Into the darkness

Enyo opened his eyes only to see darkness. He wondered to himself was it a dream did I really die. He didn't want to die he still had things to accomplish but now it was too late. Floating in the dark space for what seemed like days when suddenly he heard a voice. HMMMM interesting you are the first human to not go crazy after floating in this space for so long. Enyo quickly became alert scanning his surroundings before saying who are you. He couldn't find the source but had to be on guard no matter what. HAHAHA interesting you don't seem scared of an unknown situation. Very well I'll tell you who I am Soteria I am trapped and out of boredom I found you. Enyo was stunned before asking who trapped you and who have you sought you out. I sought you out because i stumbled upon your presence accidentally. As for who trapped me you are not strong enough to know so there no point in telling you. So tell me human what are you holding on to that keeps your mind intact. Is it love, vengeance or just pure regret. Enyo sighed before telling his story. Interesting replied Soteria so then you want revenge on those who have wronged you is that it. Enyo could only give an awkward smile before saying no I just want to live with out being trampled on and make it to the peak so no one can look down on me he said will a determined resolve. After a brief silence Soteria said to Enyo how about I give you a second chance I life and see if you can accomplish your dream. Enyo was shocked to his core never did he imagine that this would happen to him. He quickly calmed down before saying, can you really do that for me. Of course I can Soteria replied I am after all a god. Enyo was shocked even more before asking if you're a god then who trapped you. As I said you are no strong enough to know that answer Soteria replied. So do you want the second chance or not. Enyo replied without thinking yes of course just tell me what to do. You don't have to do anything you will be reborn and I will wipe all traces of your past life from you except for one thing and that is the martial arts and weapon skills you've learned. You will need those in your next life. I will also give you the history as well as techniques of the would I will be sending you in the form of a system to help you along. It is a world of cultivation and monster you have never seen before. I will be watching you to see if you can climb to the peak or will you be doomed to die again. Enyo was once again shocked by what was said before saying thank Soteria is there anything I can do for you to repay you. It was Soteria's turn to be shocked before laughing and saying no but if you get strong enough maybe there will be something you can do for me. Enyo nodded but before he could say anything else he was covered in a white light. Only to hear Soteria's fading voice. Good luck and don't die I have high hopes for you. And just like that Enyo was gone Soteria sighed I wonder if he's the one I've been looking for before returning to her slumber.