
The next morning Enyo was woken up at 4am. Still sleepy his father simply said let's go time to train. Without a second to think he was dragged out of bed and outside. His father sat on a stool and threw a wooden sword at him. Show me what you know about swords. Enyo picked the sword up before putting on a serious face and envisioned the moves he saw his father preform when he was just born. He began to swing the sword making the exact same movements be remembered. His father was shock, how could he not know his own sword style. But he keep a straight face as if it didn't phase him. Finishing the last movement he saw his father blank face and felt that he did them wrong. Before he could say anything his father asked. Where did you learn those movements. Enyo quickly replied I remember seeing you do them when I was a baby. Confused his father said I left before you were a month old yet you were able to remember them he asked. Enyo nodded then continued when I was able to walk and hold a sword I practiced everyday so that I could get strong and protect mom. Musashi with a proud look on his face said since you know the basic preform each movement 100 times without stopping. Enyo just nodded and started to do the 10 movements as instructed. While he was doing that his mother came out to watch and was happy to see her son adapting well. She did question anything as she knew it was necessary. After that they began to spar as his father show him many types of martial arts. This was the easy part as he was an expert in has past life and picked everything up easily. He was even more adapt and fluid than his father. At this point his father was numb to the shocking things his could do this meant that he could raise the intensity on his training. After the sparing he they went to eat lunch before he hit the books with his mother as she forced everything she knew about magic into him. The first 6 months seemed easy to him his parents weren't flustered and decided to go all in giving all the advanced information it took most years to learn. This continued for 2 years without rest. Enyo never complained or pouted he started each day with a smile. Never having a family he didn't know if this was normal or not but he loved every moment. He wish this time would never end and gave his all to make his parent proud. One day he woke up and realized his father didn't come get him. When he came out of his room his parent were sitting down talking. His father noticed him and gestured for him to come sit. Enyo it's been 2 years you are now seven and tomorrow I will be taking you to capital for the awakening ceremony. We have taught you everything we know and know that no matter what happens we will be proud of you.