WebNovelLove me!!22.79%

Chapter 31

"Honey, I'm here!" Alex announced as he entered the room with bags and a large box of Dunkin' Donuts. Camilla got up from the bed, smiling, and helped him with the box.

"Oh my, Alex, what a load! You are a little exaggerated. Don't even say that I couldn't be reached, because my cell phone is here by my side."

"I just bought a lot of things because I really wanted to. If we don't eat today, we eat another day. Except the donuts. These we have to eat today." He said smiling and opened the box for Camilla. Her eyes sparkled.

"That won't be a problem." She spoke, picking up a pink frosting donut, sprinkled with colorful sprinkles. "This is my favorite."