The Truth

They cleaned up the battlefield letting the beast feast on the corpses after cleaning them of any valuables. Enyo sat in his tent waiting for his father to show up. After giving his subordinates some order Musashi returned to the tent to see Enyo waiting for him. He could only inwardly sigh as he didn't expect this moment to come so soon. Siting down Musashi stared at Enyo silently before saying son do you remember what I said about your mothers family. Enyo nodded wondering what they had to do with his fathers level increase. Musashi continued we me and your mother first ran away there were a lot of assassins after us. We fought endlessly for years before finally shaking them off our tail. But we knew we couldn't stay off their radar forever. So we came back here and at the time Titus had just become emperor. So I went to him for help and that's how I became the knight commander. But I knew that wasn't enough I had to get stronger to protect your mother. So I trained day and night but I knew it still wasn't enough. All was quiet for the next ten years and then we got great news. Your mother was pregnant with you and our lives would get even better. We went out for a walk and we ambushed by her family wanting to take her back. We don't know how they knew she was pregnant but they wanted you to be born in the family under their guidance. It was a rough fight and I ended up heavily injured if not for us being so close to the emperors home and him noticing and coming over I would've died and you and your mother would've been taken. It took me 2 weeks to recover but I was not confident to protect you too. Then one day we got a an unexpected visitor it was your grandmother. She came to help your mother and I to our surprise. She was going on a journey but wanted to make sure her daughter and grandchild would be safe. She gave me a strange fruit that exuded a strange aura. Once I ate it I felt power surge into my body and I broke through to the sixth level just like that. She then gave me a technique to shield my level so no one would now and we can protect ourselves. The only time my true level would be exposed is when I used my full power. She stayed with us for a week before leaving and only said she would come back once her journey was over and hoped to see you healthy and strong. Ever since that day I never used my full power and that also meant not using my elements which is why I got hurt in the war. I had to have her family think I wasn't progressing in my cultivation. It was all to protect you and your mother. I don't know how much long I can keep it a secret but as long as you're safe then it doesn't matter. Once he finished his story Enyo could say anything to him. He was shocked and surprised at the story and had a lot of questions. I know you have some questions Musashi said but they will have to wait till we return I feel your mother should also hear what you have to say. Enyo reluctantly nodded then Musashi said get some rest we will continue your hunt in the morning. Meanwhile deep in a dark room a woman walked in. My lord we've seem to have lost contact with the assassins and our watcher doesn't know what happened. An old man opened his eyes hmmmm interesting tell them to keep digging, I wonder who has the guts to interfere with my business. He then closed his eyes as if nothing had happened.