WebNovelLove me!!80.88%

Chapter 110

When the police station door was opened, Claire entered and took off her sunglasses and went to the balcony. 

"Hello, Good Afternoon. I'm Claire Wilson. Officer Jose Rodriguez has asked for my presence here." She said in a polite sweet voice. 

"Just one minute, ma'am." The police officer said and got the phone. 

Claire looked around her and inhaled. She had never had to set foot in a police station. The place was so sad and really made for commoners, she thought.

"Miss Wilson." A strong voice she recognized, sounded at her left side. Claire turned around. That one was Jose Rodriguez? 'Cute', she smiled at him. 

"Yes. Officer Rodriguez." She said and raised her hand, offering to him. He looked at her hand. She was not in a position for it to be shaken, but held and kissed, as a gentleman would do to a lady. He had to fight the urge to just ignore her, but he opted to be polite, for the moment, and did and she expected.