The Red Scale Lizard Vs Core Disciple

After thinking much he wanted to return back from deep Yu-Shan Mountain at that time he heard a fighting sound coming from a deep mountain. Ye Chen can't hide his curiosity and enter deep Yu-Shan Mountain without caring about the consequences.

After he enters in deep mountains he saw the Red Scale Lizard who just enter the Deep Yu-Shan Mountains was battling with some disciples of the Yunmeng Sect. Ye Chen walks in that direction and stops a Hundred meters away from them looking at the battle. There are four disciples one woman and three men fighting against Red Scale Lizard. The man in front was very strong after looking at the batch he was wearing, Ye Chen understands that he was a core disciple in Yunmeng Sect. There were not many core disciples in Yunmeng most of only ten or so and their position is also higher than many elders in Yunmeng Sect. Thought this is the first time Ye Chen saw a core disciple.

The man in front was strong but those who are following the man were injured and many wounds on their body blood was following continuously. But they didn't back away from the fighting.

The frontman was wearing a white martial arts robe while his brown color hairs fluttering in the air.

The strength of the four-man party in front of the Red Scale Lizard was not weak either. Ye Chen was trying to find their cultivation level but Ye Chen didn't. Their cultivation level was many time's higher than Ye Chen.

With a snort, smoke began to emit from the Red Scale Lizard nostrils as well.

"Sister Chyou attack the beast from the left side, you two attack him from the right side, I will attack him from the front." The front man gives orders to his fellow disciples after he said anyone didn't argue and followed the orders.

"The flowers dance." The girl attacks the beast from the left side her attack looks very beautiful and harmless. But the petals of the flowers were very sharp, sliced Red Lizard body like meat. Even his scales started to show cracks.

"Roar" The Beast roar.

From the right side the disciple who are following the front man instructions also attack.

"The Broken finger."

"The thousand demon hands."

These attacks do not harm that much to the Red Scale Lizard.


The huge Red Scale Lizard opened its mouth. And an enormous flume of fire erupted from its fangs, headed directly for the party.

Where the fire came near, the very stone on the ground underneath the fire began to warp, crack and even shatter from the intense heat.


The Brown-headed leader said in a deep voice.


The brown-haired disciple kicked a large rock nearly half a meter long at the Red Scale Lizard. With the speed and power of enormous slingshots split the air, howling as pierced forth toward the Red Scale Lizard.


Seeing this battle from afar, Ye Chen's hands were tightly clenched.

"How Incredible." This is the first time Ye Chen Saw the strong cultivators battling, how can he not be surprised after seeing their strength.

Staring at the Red Scale Lizard, Ye Chen watched as its whip-like tail snapped about, dancing in front of it.


The giant rock smashed into smithereens. The rocks couldn't even come close to harming the Red Scale Lizard.

"Swoosh!" The Red Scale Lizard tail seemed to be totally unimpeded. It covered an enormous area, whenever it casually passed by the stones would be shattered without any resistance. The stones rolled about everywhere and the entire area was bathed in the dust.

"Roaaaar!" Even in the middle of the dust storm, the Red Scale Lizard mighty roar could be heard, and it continued to vomit fire from its jaws.

"Attack!" The Brown-haired leader ordered.

"ROAR!" The flames erupting from the Red Scale Lizard mouth encompassed a diameter of tens of meters of the surrounding area, bathing them in a sea of fire.


The Red Scale Lizards fire danced around the bodies of the four disciples, but guarded by the Protective Qi, the four disciples definitely would be able to resist the heat.

"Whoosh!" The Red Scale Lizards whip-like tail shot out like lightning, moving faster towards the four charging disciples. The howling sound generated from the whip-like tail shattering the air with its movement caused the expressions on the faces of the four warriors to change dramatically. They immediately tried to leap backwards, like agile monkeys.

But the whip-like tail didn't move in a purely straight pattern; it oscillated and curved strangely, with no fixed pattern.


One of the four warriors didn't manage to dodge in time and was directly struck by the monstrous tail on the waist. The Protective Qi were smashed into nothingness in the blink of an eye. With a slight flick, the tail curled around him and tightly wrapped him up.

"No" the disciple was also screaming in terror.

With but a flick, the tail tossed the disciple directly towards the Red Scale Lizards' mouth. The Red Scale Lizard opened its jaws, revealing its bloody maw, and chomped down. With a terrifying crunching sound, the last thing escaping from the disciple's throat was an anguished scream.

On the ground beneath the Red Scale Lizard saw-like teeth, the disciple's entire body was turned into mincemeat. Half of one bloody leg escaped the Red Scale Lizards' mouth and fell down to the ground. Gleaming white bone could be seen protruding from the bloody half-leg.

"How terrifying."

That sudden display was simply too bloody. when faced with such a terrifying scene for the first time, Ye Chen panicked.

"Huff. Huff." Ye Chen felt as though his heart was being compressed by a giant boulder. His breathing was growing labored, and he started to pant. But in his mind's, he replayed the sight of the young disciple being eaten alive, over and over again.

His belly was ripped open, and his intestines had been shattered. His skull had been crushed, and half his leg had dropped to the ground!

All of these things made it hard for Ye Chen to breathe, and he felt dizzy.

Ye Chen fought many times after coming to this world. He even viciously killed his enemies but it is the first time Ye Chen had seen someone being eaten alive by a huge Red Scale Lizard. After calming down for a moment Ye Chen continued to watch the battle which was still going on a hundred meters away.

"ROAR!" With a howl, the Red Scale Lizard turned its head and bit down towards the disciples, while its huge claws swept towards another one. Its lightning-fast, whip-like tail also struck out, aiming at the third disciple.

The Disciples were pressed to the point of abandoning their assaults and instead of retreating.

Of course, the Red Scale Lizard was a Seventh-Tier Celestial Beast if you want to hunt that beast you need more than ten Seventh-Layer Celestial Realm experts people to attack him simultaneously. How can they win against a Celestial seventh-tier beast with four team party?

"The Red Scale Lizard becomes angry. Quick, run away!" The brown-haired disciple's facial expression changed dramatically, and he shouted in a loud voice.

The three remaining members of the small squad were now all filled with terror.

"Retreat, Retreat."

The brown-haired disciple shouting loudly and running in retreat.

"Run!" The female disciple no longer cared about anything else. She immediately starts running at Ye Chen's side.

"F*CK, why are they running to my side." After seeing them running to his side Ye Chen was terrified. And he also started to retreat at high speed.

"Senior Brother Feng, Save me." The disciple who is running after them cries in horror.

"Ahhh." He was trampled by Red Scale Lizard feet.

Ye Chen also running in retreat. Ao Feng saw Ye Chen running before them and could slow them down he didn't wait for anything and attack Ye Chen.

"The Meteor Punch". Ao Feng Shouted loudly.

"Snort. Snort." The eyes of the Ao Feng were terrifyingly red, and every single muscle in its body was quivering nonstop.

After seeing Ao Feng attack him without warning. Ye Chen becomes really angry. Ye Chen's heart was suddenly filled with dread, as he stared at Ao Feng.

"The Lighting Flash" with a low cry Ye Chen put his every strength in his feet running fast. If that attack shot Ye Chen he definitely dies.


Ye Chen Avoid the attack but the coercion of that attacks hit Ye Chen. In the end, Ye Chen couldn't resist the energy of that attack. Ye Chen was thrown out ten meters away in the sky and almost fainted.

"A little ant dare to come in front of me." Ao Feng said angrily. Getting away from the Red Scale Lizard.

After chasing the disciples away for a minute the Red Scale Lizard glance around his surroundings area and walked away.

In 10 meters away from The Red Scale Lizards Ye Chen was lying on the ground unconscious.

Ye Chen was directly land on the rock. His neck is broken, His Arm was dislocated, his knee is broken, his face was pale white. Blood is flowing like a river in every part of his body.