Chapter 81: Him (2) :

"Have you ever heard that Prince Zi had two sons?" I asked as hubby nodded his head. "His eldest legitimate son is Prince Tian You and his illegitimate son is Prince Tian Ming," replied hubby "Is there anything wrong with this news?" I shook my and whispered "But that's not the whole truth,". Hu Chao Xing looked at me strangely and gestured for me to wait until we reached my pavilion to begin talking. As soon as we reached my pavilion he ordered all the maids and servants to wait outside, closing the door he helped me sit down on the table in my room.

"What did you mean earlier?" hubby asked. I signed and poured us both some tea. Drinking it in one gulp I signed again. Where exactly should I start? "Do you know I've two older brothers?" I asked as Hu Chao Xing shook his head. "I think I'll have to start from when I was born. I was born in early May to a mother of two sons and the then-crown prince. When I was born, my mother was having difficulties in labour which meant that she could not have kids in the future. However, that was ok because the father already had two sons and a daughter. He had two sons to inherit his title and a daughter to pamper. Life was the best for us. However, everything changed when Father got sent into exile.

I was too young to remember those days when we were in exile. But I do remember that both my brothers loved me dearly. They were twins. The eldest one was called Li Tian Hao and the younger one was called Li Tian You. Although they were identical twins, it was very easy to tell them apart. Tian Hao gege would always have his hair tied in a ponytail which he still does today. Tian Hao gege was the more lively of the twins. He prefer to wear bright clothes whereas Tian You gege loved to wear darker shades of clothes, and his hair was always tied up in a bun. Tian You gege was like an iceberg, he still is today. Which was why I was closer to Tian Hao gege," I explained. Hu Chao Xing gasp as he received this new information. "Do you mean that, that man was..." he interrupted but I gestured for him to stay silent.

"However, one day Mother told me that Tian Hao gege went to a really far place. He would never come back again. I remember I cried a lot during that time. I never really understood what mother meant until I was a bit older and saw mother die. I remember near Tian Hao gege's death Tian You gege seemed to have gotten really sick. He was so sick and not used to the North winds that his father rushed him back to the capital. His excuse for rushing Tian You back here was to allow him to study at the imperial academy. He even told the then crown prince who is now the emperor to keep an eye on Tian You. This is why Tian You gege is a bit closer to the emperor than his own father.

Father was allowed back to the capital when Tian You was 8. He brought his whole family and Tian Hao gege's ashes with him. The emperor finally understood why he sent only Tian You back and not both of them back. Tian Hao was said to have died from the sickness. This was a roaring matter in the past because around that time Father also killed the consort who had framed him for everything. The emperor made sure that no one would ever mention Tian Hao gege in case it hurt some people's hearts. I think my mother and imperial grandmother suffered the most. Tian Hao gege was their beloved son and grandson. When Imperial Grandmother knew that Tina Hao died she went berserk, she only calmed down when she saw Tian You gege. From that day on gege worked really hard for everyone to forget Tian Hao gege and move away from the grief. This was until mothers' death," I exclaimed whilst pausing to sip some tea. Hu Chao Xing looked really eager to hear the story so I could only continue again.