WebNovelLove me!!21.32%

Chapter 29

As soon as Alex parked the car, he grabbed Camilla's hand, who was practically hyperventilating with nervousness.

She looked at him, who gave her an encouraging smile. Then he got out of the car and opened the door for her. They walked hand in hand until a lady a little shorter than Camilla, with almost white hair, still a few strands of blond showing at her temples, approached them.

"My son!" She greeted Alex with a huge smile and hugged him. "I was missing you so much!"

"Hello Grandma!" Alex hugged her back. "I missed you too."

"If you did, you wouldn't go so long without visiting me." She said, pouting. The truth is, Alex visited them the day before he got hurt. That's when he picked up the sausages. The lady then turned to Camilla "And who is this beautiful young woman?"

"That, grandma, is my girlfriend. Camilla Bakers." He spoke with a proud smile on his lips, which did not go unnoticed by the elderly lady.