to prepare the other half, Adding in all of mothers shop's land in it. The present I got Tian An was all of the jewellery I've brought every year on her birthday since I left home. When I was younger, I did debate whether or not to give these presents to Tian An on her birthday but later on, I decided to give them all on the day she gets married.

Today was finally the day I would see Tian An getting married. The whole mansion had been decorated in red for good luck. After months of preparations, her special day had arrived. Knocking onto the door I was greeted with a smile as Shang Gu opened the door to Tian An's room. Today Shang Gu was wearing a light blue Hanfu and her hair was tied into two space buns at the top with the bottom hair let loose. Tian Yao was sitting next to Tian An as she reassured the panicking bride. Tian An was wearing a light purple hanfu that was held together with a belt. On her waist, she even had a jade tied there. Her hair was done up beautifully it was tied up in a big bun with two strands of hair at the back like pigtails. I was wearing a light green hanfu and I was holding a fan in my hand.

Tian An had heard the commotion at the door and when she turned her head towards me I opened my mouth in shock. Today Tian An was the main character. She looked so pretty. Her hair was tied in a bun with red and gold accessories holding it together. Her hair would never be let down again. Married women in Dong Yue usually have their hair tied in a bun to show that they are no longer young ladies but the matron of the household. At the front she had her hair cut short into a fringe. Behind the fringe was a flower pattern drawn onto her forehead. The accessories on her hair are made of Gold pendants at the back and red pearls connected to the pendant. The red pearls reached about her shoulders. Her makeup had been done up so well. Her wedding robe fit her title as Princess Chang Le. It was all red with gold embroidery of Koi Fish and mandarin ducks. These both symbolize good luck. Her sleeves were made quite long and most of the embroidery was sowed there. The outline of her wedding robe was embraided with gold thread that made pictures of flowers. She looked really beautiful.

Tian An smiled at me and asked "Ge ge how do I look?". I smiled back and replied "Mother would have been so happy to see this day. You look really pretty," I grinned and Tian An breathed a sigh of relief. "Eh Yao Yao look at your face it's filled with envy. Are you already looking forward to when you would get married?" I laughed. "Of course gege. Which young maiden doesn't want to get married? If I were to marry someone it would be someone who loves me as much as I love him," she replied. ' Let's hope you find this man' I thought. "Well, Tian An how are you feeling?" I asked turning the attention back to Tian An. "To be honest ge, a little nervous and excited at the same time. But also a hint of sadness. When I get married I won't be able to spend my time with you a lot anymore. I'm going to miss this place," she replied solemnly. "Quite normal," I agreed. "Don't worry Jia Jia you can always come back and visit us," assured Yao Yao. Someone knocked on the door interrupting our conversation. I nodded to one of Tian An's maids for them to open the door. It was Yu Xuan. He bowed and said "Childe General Hu is here," I nodded and dismissed him back to the front hall to greet all the guests. " Mei-mei I need to go outside and meet your husband," I stated as she nodded. I was about to leave when a voice shouted "Wait for a minute young master. It is customary that you put this red veil on top of Princess Chang Le," It seems that it was the matchmaker auntie who interrupted me. I nodded at her words and proceeded to grab the red veil and gently cover her head. Whilst doing so I whispered directly to her alone "Tian An if Hu Chao Xing ever does anything unfaithful to you, you can always find gege. Even when you have married into the Hu family you will always be the younger sister I always cherished. I will help you no matter what. Don't forget that. I'll send two maids that I trust and can protect you,". I hugged her tightly as I headed out whilst bidding them all goodbye. I sincerely hope that Tian An remembers my words.