WebNovelLove me!!69.12%

Chapter 94

The cold air was cutting her face. Or so it seemed. Emma was trembling and couldn't stop to think that Alex might be turning an ice cube inside that barn. He didn't even have a t-shirt on. Remembering his nude torso made her blush. No matter how sore and swollen some points of his body were, she could see his body was great. That was quite interesting, she reflected upon it, for she didn't know much about a man's body. Not that she could recollect, anyways. 

She entered the barn, teeth tilting and she walked to where Alex was supposed to be. And there he was. His lips were almost purple. She ran to him and covered his body with the blanket. 

"I'm s-so sorry it to-took me so long!" She said. 

Alex started to open his eyes.