The end and the beginning

BEEP BEEP BEEP Enyo is started from his rest by the sound of the siren. Quickly getting dress before leaving his room to see what's going on. He hurriedly sprint to the control room. Inside his subordinate is frantically trying to figure out what's going on. Everyone is in panic on what to do as he's pacing he bumps into a man. Looking up he sees a forty year old man with a scar on his face. He quickly stand up and says greets boss. Enyo looks at the man then says Jack report. Jack calms down and says, boss the compound is under attack by the three families. Enyo frowned not only was this unexpected but it is also well known that all the families hate each other to the core. What made them join hands to attack the head faction. Coming out of his thoughts quickly. He issues the orders to mobilize before taking his elite team to find and protect his masters. Once everyone had their order they quickly moved without hesitation. One had to know among all the guards Enyo words were law. Now only was he skilled in all fighting and weapon techniques he's also seen the most battle. They would never question his word and would execute his order with out question. Enyo moved quickly as the fighting intensified quickly finding his masters and telling them the situation while awaiting their orders. An old man in his seventies opened his eyes after hearing it all with a sinister light and only said two words ANNIHILATE THEM. Everyone moved and the fighting quickly intensified. 3 hours passed before everything calmed down. The compound was had destroyed bodies of all the families were seen no matter where you looked. In the compound only Enyo and the only master were left. Enyo heavily injured was still facing 3 people. Suddenly a voice was heard from the shadows. Old Lu I'm glad to see you're still alive I would hate to not be able to kill you with my own hands. The old master who heard the voice suddenly shook the voice he heard was none other than the man he betrayed to get his power. The mysterious man continued ill give you the same choice you gave me all those years ago. Kill your subordinates and leave this place and your life will be spared. Suddenly there was laughter the mysterious man looked at Enyo who proceeded to say my master would never do that. He treats all his subordinates like family and will never kill…but before he could finish his words. A sword was plunged into his back without warning. He quickly turned only to see his master with a slight smile on his face. The last words he would ever hear made him regret his whole life. A dog should know when to lay down and die obediently only the strong survive. Enyo eyes widen in disbelief before breathing his last breath. Before he died he swore he would rise to the tops no matter what.