Revealing Identities

At the same time in Yunmeng Sect.



In front of the door of Ye Chen's room, a Convex and concave figure was standing wearing a red color dress with matching earrings.

"Who." A cold sound comes from Ye Chen's room.

"I'm Ye Lan, can you opened the door please." After some time the door was opened. The figure who opened the door was more bewitching than her but the face with cold expressions pointy ears wearing green jade-like dress.

"Why are you here."

"I come here for Ye Chen were is he, is he still practicing."

"He is not here yet."

"Not here?" Ye Lan shouting loudly.

"Why are you shouting, He goes mountains for training."


"How can he go there does he not know Yang Cao was waiting for him when he leaves the sect." Ye Lan asked.

"How can I know that, but when he goes Mountain he was preparing much equipment to fight, maybe he knows that Yang Cao is going to attack him but he was already prepared for him." Ying Yue whispered.

"Hope so."

"I also look for Yang Cao and his followers and Ye Chen helped the person Yu Dai they are also not in the sect. So I feel kind of worried." Said Ye Lan will be walking left and right looking worried.

"Why are you care about him that much he was just an outdoor disciple." Ying Yue hummed.

"Hmmm." Ye Lan frowned looking at Ying Yue.

"You don't have to know this, and don't think I don't know who you really are. The youngest princes of Star planet Ying Yue. Running away from her home because she doesn't want to get married to the number one genius of star-planet right." Ye Lan said this with a cold face looking at Ying Yue.

"So what you know about this can you tell them that the young Princess Ying Yue was hiding in the human immortal world." Ying Yue also said while releasing some cold energy.

"I don't."

"Just don't make problems for him."

"Ohh, so you are worried about him, he already knows who am I." Ying Yue smiled. Jokingly.

"What? do you said to him?" Ye Lan said angrily.

"No, I didn't say he found out by himself."

"He finds out?" Ye Lan said glaring at Ying Yue with big eyes.

"Yes, I tried to hide myself but he still finds out that I was lying to him."

After hearing these words Ye Lan's face sink. A worried look appears on her face. Going Yue glanced at her evil smiled appear on her face.

"So you are worried that he may know about you guys as well right? So you are right about that he knows about you guys."

As she said this the cold energy spread in the room with killing intent mix in it.

"You want to fight I can accompany you, don't think I'm weak in front of you Ye Lan."

The energy fluctuations in the room do not belong to a celestial or God realm but a true immortal realm. These two young looking girls are at true immortal realm level. If Ye Chen was here he really becomes embarrassed in front of these two girls.

"Don't you think that Ye Chen does not talk to you guys, always stayed up guards against you, always trying to distance away from you. If you ask me he was not simple-minded and believe me he will try to leave your sect as soon as possible. He was just waiting to get stronger so he can leave this place."

This was also true Ye Chen didn't feel that he belongs to Yunmeng Sect or Yunlang Sect. He always thought of getting stronger and leaving this sect as soon as possible. That's why he didn't create any relationship with any disciples and always live solitary. That's also the reason he was staying away from Ye Lan. He also knows Ye Lan was not that simple and staying up guards against her. So he just talks to Ye Lan some time casually.

After what Ying Yue had said Ye Lan glared at her walked away from Ye Chen's room. Ying Yue staring at Ye Lan's leaving back smiling wryly.

The whole day was passed the dark night had arrived.

In the dead of night, even the moon's radiance was snuffed out by the black clouds. The body lying in a quiet part of the forest, the aftermath of an attack. The air reeked of blood drawing wild animals to feast on his flesh.


The groan of a young man can be heard in dark and silenced nights. Ears twitched and the animals approached the source in silence.


With a loud sound, a bloodstained figure revealing himself wrestling to stand but when he trying to stand the crackling sound of his bones can be heard with a miserable cry. The animals jumped two steps back in fright, but when they noticed he was alive, they came back with a vengeance to rob life from him.

"I'm... Still alive?" Ye Chen checked himself blood was still flowing like a drop.


A wolf's howl echoed as the beast sprung towards Ye Chen.

He turned his head, his eyes shining with bloodthirst from his blood-stained face. The killing intent was akin to two swords stabbing into the wolf's eyes.


The wolf grounded to a halt, shivering as it curled backward. The rest of the animals were also making a run for it when they watched those dreadful pair of eyes.

Despite his weak appearance, the animals' instinct screamed at them of the danger Ye Chen posed.

As silence set in once again, Ye Chen took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Ye Chen started he remember what exactly happened before. He was watching the four-man party fighting against Red Scale Lizard but the Red Scale lizard was celestial level beast and strong. He killed two disciples and two disciples flee in his direction one of the male disciples attacked Ye Chen. The male disciple was Ao Feng and the female was Chyou both are core disciples of the Yunmeng sect.

Ao Feng was a Core disciple and his strength was extremely powerful. He had no reason or malice towards Ye Chen, but want to kill him without speaking a word to him. Ye Chen had been in this world for a short time but Ye Chen had understood and learned from experience in what it meant to be strong: to be respected; to be ruthless.

Ye Chen endured the pain, but he kept cursing.

Ye Chen's eyes flashed with devilish glint.

"Ha-ha-ha, Ao Feng, you would have never imagined that was still alive. Wait for me, when I reach the Celestial Realm, you will look into this ant's eyes as I take your life and let you know what despair means. I get today you have to pay thousands of times more."

Only Ye Chen's laughter echoed in the bleak forest. Even the other animals who are wandering were startled into fleeing.

Ye Chen's body every part was broken but he didn't care. Blood was still dripping from his wounds his hand's bones can be seen if anyone saw Ye Chen right now he looked like a half-human, half skeleton.

His horrifying visage, twisted from pain, now darkened the pale face from the extreme blood loss. With each passing moment, his condition was worsened.

At this point, Ye Chen removed the clothes he was wearing. The clothes are stitched in blood, after removing the clothes he looked at his body the body was full of wound blood still flowing. The wounds are too deep and even begin to rot in some places.

Taking a deep breath to calm down. His hand tightened and sat cross-legged, beginning to cultivate he took the healing pills he has brought with him using spirit stones, the material he got from hunting the wild beast using them to replenish his energy. If he did not wake up today he would have died of excessive blood loss or been eaten by a wild beast.

The Qi energy roamed around his body like a flood. Ye Chen sank into concentration as he operated the cultivation method to make the energy flow through his meridians and widening little by little.

The entire power of a Qi Condensation realm flowed through his body. The force was on the verge of bursting his meridians as his forehead broke out in a sweat. But he pushed through it he was already hurt to point of death how can he still care about the little pain he was enduring right now.

Time passed one second at a time for two hours long hours, as Ye Chen gnashed his teeth and sweat poured from him like a river…

He loosened his hands only on the sixth hour, when the Qi energy, after roaming his body for hundreds of times.

He slowly opened his eyes and released a long breath. The clouds on the horizon began to brighten, and the stuffed wild animals returned to the depths of the forest.