WebNovelLove me!!18.38%

Chapter 25

They drove to The Grove Mall. This mall is one of people's most visited, both for the stores and for the restaurants. Camilla didn't usually go there, as it was usually full, and it wasn't the cheapest in town.

"There's a museum nearby." She said and Alex nodded in agreement. The Holocaust Museum. He was curious but never had the courage to go in there.

"Have you visited?" He asked.

"Yes, when I was in high school. There was an excursion." She replied, more serious.

"I still haven't had the courage. I'm kind of afraid of what I'm going to see inside. My family is German of Jewish origin. Even though we don't follow the customs, I still feel uncomfortable looking at those pictures. Films on the subject are interesting but often too heavy. However, seeing real photos is very..."

Camilla put her hand on Alex's arm. They had just parked and he looked shaken.