Chapter 80: Him (1):

"Your Highness," someone called. I thought they were calling for a different prince so I didn't answer them. However, someone tapped me on the back so I realised they were talking about me. I looked at the guy who stopped me and realised I don't recognise him. But Tian You probably does. "Brother Tian You, are you ok?" he whispered to me. Ahh, I finally realised who it was. Tian An's husband - Hu Chao Xing. Tian You did mention he called me him brother Tian You.

"Ahh, it's you. Sorry, I was thinking about something so I didn't hear you," I lied, another excuse. We stood there talking about how everything was going and we continue talking and walking until we reached our own carriage. We bid goodbye as I hoped inside my own carriage.

Our conversation was mainly about how things were going on in daily life. And how everyone's health was. Tian An was apparently very good, she seemed to be eating a lot of food these days. It must mean her appetite is really good. That's a good thing to know that she is having fun and enjoying her days there. I finally hurried home to write a letter to Tian You to tell him everything.


Meanwhile at Hu Chao Xing's mansion: Written in Tian An's POV:

"Wifey? Wifey? Where are you?" I heard a voice shout. "I'm here," I replied. I was in the medical room designed for this mansion. "And why are you here? Are you ok? Is everything ok doctor?" he shouted concerned. I placed my hand over his mouth until he decided to hush. "I felt a bit bloating and I always want to feel like I want to vomit. So I came here to get a check-up," I stated. I noticed that my husband didn't say anything so I looked at him and saw him pointing to my hand that was covering his mouth. I retracted my hand and he spoke up asking the doctor what illness do I have and whether or not it was curable.

"Marquis, please rest assured. Madam does not have any fatal disease. Instead she has something growing in her stomach," explained the doctor however husband looked even more scared when she said this. "Doctor do you mean I'm pregnant?" I asked as she nodded. I turned towards Hu Chao Xing and shouted that we were going to be parents. He still looked so shock but he quietly snapped out of it and proceeded to make sure I don't move too much.

He then turned towards the doctor and asked "Is there anything I need to be wary of now that Tian An is pregnant?". The doctor nodded and began to tell him stuff that I should eat and shouldn't eat. I watched as he concentrated very hardly on the doctors words. How cute. He's such a worry some person. He was even noting down all of the doctors words.

After, husband finally asked everything he wanted to. We walked out of the room very slowly with hu Chao Xing holding me the whole way, just in case I hurt myself. "Chao Xing, there is no need," I protested however he ignored me. Instead he began to tell me about his day today.

"Something really odd happed today. You see how His Majesty called everyone back for the morning court well it was to talk about the flood in Gusu. Brother-in-law actually volunteer to go there and help out. I never thought he would've. After all, he's a prince. I don't think he would be suitable doing this sort of work. But what's stranger is the thing to come. After the morning mass, I called for brother-in-law however he ignored me, I don't think he heard me. When I tapped him on his shoulder he looked at me as if I was a stranger. That felt really odd and weird to me. His gaze began to warm up to me when I said brother Tian You. Our whole conversation felt weird and short. It was quite unlike how we normally talk," ranted hubby as I listened to him.

I think I've a guess on what's happening. "Hubby do you remember what gege's hairstyle for today was?" I asked curiously. Actually maybe I did guess it correctly. "I think his hair was tied in a ponytail," replied Hu Chao Xing "why?". Yes I got it correct. I looked around and noticed there was no one around so I felt like I could explain to him. Because there shouldn't be any secrets between married couples if we wanted a healthy relationship.