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Chapter 12

Anya finally opened the door home, school today was pretty annoying, but she quickly changed her mood. She looked into the mirror right next to the front door and faked a smile. She shook her head and yelled.

"Mat! I am home!"

"Comming!" she got a response and soon her bother was sitting next to her in the living room.

"So I prepared some examples for critical thinking, did a chart of the government functionality and some programming of WW internet page..."

"You know I made my own page already right?"


"It is ok, I might not know the theory or something," she laughed and looked at the tasks.

"Thanks," Mat said, slightly embarrassed.

"Do not cry before me ever again," she replied.

"Roger that,"

"How are you...hanging on?" she asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I am fine...it was just...too much,"

"I see, ok,"

"What about you?"

"What? It's not like I won a planet!"

"Still...how was school!"

"You never ask that,"

"Sorry," he said meekly, making her look at him and sigh.

"It was annoying, my whole class watched your interview,"


"We died laughing,"


"I won't defend your nervousness, it was...cute,"


"I was at the center of attention the whole day, so thanks,"

"That is what I do! I bring attention!" Mat laughed.

"So let's go back to learning..." she said and so they dived into her studies. She had no problems with anything Mat prepared.

"Hmm, you really don't need my help,"

"Makes it the easiest thousand credits you will get,"

"Thousand? No, I cannot take everything from you!"

"Why not, you need it more than I do!"

"I got another job, it's okay! You need money for..."

"What? Sweets? I can live without buying anything...and If I really want a book or something I can ask for it specifically," she smiled.

"You cheeky little,"

"Yes, so how is your second job?"

"It's surprisingly time-wasting, they send my article back several times. I have to also research the topic to use...how do they put it...specific emotionally positive triggering terms..." he shook his head.

"You need my help,"

"Anya, stop...it is ok! Thanks, but I got this!" he stood up, rustled her hair, and went back to his room.