WebNovelLove me!!60.29%

Chapter 82

The next two weeks, George spent his time trying to reach Angela. He didn't even realize how he was not paying attention to Camilla at all, or how Alex's presence was not bothering him as it used to. 

He never asked Camilla about the girl, anymore. If he did, it would not matter, because Camilla rarely spoke to her. They were not close friends. And Angela didn't have social media. Not personal, at least. It was only professional and with another name, that was not hers. So, it was not easy to find her.

George went to the office and everybody noticed how irritable he was. Everything was the reason for him to nag. Even little things, such as the paper not being perfectly lined up on his table. Less than an inch out of place was enough for him to say that it was a mess.

"Why is it so difficult for you to do your job?" He asked the secretary. The poor woman didn't know what to say. She was new there, as the latter had been fired by him. 

"S-sir, I-I…"