Halfway done

Once they left Musashi looked at Enyo with a questioning gaze. Enyo then proceeded to explain while hiding the whole truth. Father I don't really understand how I did it either. Once I touched the panther I was able to communicate with it and it told me I had a very rare beast affinity. Musashi looked a the panther nodding as that was part of the agreement with Enyo in order to be bonded together. Enyo continued it told me that it respected you for being able to defeat it and wanted me to bond you to it so that's what I did. Musashi was shocked but these events but quickly asked so you can bond other beast to other people? He responded not just any people they must be my own blood or a subordinate who is completely loyal to me. Musashi could only nod at the requirements. He then said sit down and rest to recover your strength we will set out again once they get back. Enyo did what he was told and sat down. The bonding process was very exhaustive and took a lot of his energy to complete. After 40 minutes they returned with the next target. This time Enyo would fight while the panthers kept the other animals at bay he wanted to see how many he could kill. What type of beast is it Musashi said. Alvis spoke up and said captain it's a flame tiger. The perfect beast Musashi said. How many are there Musashi asked. 15 captain the strongest being level 4. Musashi just smiled and said are you ready son show me what you can do. Enyo smile and said I'll show you ever father. They traveled for what seemed like 20 minutes before they reached a clearing. Musashi then instructed on his panther to instruct the others to surround the tigers. The wolves also followed the panthers so no problems occurred. They all then started to approach the tigers. Enyo pull out his sword and readied his mind. He seemed like a lion ready to pounce at any moment. Sensing their approach the tigers readied themselves for a fight. They started roar and baring their teeth. The six of them split up with Enyo moving towards the side with all level one beast. Once they had enough space he stop and stared at beast giving them a Provoking gaze. Enyo made the first move quickly staving the first tiger in the eye before kicking it in the head. He had no wasted movements. The minute he moved everyone else moved as well attacking the rest while the wolves and panthers made sure not tiger ran away. Although the moved he made on the tiger were critical it didn't kill him. He quickly moved from one tiger to another engaging in battle with 4 at once. Most would say this was a reckless move but to Enyo it was exciting. His body was bending and twisting in all directions dodging attack after attack. He had completely tuned out his surroundings and only focused on the battle. Finally after 20 minutes he killed the first tiger but in exchange he got bit on the shoulder by once from his blind side. He threw it off of him and put some distance between them so he could recompose himself. Musashi quickly arrived by his side to check on him. But Enyo just said he was fine before rushing back into battle. He was a battle maniac and getting the wound just made his attacks more intense. His mind was moving fast and his attacks were getting sharper. He kept wanting to to move fast like the wind his thoughts kept running as the wind gathered around him. The next thing that happened stunned everyone when it looked like he was cornered he disappeared from the spot he was in like a ghost. He then appeared next to each tiger delivering fatale blows to all of them in an instant. No one knew what happened including Enyo as he realized he killed all his opponents. His father then said finish now the all quickly finished off the rest of the tigers. Enyo then got a notification from the system. 5 out of 10 beasts kill 58 hours left to complete task. Enyo smile he was halfway done and close to getting his cultivation technique.