Beast Tamer

Enyo sat down to rest before looking at the panthers his father had beat. It's proud demeanor has faded greatly and had the look of a defeated king. Dad what do you plan on doing with those panthers. Well son that's a little complicated. Ever since you awakened I wondered how far your abilities could go which is why our group here is so diverse. I wanted you to see multiple elements and their uses. Did you wonder how once we came out the gate the wolves showed up. Enyo then thought to himself as he remembered no one did anything but they just showed up. He then looked at his father to continue. Musashi noticed his gaze then said Reider front and center. Reider quickly came in front in here captain. Enyo that reason is him, Reider is a beast tamer. It's a rare skill most people don't have. So I want to see if you can use the skill and Reider here will explain it to you. Reider then walked to Enyo before explain. In order to get a beast to acknowledge you, you must first defeat or make it submit to you. Then you simply place your hand on it head as he said that he walked over to the panther he defeated and touched it. Then you must focus and send your aura in to the beast to establish a connection if it accepts you it will be smooth. But if it doesn't then you'll have to be stronger than it and force it although this method isn't wise as if the beast get stronger than you it can break the bond and kill you. As he said that he closed his eyes and within a few minutes he removed his and and open his eyes. He looked at the panther and said stand up it weakly stood up then he told it to sit. It then sat after that he gave it a medical pill to heal its injuries. Enyo was stunned at how the once hostile beast was now acting like a loyal pet he like this as he thought of all the animals he could have. Enyo silently look at the panthers before walking towards the one his father defeated. Reider wanted to say something but was stopped and could only stay silent. Musashi stared at his son with a curious glint in his eye. Enyo walked in from of the panther and kneeled while it look at him with hostility and distain. Enyo touched its head before closing his eyes and started channeling his energy. Suddenly the system spoke up, scanning beast type lightning panther level 4. Bloodline impure panther king bloodline unawakened. Would later like to bond with this beast. Enyo was confused and asked what happens if I bond with it. Master will be able to communicate as well as share vision and other traits with the beast depending on the type and strength. Enyo looked at the beast then his dad before asking can I bond the beast to another person. The systems responded after a few minutes yes but they must be if direct bloodline or a direct loyal subordinate of master. Then Enyo said then I want to bond this one to my dad. They system then replied he must place his hand and transfer his energy at the same time as you in order for it to work. Enyo then commicated with the beast and asked do you want to follow my father. The beast was surprised and said human you can speak to me. He ignored and asked again do you want to follow my father if you do I can guarantee that you and your subordinates will live. The panther was hesitant before saying I will follow him willingly. Enyo then gestured to his dad to come to his said be for telling him what to do. Although he was confused at what was going on he still followed the instructions. What happened next startled everyone there wants a bright light that form a symbol on Musashi are and the panthers head. Then the panther stood of and said I greet master. Musashi heard the panther words in his head before looking at his son with shock. But Enyo ignored them and walked to the second panther it was level 2 and he bonded with it making it his. He then said to his father where do we go to next.he quickly awoke from his stupor knowing his son would explain when he was ready and said to his subordinates go and scout the next location. The quickly respond yes sir before setting out.