WebNovelLove me!!59.56%

Chapter 81

Alex arrived in Chicago and couldn't contain his joy at being able to see Camilla and caress her belly, where their son slept, waiting to come to the world and fulfill his parents life with the most divine feeling. 

He bought tons of clothes and toys for Davi. And a pack of bags for Camilla when the baby arrived. She would need it to the hospital and to carry the baby around. 

Mrs. Hill traveled with him and she was to stay in Chicago to help Camilla. When they entered the apartment, Isadora was so happy to see Camilla and when her eyes saw Camilla's belly, she started to cry. 

"Oh, Camilla, my dear!" She said. "I'm so happy to be here with you, now. I'll pamper this baby boy as if he is my grandson." 

"Thank you, Isadora! You're so sweet!" 

"And me? Am I not sweet, too?" Alex asked, feeling left aside. Camilla rolled her eyes.

"Sometimes, you are sweet." She said and he smiled.