Chapter 50: Tian An and Hu Chao Xing's wedding (2)

I quickened my pace towards the front of the gate where the wedding sedan stood in front of Prince Zi's mansion. A crowd had formed outside watching all the commotion. Tian Ming was holding Hu Chao Xing from entering inside just like I had commanded him to.

"Brother-in-law, what is the meaning of this?" asked Hu Chao Xing grinning from ear to ear. "Aiyo Brother Hu you're here. Don't stand on ceremony and call me like how Tian An does: gege," I rejoiced with him. He nodded and took a step forward before I stepped in front of him and blocked him. He had a look of confusion as he took a step back. " Gege this is?" he asked. Grinning I explained "Li family's daughter can't be gone so easily so since mother's generation we had this little family tradition where the bride's family's sister would play on the groom so that he would not go in and see his bride so quickly. There will be three rounds. If he successfully passes them the pair would be able to continue with the wedding. If not... then..." his face look solemnly but his friends behind him gave him words of encouragement. And so he agreed. I looked behind him and noticed that within his friendship group were mostly second sons of a minister. Most of them are known for being studious and having good character. As the old saying goes ' you can always find out more about someone's character when knowing their friends. So I can infer that Hu Chao Xing won't be a bad man and I have searched about him before. Maybe the two maids won't be used...

After a few minutes, Hu Chao Xing spoke up saying "Alright then Gege and mei meis please ask the questions," I nodded and indicate to Tian Yao, Tian Jing, Tian Hua, Tian Xia and Shang Gu to begin. "So the first round is for me to give," Tian Yao began. Clapping her hands as a few men came in bringing two jugs of wine "Please can Jia fu*(1) finish all of this," he swallowed and grabbed a jug to drown "Don't worry Brother Hu you've us to help you," one of his friends stated as all of them nodded. I believe the one who spoke was the second son of the Deputy Minister of rites. However, the girls were having none of that. They chorused together "We want the new groom to drink all of it not for you guys to help," Brother Hu laughed and answered saying " I'm telling my friends to drink it on my behalf of me. That doesn't seem like cheating. Is it?". Tian Yao looked at my generation and I nodded so she nodded as well. Of course, I would nod I still need Tian An to be married. I laughed alongside everyone. I do love the festive mode. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a good celebration. A few moments later both the wine was finished.

Tian Hua stepped forward and announced "Well done Jia fu you've passed the first round. Now the second round belongs to me. Right since you've finished this round the new bride has two hard questions to test you," everyone around us 'oohed' and waited for what Tian Hua would say. she cleared her thoughts and asked the first question. "Can the groom please finish this poem for me If the wind had colour what colour would be the four-season?" everyone around them thought hardly and a man in blue hanfu leaned towards Brother Hu and whispered the answer to him. This young man was the second son of Imperial College's headteacher. Brother Hu smiled when he heard the answer and exclaimed "If the wind had colour then I think Spring Wind is Green.

Blowing the grass that woke up/was sleeping,

blowing the buds of the green/trees,

blowing back the migratory birds that were hibernating in the south.

It's a wind of revival.

If the wind is coloured,

I think the Summer wind is red.

Blowing on the red fiery sun,

blowing on the children's cheeks,

awakening the pond full of lotus flowers.

It was a hot wind.

If the wind is coloured,

I think the Autumn wind is golden yellow.

Blow yellow golden wheat,

blow on the fruit from the orchard,

blow off leaves on trees.

It's a gust of wind.

If the wind is coloured,

I think the winter wind is white:

Blowing white scattered snowflakes,

creating colourful ice sculptures,

having Snowball fights and Children building snowmen.

It's a gust of happy wind.

Yes! The wind of the four seasons is multicoloured,

and I love this multicoloured wind!

Is this ok?" asked Brother Hu as we all clapped our hands in acknowledgement. Tian Hua stepped back and Tian Jing stepped forwards saying. "Jia fu you've passed this rouns. The next round is for you to find the Li family's hairpin," everyone looked at each other in surprise before long Chao Xing asked out "What hairpin?" I stepped forward and began to explain to him. "In my mother's family, there was this custom where they had a hairpin in which their birth mother would give to their daughter for the daughter to give to her future groom. The Li family took in this custom when my mother married to father. So now you've to find her hairpin," Oh everyone looked around but a few of his friends protested saying " We don't even know what it looks like how can we find it?" Tian Hua began to help Tian Jing hushed everyone when Tian Xia spoke up saying "We can give you a clue," everyone's attention turned towards her and she hesitated and said " What is in the north, east is also in the south, west. The height is different and the distance is different. You don't know what the hairpin looks like because it was just inserted into its new home," a few seconds of silence was held before most of Brother Hu's friends said that it wasn't even a hint. "Alright, then we will give you another clue. You put it somewhere high. Somewhere red, green and dense place," Shang Gu hinted.

"Is it somewhere in your garden?" one of his friends asked as the girl shook there head. "So where could it be?" Xue Zi Yuan*(2) asked. He muttered the hint over his head again and shouted out loudly " It's not anywhere in the garden or the mansion because it's on top of her head! Where every hairpin is," I laughed heartily and gave him a knowing smile. "Brother Hu you've some very knowledgeable friends. That was the correct answer," I asked Tian Yao to go and inform Tian An of the result of the wedding and led them into the hall to meet Tian An. Hu Chao Xing would take Tian An to the Hu family on a sedan chair prepared. The pair would then resume the wedding in the Hu family with me and Tian Yao following to represent the Li family.


1. What is your call for your older sister's husband in mandarin.

2. Xue Zi Yuan was the second son of Imperial College's headteacher