Kind Hearted Ying Yue

The whole dark night had passed.

Ye Chen opened his eyes after cultivating the whole night. The wound on his body still can be seen by naked eyes.

"It's morning? I didn't expect using every cultivation resource and eating dozens of healing pills I still can't heal the wound on my body."

Ye Chen shook his head looking at his wounded body. Sighed.

"It's better to go Yunmeng sect now. So I can heal myself." Ye Chen think.

He stands up from his place frowning, he walked cautiously in yunmeng direction. He was clear on his limitations. Even if he had an Eight-Layer Qi Condensation Realm, he was heart badly if he meets any ill-minded disciple or any wild beast he couldn't deal with the simplest martial skill. He had no power to retaliate if he met an expert.

As such, being prudent took first priority. After all, he wasn't the all-powerful right now he was not in his heydays.

With steps as light as a cat, he has begun to leave the Yu-Shan mountains. As he walks, some lite cracks can be heard from his bones and some blood dripping from his wounds. Looking at these Ye Chen Shaking his head, he sighed and walked out.

As he was returning he saw many wild beasts but Ye Chen didn't go in their direction when he saw any wild beast he just hides even if they are strong or weak. It's not like Ye Chen can't fight the weak wild beast if he fights them the sound of battle can attract other beasts even worst the disciples and what he saw in this world was the strong can pray on weak. In here human nature is worst than any wild animal so he didn't fight them and walking in Yunmeng Sect direction will hiding.

After going to Yunmeng Sect Ye Chen didn't go to Contributions halls he directly goes to his room. After entering in his room there were Ying Yue sitting-crossed legs on the bed doing cultivation he glanced at her and enter in cultivation room.

When Ye Chen was entering in his cultivation room Ying Yue opened her eyes looking at Ye Chen's figure. His clothes are drenched in blood the hand was loosened dropping some blood from his fingers. Ying Yue thinks he has come from a death battle.

After entering in his cultivation room Ye Chen took the healing peels he had stored in drawers. Taking them and sitting-crossed legs while cultivating. After eating five or six healing pills Ye Chen begins to rotate his qi in his body. The pain was still quite unbearable sweat dripping from his head. But after some time the pain was beginning to fade and some nice feelings begins to appear. The wounds started to close and some even begin to fade. Ye Chen didn't stop there he took two more profound pills and started to rotate his Qi energy in his every meridian the soothing filling begins to appears.

After some time Ye Chen opened his eyes looked at his body. The clothes are still drenched in blood but the wounds on his body had closed even faded. After looking at himself and smelling the odors of his body he smells like some wild beast. The blood was already dry on his clothes and body. Ye Chen stands up and begins to walk in the direction of the washroom. After entering in his bathtub Ye Chen cleansed him thoroughly. The bloodstains on his body are washed away from water. The red water started to flow in the bathroom. He drops two cold water buckets on him again and walked out of the bathroom after drying him up with a piece of cloth.

He watched him in the mirror and a cold light appeared in his eyes remembering when Ao Feng attacked him without any consent. He understood again that what it meant to be strong: to be respected; to be ruthless.

He was convinced that someday his hard work and innate gifts would make him strong enough to take his revenge and he believed that day would not be far away.

For the first time, the concept of a cultivation clearly imprinted itself in Ye Chen's mind.

At the same time…

Ye Chen suddenly had a powerful urge to become a powerful cultivator as well.

"If one day, I will become stronger than anyone can't hurt me at all" Fantasizing about it, Ye Chen felt the blood in his veins boil to the limit. He was in a state of tremendous excitement.

Right at that moment?

Ye Chen knew the path that he would take in the future.

To pursue the peak, the pinnacle of power.

After drying up Ye Chen put on some clothes. White color martial robe with blue color lining on him walking to his bed to get some rest.

"Are you alright?" After he going to his bed a worried sound comes in front of him. Ying Yue was looking at him

"Are you worried about me?" Ye Chen looks at her with an expressionless face.

"You can't even respect when someone shows you kindness." Ying Yue hummed.

"Kindness. When did a dignified princess of Star planet, begin to show her kindness to lowly humans." Ye Chen joked.


"Anyway, so you fight with anyone who is stronger than you that's why you get hurt."


"Is it Yang Cao?"

"Yang Cao? No, I killed him."


"So, who it was I can help you to take your revenge against him."

After Ying Yue said this Ye Chen looked at her and smiled.

"There is no need. He will only die by my hands, his death is worst than anything he had imagined." As he said this his eyes showed a glee. As a murderous look appeared on his face.

After looking at Ye Chen's evil look Ying Yue didn't say anything standing at her place quietly.

"if you don't have anything to say, I'm going to rest don't disturb me then." As Ye Chen said this he goes to his bed.

Too arrogant, too arrogant, too arbitrary!

Ye Chen was too arrogant in front of Ying Yue didn't give her much respect. She was become angry and wanted to say something to him but Ye Chen was already going to bed so she didn't say anything standing there glaring at him.

The day has been passed. Ye Chen finally woke up his pale-looking face begins to show radiance as before. He recovers the blood loss he had before.

"Hey, are you wake up, now?"

"Uhmm, Yes."

"Ying Yue, you are looking more beautiful than before I saw you," said Ye Chen complimenting her while smiling sheepishly.

Ying Yue blushed when she heard Ye Chen compliment her but soon put her cold face on.

"Still have a glib tongue here."

"It looks like you are recovered from yesterday."

"Yes, Yes, because I'm handsome don't you think so."

"If you are recovered then drink this herbal tea, it will help you replenish your energy."

"Thank You." Said Ye Chen looking warmly at Ying Yue.

"Yack, why the tea is bitter." Ye Chen face become sour the tea was really bitter.

"Drink it, it will help you." Ying Yue shouting at Ye Chen. Stomping her foot on the ground.

"Why are you shouting at me, I'm the real owner of this place."

Ye Chen nodded. He finally drinks this tea. He can't handle the glaring look of Ying Yue.

He closed his eyes and drink the tea slowly. His long black hair is on his back. Bitter look on his face looking like some small child.

Ying Yue looked at Ye Chen's face he looked like some small kid who didn't saw the dark side of this world.

"Why didn't you find it before?"