Only one left

The next morning Enyo work up and came out the tent. It was still quiet and only Inazuma was awake with him. Master what are we going to do today he asked excitedly. We will continue to hunt I need to kill 5 more level one beast in 2 more days. Inazuma then said master I want to become stronger. Enyo was a little taken aback by what he said but then had a look of determination and said we will get stronger together. Enyo started to do a light workout while Inazuma watched attentively. Up in a tree Koning was watching Enyo while talking to Musashi through their link. Master how are your injuries he asked. They are fine just a scratch I'll be healed within the hour then we will set out have your men ready. Koning growled lowly alerting the other panthers who woke up and started to walk around loosening up their bodies. Seeing this Enyo looked at Inazuma and asked what happened. The king just told us we will be setting out soon and to get ready. Enyo knew it was probably his fathers order and just continued what he was doing. After an hour Musashi came out of his tent and said assemble, the knights quickly formed up he then gave his orders. You guys will split into 2 teams so we can hunt faster you will each have one wolf and one panther with you. The rest of the panthers will stay with us when you find some beasts report back you are dismissed. They quickly set out to fulfill their tasks. Musashi looked at Enyo son do not push yourself to hard today just do your best. I will father Enyo had strong motivation to become stronger and needed his cultivation technique. The first group returned captain we've found a group of earth rhinos with 2 level ones. Lead the way Musashi commanded as the headed that direction quickly. They arrived 15 minutes later and surrounded the rhinos the leader was level 4 and was looking at Koning with a questioning gaze. What do you think you're doing it roared how dare you come into my territory. Musashi looked at Koning with a questioning gaze. Master he wanted to know why we are in his territory. Musashi thought to himself before saying, tell them my son wants to challenge those 2 to a life and death battle. Koning looked at the rhinos before repeating it and saying we will not interfere if the young lords life is in danger. The rhino look at Enyo before laughing that weak human sure sure 2 on 1 we will not interfere. Koning relayed what was said to Musashi who then said son you can fight those 2 no one will interfere. Enyo nodded and walked forward towards the rhinos ready for battle. He struck quick with his sword before they could react but to his surprise he didn't make a scratch on them. Son they're earth rhinos they have skin is very tough. Enyo landed back where he started as the rhinos charged he need to figure out what to do. Suddenly his mind flashed to the attack his father did the night before. Although lightning is weak against earth the destructiveness should be enough. He started to try and sense the element and soon enough lightning started to form around his blade Musashi was stunned at how fast his son was progressing skill wise. Enyo dodged the last attack before channeling the energy he stored up. He moved in a flash and before he knew it he cleaved through both rhinos necks without any resistance. Everyone even the rhino leader was stunned. Enyo simply bowed to the rhino leader before walking back to his father. Inazuma simply shook its head before walking behind Musashi.