WebNovelLove me!!81.62%

Chapter 111

Emma was blindfolded. Her head was hurting so much. She'd never experienced a hangover, not that she could remember, but after reading about it in a few books, she was pretty sure the feeling was the same. 

She knew her arms were tied, but she was on the floor, not on a chair, like she had seen in a movie, before.. Her legs, tied by the ankle.

Emma could smell it all around her. Due to her eyes being blindfolded, her sense of smell was heightened. And, thankfully, she wasn't having allergies, which would cause her nose to get runny or stuffy for good.

She could smell wet earth. But not quite. 'Fungus,' her mind said. Emma had never smelled fungus, but her mind told her that the smell around her was musty, without a doubt.

This was probably a remnant of her memory, prior to the event that caused her to lose her memories.

As she stood there alone, Emma began to remember a few things. Images she had never seen before, however, were familiar.