WebNovelLove me!!13.24%

Chapter 18

Where's Jared?" Camilla asked as they took the elevator down to the building's garage and she didn't see the young man.

"He's on leave. As you and I would spend the day at home, I saw no reason to keep him here, at our disposal." Alex explained and Camilla nodded silently and followed Alex.

They stopped and she saw a black Grand Cherokee Jeep in front of them. Alex reached into his pocket for his keys, unlocked the vehicle, and went to the driver's side. Camilla thought that car was very beautiful, but she didn't think it was Alex's style. All the other times, he was always with a sedan type of car, so, she thought that was what he liked. 

"Hmm. Leather and orange seats!" She commented aloud, not realizing it.

"Yeah. I think this color goes really well with the rest of the car. And leather makes it a lot easier to clean, especially for someone like me, who loves to snack in the car."