The Promised

The next day

"Thank you, mom and dad. I'll be going now"

"Be careful, Bye!"

We travel back to the country and go to the Royal Army. With the recommendation we got from school, it's gonna be easy for us to enter. I just got info about the Royal Army yesterday so that's why I can't explain much more reason why I want to enter but I hear that the Royal Army are the Top Main Forces for Humanity during the War or you can call it The Trump card for Humanity. You probably wondered why there is no other human country aside from the one I lived. (the author is lazy)

Today Lorra explain more to me during the breakfast we had. The Royal Army has already been made since 2nd War happen. Right now most of them are currently the descendants and new people who got incredible unique skill. The Royal Army got around 18 people and if it's including us its gonna be 21 people. The teacher that's gonna teach us is The Royal Paladdin Knight and The Great Mage Meroa. Both of them are the descendants of the people who served the king directly from the previous war. The knight gonna teach us about swordsman while the mage gonna teach us about magic.

Several Hours Later

We finally arrived at the place. The place where all the Royal Army at. It's called "teleftaía elpída". It means the country hope or something like that I guess.

The building is so huge. It's more like a mansion for the king to reside. We met with the guard at the gate and show them the recommendation we got from our school. The teacher gave us a paper imbued with her magic so they can easily verify it. We show to the guard and they let us enter.

We then were met with people at the front of the door.

"Good afternoon Gentlemen, what business do you have here?." The guy asked

"We want to join the Royal Army. Here is the recommendation we got from our school." Replied Lorra"

"I see, follow me." The guy bring us inside the building.

After several minutes of talking to each other about the place, we arrived at some kind of room.

"Meroa-sama we have a guest." Said the guy

"A guest.... for me? Huh? the son of noble Renova and Gerson, and this must be Juno."

I thought she would be like 50-70 years old look but man I was wrong. She looks like a woman in her twenties. I wonder is it some kind of magic or anything

"We would like to join the Royal Army!" I said to her

"Hoh? I see... you guys came here to join the Royal Army... I knew about your skill and it's top notch but I need to see it for myself. Even if you got the recommendation to join the army, only I decide if you can join or not. You need to prove it to us that you're capable to stand at the frontlines. And with that, we're gonna spar for a little bit. Are you guys ok with it?" Said Meroa

"Yes!" Said the three of us.

I wonder why Karv looks like he wanting to shit himself, then I remembered yesterday chat. He always look up to her like an Idol. Well after seeing her beauty now, I can't agree more that she really looks like an idol. And I also want to know how strong this country Trump Card is. With that we followed Meroa to some kind of training ground.

It's bigger than ever, it's like 1km wide and 2km long. I can't even see the end. It's really a goddamn huge training facilities this place got.

"Alright who want to fight first?" Said Meroa

"I'll go first." Said Karv

"Alright son of Gerson let's see what you got."

"Even if you can't defeat her, atleast try to damage her a bit." I said to Karv with a thumbs up smile face.

"You can do it Karv!" Cheer Lorra

"Woah, cheering from fans got me fired up!" Said Karv smiling

"Alright with my count, both of you will start, 3! 2! 1!.... START!" Said the guy who's coming with us from the front door.

Karv start by creating fireball at his hand and gradually increasing the firepower. Meroa was surprised to see that he can use his magic chantless. Meroa then start throwing waterball at a frightening speed at Karv. But Karv already saw that and create a water barrier with his left hand blocking the water ball flying at him while his right hand gradually increasing the firepower of the fireball and right now it's size could be the size of a house.

"Hoh? Not bad. Then how about this." Said Meroa

Meroa start preparing for the counter attack for that massive fireball in Karv right hand. She start chanting and then appear 10 layer of a very thick wall between her and Karv. Karv then throw the massive fireball at her with speed so fast that it looks like he's throwing a baseball ball. The massive fireball destroy the first layer and go through 2nd layer and also destroying it. The massive fireball go through each layer and destroying it until the last layer. And at the last layer. The massive fireball manage to destroy it but Meroa has already chant something and that's Wind magic. She distorted the incoming fire with a tornado so huge with a size almost 60 meter until there's nothing left and start chanting something. Out of sudden there's another 3 incoming tornado with the same size as before coming through at Karv. Karv doesn't predict this but he knew he will got no choice but to use his trump card. He then created Fire Tornado Spiral from both his hand to cancel Meroa Tornado winds magic with his Fire Spiral. But during that time Meroa's already at behind him and she start chanting. Karv legs got frozen and the ice gradually increasing from his legs to his torso and to his abdomen.

"I see, then I gotta use my final card." Said Karv.

Karv start chanting something and while he is chanting, heat increase around him and his leg free from ice.

"let me show you the result of my training..."

karv burn to be more correctly he create a full body armor of fire. the fire is so hot that ground are melting.

"hoh, interesting" said Meroa

karv then run straight at her while creating a flame sword at his right hand. karv running at a very frightening speed because he also use the fire to boost his speed. Meroa see this a threat and....

"Time" whisper Meroa.

Karv then suddenly at the ground face down.

"Urghh it seems I have lost" said Karv.

"The winner is Meroa!" Said the guy from before.

"That's a really nice fight Son of Gerson. I didn't expect the Gerson family to have such a talented son."

"I'm not talented, it just the effort of my training that I got from Juno's teaching."

"Juno-kun is the one training you?." Asked Meroa

"Yes he teach me how to use magic and he also teach Lorra." Replied Karv

Meroa then look at Lorra and me for a second and...

"I see, then Juno want to spar a bit?" Meroa said to me

I don't expect myself to win but I want to at least leave some scratch at her.

"Yes...." I replied

With fighting, I can gauge her ability and know how strong The Great Mage of this country really is.

"Alright with the count of 3 3! 2! 1!.... START!" Count the guy from before again.

I then start running in circle with Meroa at the center. I start throwing Fire Bullet at her, it may be small but the firepower is high because of the speed it travel. I constantly throwing a Fire Bullet at her while running in circle. Of course she blocked it, she create a very thick water wall around herself with a flick of her finger. After throwing Fire Bullet at her, my right hand was already finish my next attack. I fire at her my magic. What I fire at her is a very hot fire, I increase the temperature my fire till it reach White Fireball. It reach 40,000 Celcius so a mere Water barrier cannot hold it. She feels an intense heat from my attack and she start chanting.


A very huge Water Wave appear to block the White FireBall that I throw at her. She manage to block it after repeating using her skill Water Wave but then all the place has already covered with fog. Before she manage to do anything, I create countless Ice Shard from the fog at my surrounding and attack her with all the shard that appears. After a couple of while, the fog that's covering her already disappeared and she's already gone without any trace. I look around left and right desperately and saw her flying in the air.

"Not bad Juno, you really got potential. But if you really want to defeat me, you should train more" Said Meroa while flying.

She then started chanting a very long chant and everything around me start to get blur. Is this a dark magic? Dark magic is all about debuffing the enemy and with my vision getting blur every next second, this is probably dark magic.

"I see , lets try some new things." Said Juno

Juno suddenly engulf with lightning around his body. Then there is a lightning that is trying to break free from his control at his right hand.

"Then along came Zeus!" Shout Juno while throwing the Lightning spear he created to Meroa

Meroa again with her OP magic.


"The fight has ended, The Winner is Meroa-sama"

"That was a great fight. You should be proud of yourself." Meroa said to me.

Trying to comfort me?

"Well even after all that, I can't even damage you."

"No. You did damage me a little bit using That lightning but it's already healed and I counter your lightning with my stronger lightning for it to be more fun."

What the hell that's op asf. 4 elemental + greater elemental abilities (Lightning and Ice) + Dark magic and Healing magic. Damn she's op ( op = Overpowered)

"Alright I've made up my mind. I'll train you Juno personally by myself everyday." Said Meroa

"What about Karv and Lorra?" I asked

"I'm sorry but both of them will be training under The Paladin Knight. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes! We truly appreciate your kindness!" Shout both of them

Well if they're happy with it then it's fine.

"Fritz! Show them the place where the other Royal Army under The Paladin Knight is training and tell him that this children will be undergo special training by him and I will train a kid from the prophecy" Said Meroa

"Yes! Meroa-Sama!"

The guy then bring those two of my friends to the Knight training places. Wait hold up.... Something aint add up.... what did she meant by prophecy.

"Alright Juno-kun, I will start the training by today."


"You got problem with that?"

"No-not at all."

"I will then teach everything I knew about magic and the Forbidden magic."

Forbidden magic?

2 years later

It have been 2 years and a couple of months later since we first join the Royal Army. The army consist only 21 people including Meroa and Paladin. The army is split into 2 team. The Paladin Knight division consist all of them except me while I'll be with Meroa division. Meroa division got only me on it. At first, my friends were begging Meroa to be in the same team with me but she rejected both of them and said that I got a special task to do alone and only I can do it and she don't want them to distract me.

"It's okay both of you, it's not like I'll be gone forever... After the war ended I'll be with you guys."

I try to comfort them..... They calm down a bit and agree with it. I'm thinking to say about my secret mission to them but Meroa-san said to not tell them no matter what. I feel sorry for them but it can't be helped after all I'm the only hope to defeat the Demon King.

Night before the war

I was staring at the sky on top of the wall thinking about how it's been 18 years since I've reincarnated to this world. Life is not always easy back when I was still a child, my parent is poor but they always have enough just to raise me. I really thanks them for taking care of me and this is the only way for me to properly give my gratitude to them. Currently they're taking shelter inside the Royal Army building, teleftaía elpída. Because their son is in the Royal Army, they got permission to stay there.

I've visited them 3 days earlier alone without my friend.


"Tadaima. Mom and Dad."

As usual my little sister is the one who open the door.

"Ah! Oni-chan(big brother) is home!" She then hug me tight and my mom appear from the inside.

"Ah juno our cute little pie"

"Mom! I'm already 18."

My mom loves to joke around when it's only our family around. I then enter the house.

"So how's your progressed with Lorra-chan?" My mom asked

"Wa-what?! Why are you bringing up Lorra?!"

"Aren't both of you are dating? Last time I met Lorra-chan, she looks like someone that are in love."

Well I do like her but.....

"N-n-no we aren't dating or anything! We're just friends, yes just friends!"

"Ara does that mean you got another person other than Lorra-chan?"

"N-no ofcourse not!"

I was shocked by her question and try to change the topic... I actually knew about my feeling and that I like her but I don't have the strength to confess.... because of what's gonna happen

After a couple of talks, dad came home. We all then prepared for the dinner that night. I then tell them how I met with Karv and Lorra. And also how they become my only friend I have. Then that same night.

"Juno....." my dad said my name with a serious face.

"This war please come back alive.... we'll be waiting for you. Your little sister are eager for you to show up at home and teach her magic because last time you said that you will teach her. And this is our only request. The request from both of your parent. Please come back home alive...." My dad said to me with a serious face


While I was reminiscing about the past, someone then came up to me. "Juno are you there?" Lorra ask still searching for me on top of the wall where she cannot see me by looking from below.

"Yeah I'm here."

She then jumped and landed on top of the 50 meter wall and sit beside me.


I said to her

"What are you staring at?" She question me while start to lay down like me and stare at the sky like I am doing right now.

"I'm just staring at the star..."


"You see that shining things over there. It looks small but it's actually very huge. The fact that they looks small is because they are million light years away from us. You know I always think to myself, why are we here? In this world. Is it to fight? Is it to find happiness? Is it to create memories on people around us? or to just live our live. I don't know the answer but all I can say is that I'm glad I was given a second chance"

Lorra look at me with a confused face.

"You really are weird. Hehe.." she giggled

I then talk to her about the universe and how our sun is also a star and there's countless million and if not million it's billion of star out there. And after a couple minutes of talking...



"There's something I wanna say."

0 days before the war

Our country got an army about 400,000 soldier, 10,000 greater mage and 21 Royal Army. Because this the Final War, almost everyone that's capable of fighting is joining the War. The plan is for us to reduce our casualties to the maximum until the Demon King enter the field. The Demon King Army consist of 1,000,000 soldier with 10 Commander.

The plan is to use our mage full potential to reduce the enemy foot soldier and when the enemy commander gets in the field to stop us, that's when the Royal Army will be joining to stop them. Command by The Paladin Knight, their division will try to stop and defeat all of them. And when the Demon King is on the field, that's where I start to fight. The Demon King is being left out because Meroa doesn't want my friends to worry about me and broke the plan apart because of their feelings. Then something broke our chat. A whistle that starting the war.

"That's the signal that means the war has started. Everyone get ready in position!" Meroa rush out and command the Greater Mage to stay in position

.....mdfka.... 1 million is not a joke... That's some crazy shit ton of em. There's all kind of race orc, goblin, ogre, stone golem, skeleton, cyclops, giant and many more... mdfka that's not a giant, that's a mdfking colossal titan.

Ok enough with the joke, our mage army start by casting some magic spell. And that's Raining Ice Shard. With 10,000 mage doing the same thing, the destruction the enemy receive is huge but it's still not enough. The enemy then quicken their pace to attack use and when they're 1km away to reach the front foot soldier that's when Meroa-san come in clutch.

She created a Tsunami, bigger than the one we're training with and flood them with water. Then she start her next chant, electricity start surrounding her. She pour all the electricity from her to the water that the enemy were in. About 200,000 enemy were defeated by Meroa and the Greater Mage spells but the enemy commander are still not on the field yet.

This has been continue for a while until the mage start to exhaust themselves. About 400,000 enemy has been defeated but the enemy commander still hasn't come out yet. Human side start their next plan and that's to attack the enemy with our foot soldiers and healer mage from our side backing them up.

I was observing from the above in the sky and when our army start to attack with foot soldiers, that's when all 10 of their commander came out with the Demon King. It looks like the Demon King and the Commander is on the field now. I contact Meroa using telepathy that I learned from her and told her about this. Then our side Royal Army the Paladin Division start to move to fight them.

Then I fly straight to the Demon King... I arrived in front of him. He's alone.

"Hoh aren't you a brave one straight up targeting the enemy leader?"

"Well it's only you here plus there's no subordinate of yours with you and that's why I take my chance to attack now."

"Kekekekekeke..... Well there's a reason why I don't need my subordinate around and the reason for that is because... I'm strong."

"Well lets fight to see if that's true or not."

"Very well, I accept your challenge Kekekekeke!!" The Demon King laugh.

Then the fight begin....I got the information that he got a really huge resistance to all of magic and physical attack is his main damage. I test his resistance by creating a Huge Hurricane of Fire.

"Oi oi... is this all you got.. Please don't say this is your best shot."

I then created a White Flame Sword on my right hand. And teleport in front of him. He block my sword with his sword... His sword manage to not get melted when meeting with my White Flame Sword.

"Woah.... that's a really hot sword you got there."

It looks like he's damaged just by receiving my White Flame Sword attack but it's already healed. I then shot a Rock bullet at the speed of sound from my left hand at his face. He evaded it and kick me in the stomach. That's really hurt.

Before I could get back up he's already in front of me and

"Terra Explosion.."

I manage to teleport before the spell hits me. And at the place I stay before teleport got obliterated.

"Tch annoying teleportation, don't think that you're the only who can use it."

He suddenly teleport in front of me while I was still on the ground and kick me in the air. I manage to block the kick but still I got knockback by the impact.

"Terra Wind Slash"

Countless of a very sharp wind that slices even sound itself were in front of me.


I clad myself with mana armor that Meroa teach me. It uses a lot of mana but my mana capacity is so huge so she teach me about it even though she doesn't use it. Mana Armor can nullify all the magic damage dealt to the person and it also enhance the user in all capabilities.

We then exchange a few thousands of blow with our sword. The Demon King move at frightening speed. But I'm using one of the Forbidden technique that Meroa teach me and that's future prediction. It as the name says, it predict the future and it also use shit ton of mana just to see 2-5 seconds into the future. And I have been doing it like 50 times already just by exchanging blows with this Demon King who are stupid strong and stupid fast. I then teleport to a very far back.

"Your explosion magic is magnificent but let me show you the true power of explosion!"

You know what i'm about to do right?..... yes my previous world trump card that almost every country got. Right now we're hundred kilometers away from the country and I still think it's not far enough but the country got a barrier and I've told Meroa that I'm probably be using this Ultimate Magic that I have and ask her to create a barrier around all the army in the kingdom if she saw some ridiculous amount of shockwave.

"Show me! Kekekekeke!!!!" Said the Demon King not afraid of it.

After a few second concentrating I then start explode the chemical right in front of the Demon King...



The Demon King was about to say something but the explosion sound has already reduce his voice to nothing... the nuke that I created is so strong that the smoke reaches 50 km high. I also created a barrier around me, it's a special barrier Meroa teach me. 50km range of diameter of the land got obliterated and the shockwave as expected reaches the army in the country. All the enemy got obliterated with it. Literally all of the enemy... excluding the Commander... that's some crazy firepower... it looks like the people from the kingdom are fine because of Meroa

"MWUAHAHAHAHA!! That's really a strong explosion!! No maybe the strongest explosion I've ever seen!! It can't even be compared to my Terra class magic!"

Tch... he's still alive... my mana has already ran out after using all of that.. And I also am very tired right now.

You might be wondering (there must be a radioactivity there right) yes there is but I'm currently using Mana Armor while the Demon King got some hax to be immune to the radioactive. Btw, I also tells Meroa to cast everyone (our troops that are gonna come here) some temporary mana armor. Well it's not exactly a Mana Armor like me but it's still capable of defending them.

"I see then witness my final trump card."

I fly to sky, very high in the sky and concentrate to use the mana from the surrounding. Meroa has told me that this is a very dangerous thing to do but this is the only way for me to do some decent damage to the Demon King. I then create a countless White Fire Sword at the sky. With a diameter of 5km and 10km long each of them. After a few minutes, I already created about 1000 of them.

"Huh? You still have a card at you sleeves? Very well I will also you show my final strongest trump card that I have!"

My body ache so bad that it wants to break just by moving. It hurts... But I can't give up yet... the Demon King start chanting something and there's what he created is some kind of mana orb. So massive that the size is like 10km

"This is all the mana that I have left. If you can't manage to counter this then say goodbye."

"Heh.... lets see who got the last laugh."

"Unlimited Bla- wait wrong spell... Thousand Sword Rain..."

"Universe Absorption!"

I throw thousand of Giant White Flame Sword at him and he also shoot his Mana Orb at me. Then explosion occurs but sooner than later the Mana Orb he throw suddenly explode and suck all the Giant White Flame Spear that I created.

I was shocked because all of my effort has been reduced to nothing. But there's still hope because there's still around 30 Giant White Flame Sword heading to the Demon King which his Mana Orb cannot absorb anymore. He got hit by the Sword that I throw at him and manage to fend some of it but before else, I stop the time.

"Za War- Time stop."

this is a very forbidden magic and are not recommend to use. I teleport to the ground.... I walk behind him slowly..... I then created a highly condensed Flame Sword and try to slice his head.

"Nothing personal Demon King...."

The time stop has stop and everyone can move right now, at that time I slice his head.

He grab it.... His body all covered with blood and wounds. His right hand has already gone trying to block the Giant White Flame Sword but failed, his skin all got burned up and his regenerative system is not working because of my Giant Sword. But still.... he grab my Flaming Sword with his left hand.

"Woah... that almost got me... If i'm not using all my mana right there to create that orb. I may already be dead by now. That thing you created is really strong... Too bad... But I live."

He cool down my Flaming Sword with ice magic and destroy it.

He then stab me in the heart with his left hand

"Too bad... but I win.." said the Demon King.

"No..... I'm the who's winning."

With a smile I grab his hand, and there appears some kind of window bar

[Do you want to activate "Life as one"]


{Side effect : The person you absorb will disappear but you will receive all of that person abilities including titles except for their memories}

This is my special skill that I got while training with Meroa and reach 18 years old.


I activated my final Trump Card. My body then absorbed the Demon King and become one. My original body has already gone and I'm now the Demon King. After I've finished absorbing the Demon King, all the Royal Army has already arrived.

"Prepared yourself Demon King, heh? Where is Juno?! I saw his magic from a very far away."

Lorra shout at me. I can't tell her that I'm the Demon King because then she will not kill me so I played along as a Demon King

"Hoh? That Human? If you want to know defeat me first."

She snapped and start attacking me including all the people there. Looks like there is no casualties at all for the Royal Army. Everyone was attacking but only Meroa is not. Meroa is looking at me and trying to say something but decide to stay silent. With a sad look she turn her head away.

We have been fighting for a couple of hours. Me Vs the entire Royal Army except Meroa and Paladin Knight. the reason for the Paladin Knight knowing this is because, Me and Meroa tells him to not interrupt me during the fight against the Demon King.

"Is that all you guys got? You guys are weak as heck" I taunt them.

they felt so angry and confuse at the same time because I never try to hurt them but I only avoid their attacks and they also feel weird why Meroa and the Paladin Knight is not helping them.

I decided to not delay it anymore.... my death....


I stop the time..... Meroa can also move during the Time stop


"Don't cry Master.... even though our time together is short I will always cherished this moment forever."

"I'm sorry Juno.... as a Master..... I failed to protected the one and only my disciple...."

"Don't blame yourself Master... it's my decision to do this after all." Said Juno smiling the brightest smile he could.

"aight its time for me to put an end to this spell. Goodbye Master..."

Before I stop the Time Stop. I walked and hug my friend.

"Thank you for being with me all this time..."

There I stab my own heart with my right arm.....

I don't want them to be guilty of killing me or anything

The time has start to move again

Everyone is so confuse of what is happening to the Demon King....


"I'm sorry Lorra i can't kept my promise to you after all...."

"Wh-what? How do you know my name and what promise are you even talking about?!?"

"Sorry Karv, this is as far as I go...."

They both shock after hearing me saying karv name


"What is it you want to say?" I ask Lorra

"Would you please go out with me after the war ended?"

I was shocked to hear that... my dignity as a man to confess first has gone but anyway I kinda liked when they confess first, it makes me feel like I'm a popular person.

"Wha-what?! You mean like a lover?!"

"ye-yes of course like a lover what else do you think it is!..."

I smelled tsundere there...

"I see... then sure..."

"Would you also please promise me one thing?"

"What is it?"

"Please don't die. I don't know why but It feels like you will be leaving us."

"Don't worry I will not die... I̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶m̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ...."


"I love you Lorra...."

another flashback

"Don't worry dad, mum.I̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶m̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ I will not die." I said with a smiling face to reassure them"


"Goodbye everyone.... Sorry that I can't keep my promise to you..."

"I'm sorry...."

Juno then turned to dust..

Meroa then explained everything that this is all his plan ever since he got that skill. He said that skill will be his final resort if he doesn't manage to defeat the Demon King. He send Meroa a telepathy saying that he failed to kill the Demon King and he is gonna use his Unique Skill as his final Trump Card.

That ability is to turn himself into the person he touch. And that's why he has been fighting alone. He also doesn't tell Lorra and Karv because if he told them they will start to try to keep him alive. That's the reason why he didn't tell his friends...