Pick your path

After talking to his wife Musashi called for Enyo. When heard his dads voice he excitedly ran out of his room before jumping on to his dad. Musashi quickly caught him examining every inch of his son. My how big you've grown were you protecting your mother while I was away he asked with a smile. Enyo patted his chest with a proud look and said yes no one can harm her while I'm here. Musashi laughed before being bombard with question. Did you kill a lot of people? We're they strong? Did you get any medals or awards. Hearing all his sons questions he could only smile before changing the subject. As you know your awakening is in 2 years when you reach the age of seven. At that time your spirt core will be formed and examined on talent level. From there you will be able to choose which path to follow. The path of a magician like your mother or the path of a warrior like me. Enyo thought for a second he had coming from his past life he'd always been a warrior but after living here he has seen how amazing and wondrous magic can be. After thinking for a second he asked can't I do both. Musashi was shocked by what his son asked before explaining. Most spirt cores are only compatible with one type of cultivation it is very rare that you can use both. As he finished explaining Enyo was still resolute in his decision. Dad I'm confident I'll be able to do both he said with a stern express. He was surprised but then smiled that's my boy always stick to you what you believe in. Ok fine me and your mother will both train you. It will be hellish and we will not go easy on you are you prepared. Yes of course father I won't let you down. Deep inside he was excited he loved training and learning new things it was his greatest passion. As you have learned there are 6 levels of cultivation they are.

Level one - foundation 8 stages

Level two - spirt (mage) or aura (warrior)10 stages

Level three - condensation 10 stages

Level four - manifestation 10 stages

Level five - saint 8 stages

Level six - ascension

I am a early stage saint and your mother is at the late stage of the manifestation level. Enyo listened intently before asking dad do you know anyone who's in the ascension level and what's after that. The ascension are the strongest and as far as I know it's hardest stage to get to. The emperor is at that level as well as most of the other emperors. Once you reach that stage your body changes and you life span increases. Only the top power know the ins and outs of that stage and as for what's beyond no one knows. No one has ever gone beyond that stage to my knowledge. Enyo nodded at his father's explanation before saying I will find out one day. Seeing his sons determination he smiled before saying excellent then we will start your training in the morning. I will be in-charge of your martial arts and sword training and you mother will teach you the ins and out of magic. You must study hard and put all your effort into it if you want to be strong like your me his father said. After their talk they went into the house and Enyo was excitedly telling his mother everything they talked about. She was shocked at the decision he's made but didn't say anything. She would support her son no matter what he wanted to do. Musashi told her about the training and they came up with a schedule for him. The next 2 years would be a lot of work for all of them.