WebNovelGreen Lit33.33%

Chapter 10

Mat felt terrible. If only his painful headache allowed him to fall asleep again, but no, it kept bothering him. Nice! Now the stomach joined with the pain orchestra!

"Hmmmffff!" he looked annoyed at the WW showing a new message.

As we discussed before we need you to review these ten articles. It is a small structured review, but you still need to research the topics! There is a blank structure of the review attach to this message. The deadline is shown at the table of the articles.

It was a message from his new job! He finally got the first assignment and it was a hefty one!

"Not now..." he just quickly read the deadlines and the nearest was in two days. Still, he could not fall asleep and so he slowly woke up and tried to ignore the hangover with a movie on the wall.

Yesterday he was the center of attention not just for his friends, but also for the girls, for people outside his class, even for a stranger in the bar. He didn't see the bottom of his cup and got trashed pretty quickly. Maybe it was for the best since he remembered the night maybe too well.

The fact he was forced to watch his talk show and how actually terribly nervous he was.

The way how people in the bar recognized him.

The way the girls were suddenly interested in him.

At that moment he starts saying how the planet was actually a pain in the ass.

The throwing in the bathroom.

"Fuck me..." he said when he opened his group conversation. There was a load of pictures of him half asleep on the table, of him holding some girl without a name on a dance floor. While he felt embarrassed he felt scared.

"What If I fucked up even more!" he said and searched the chat vigorously for any government bashing, but found nothing of that sort. Still, while he was pissed at Lucas. He was right. Why irritate the snake barefoot?

Ah...sorry for being such a downer last night! I am just under a lot of pressure! Soon I will love every piece of that planet!

"I am going to be sick!" he said and run to the bathroom.


"Mat, is your WW being watched? I got a message it is! " Sometime after lunch, he got a private message from one of his friends, T.

"Yeah, for security reasons, how do you know? " Mat responded after few minutes of thinking.

"I got a notification about that as a precaution when connecting to it. I am sorry, but I don't want to have anything to do with watched WW. If you want to talk call me, I disable the chat."

"Whooh, buddy, pretty fast on that destroy finger! It's nothing serious!"

"I don't like being watched, I am innocent."

"So am I!"

"It is fine, If you need something call me, we can meet up normally. I have principals, hope you understand! "

___** Chat has been disabled ** ___

"Coward!" Mat dismissed him and quickly went to the group chat to talk to others.

"So, I guess you should all know that for security reasons my WW is being watched by the government, if you want to bitch about it like T you can."

"So that is why he made a separate group chat! I was wondering about that..."

"Eghh...of course! He runs away when he smells the government!"

"What does it even mean you are being watched?"

"I don't know, they are probably watching If some radicals don't harass me, or something,"

"That sounds pretty bad, no wonder T left..."

"I bet your hangover is even worse! Did you managed to bring that chick home?"

"What chick? Mat got a chick? What is this?"

"There is no chick, or anything like that...though the hangover is bad!"

"Oh, too bad man!"

"I bet!"
