WebNovelLove me!!23.53%

Chapter 32

The food didn't take long to be ready. Alex finished with the dough and the sausage was already in the oven. They began to eat, and once again Camilla reveled in her boyfriend's culinary talents. The difference was that Alex didn't hold back. He ate a lot, as he normally did.

"Did you ever think about taking a culinary course?" Camilla asked him.

"Yes, I thought about it. But let's just say that, being an only child, this idea was not very well accepted by my father. I was young and I ended up giving in." He replied.

"I'm very sorry."

"Don't be. I don't. If I were a chef, maybe I wouldn't have met you and today we wouldn't be here eating this delicious sausage." He speared a piece with his fork and brought it to his mouth smiling. Camilla laughed.

"In that respect, I have to agree with you." They both laughed and kept eating.