WebNovelLove me!!34.56%

Chapter 47

"Mr Strauss, I would like to apologize for yesterday." The man said and Alex raised his eyebrows in surprise. He hoped the old man would send Alex away, not apologize.

"Apologize?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I was a little too hard on Miss Camilla. She's a nice girl and I ended up overreacting. You know how it is... I've known her for a few years and, knowing that she doesn't have a family, I ended up taking responsibility for her."

Alex only raised one eyebrow now. 'What a disgusting old man... is trying to pretend to be concerned about Camilla's well-being!'

"And may I know what made you ponder the matter?" Joffrey caught Alex's tone and took his handkerchief from his back pocket. He was sweating profusely from nervousness.