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Chapter 11

"Mat! Come here this instant!" his father knocked loudly on his door.

"Coming!" he answered, thankfully it was evening and his hangover was almost gone. He opened the door and saw his father with a surprisingly angry face. That was bad, very bad. Rare and frightening.

"What have you done yesterday?" he asked, almost barked.

"I-I don't know what..."

"Who should know then? Tell me, why the hell is my WW being watched?"

"Ah..agh...my is too..."

"I asked why!"

"Lucas told me it is for safety, so nobody is forcing me into some radical group or something,"

"If it is so good, why does it also lower my employer score? Suddenly the boss is avoiding me!"

"Hey! Stop yelling at him!" before Mat could say something his mother came upstairs.

"He must have done something! I can tell when I am being ghosted in my own bloody job!"

"Did you watch the interview?" she asked.

"Of course!"

"Then you know, he said nothing wrong!" she said with a risen voice to match her husband. This was probably for the first time his mother took his side in such an argument. As if their roles suddenly switched. Surreal.

"Is your WW being watched as well?"

"Yes, it was from before the interview,"

"What? Why I never got a..."

"It was way before this fiasco, it doesn't warn connected WW,"

"What? Does that mean it is a secret...what the hell? Since when?"

"Since he won! They checked my history and didn't like the fact I defended the Freedom pilots in high school. That was enough! So stop blaming him for being honest!"

"It...it was not just the interview..." he actually, bravely stepped in their battle. Feeling like his father was about to explode on his mother who stood in the hallway with no speck of fear.

"What else?"

"I got into an argument with Lucas after it, he started complaining about what I said and I just couldn't hold it. I barely understood why he was so frustrated..."

"What did he say?"

"He won't help me anymore,"

"What the fuck?" both of his parents yelled.

"That prick! Give me his contact!" mother said while her eyes almost glow with anger.

"How dares he! You pay him and he ..." their anger was miraculously transferred to Lucas and they both realized it and calmed down.

"Well...I am sorry, I got worked up..." father apologized.

"I am sorry for not saying anything about the WW," also apologized and they both looked at Mat.

"I am sorry?" he hesitated.

"You better mean it! If you think we didn't notice your drunk ass barging in here last night, then you are strongly mistaken!" his mother didn't raise her voice, but he still knew what was coming next.

"You cannot go outside for two weeks, is that clear? Next time learn how to handle it!" she said and he looked at his father.

"Not happening buddy, two weeks!" he said, knowing very well Mat's puppy eyes intention.

"Ok..." he turned to go back to his room

"Mat! Stop!" his mother said, so he looked at her with red eyes.

"It is going to be fine, just..." she was about to say more, but Mat's sister cut her by hugging her brother.

"The government is not watching my WW, so I will give you my allowance. If they find out I tell them it was a pay for teaching me!" she said with teary eyes. Her sudden outburst brought tears to Mat's eyes and so he hugged her back.

"Well, then we can raise your allowance to the government norm as well," father said proudly and the mother laughed.

"If you are going to do this, make sure to prepare realistic teaching sessions and documents, do not underestimate them,"

"Y-yeah, I will go right to it," he said and cleaned his tears.